Published at 12th of June 2024 05:26:55 AM

Chapter 318

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Chapter 318

However, a moment ago, he saw the Mingyue Priest sacrificing her own fresh blood to help Lin Zaozao get treated, while Uncle could only stand by helplessly.

Uncle is now the ruler of a nation, but when he saw the person he loved hurting herself to make the sacrifice, he was still powerless, wasn't he?

So when he grows up and possesses power over thousands of people, how is he going to protect this little girl in front of him!

"Gu Shan!"


Gu Shan lay beside Lin Zaozao's bed and said coldly.

"You are a nightmare spirit, and cannot touch Zaozao carelessly. For her safety, let Dashan take care of her in the sacrificial hall from now on!"


Gu Shan looked at Lin Zaozao lying on the bed and said dejectedly.

He was really useless. Even though he knew about the demoniac lurking in Zaozao's body, he could not capture it.VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

It was in vain that his future self had specifically come back to remind him to be careful about the demoniac in Zaozao's body.

Han Ye glanced at Gu Shan, then turned to look at Han Xibei and Dashan, who were guarding the door.

"Dashan, from today onwards, besides your essential lessons, you must stay by Zaozao's side at all other times."

"But Prince Han Ye, you know I don't have much time to guard the Little Priestess, I..."

"Dashan, Zaozao is more important than anything right now. Put your tasks aside for now!"


"Dashan, you must prioritize what is important."

Han Ye said sternly.

"Alright, I will listen to Prince Han Ye."

Dashan glanced at Lin Zaozao lying on the bed and could only agree reluctantly.

When Lin Zaozao woke up again, she saw Gu Shan lying beside her bed, and Dashan cleaning the room.

"Zaozao, you're awake. How are you feeling? Does your head still hurt?"

Gu Shan stretched out his hand, wanting to hold Lin Zaozao's hand, but fearing that he might hurt her, he had to withdraw his hand again.

"Little Priestess Mingzhu, you're awake. Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

Dashan threw down the rag he was holding and asked Lin Zaozao with concern.

"I'm not dead yet!"

"Of course you're not dead. Little Priestess, after you were hurt, it was the Mingyue Priest who saved you.

I see your lips are very dry. Let me boil some water for you now."

Dashan said, and without waiting for Lin Zaozao to speak, he turned and walked out the door.

Listening to Dashan's retreating footsteps, Lin Zaozao looked up at the slightly yellowed white bed canopy above her head, and her childlike eyes were now devoid of any light.

"Zaozao, you promised me, didn't you? You would strive to live on, no matter how painful it gets. Don't worry, I won't easily leave you again.

I'm sorry, Zaozao. If I hadn't left earlier, you wouldn't have been hurt. Zaozao, I'm sorry..."

"Little Husband Gu Shan, it's not your fault. I wanted to go home and didn't want to stay here anymore."

Lin Zaozao stared blankly at the white canopy above, her eyes devoid of any spirit.

After her attempted suicide, when she thought she would die, she clearly heard the cold electronic voice of that damned system.

Before the task was completed, it would not let her die. Even if she wanted to commit suicide, that damned system had ways to revive her.

Gu Shan gripped the bedsheet beside Lin Zaozao, his eyes burning with intensity as he spoke.

"Okay, it'll be our secret."

Lin Zaozao reached out her hand, intending to touch Gu Shan's, but he withdrew from her touch.

"Zaozao, don't touch me, or you'll get hurt."

"Alright, I won't touch you."

Lin Zaozao smiled faintly.

"Little Priestess Mingzhu, the water is boiled, quick, get up and drink!"

Dashan hurried over to the table, carrying a small bronze kettle. He took out a few green leaves from a small bamboo tube at his waist and tossed them into the teapot, then poured the boiling water from the bronze kettle into it.

In an instant, a fresh fragrance permeated the entire room. Inhaling that fragrance, even Lin Zaozao, whose mood had been gloomy, couldn't help but feel refreshed.

"Dashan, what did you put in the teapot?"

"It's the tea leaves that Uncle grows. I just picked a few leaves. Little master, try it, the tea has a wonderful aroma."

Dashan carefully blew on the tea in the cup, making sure it wasn't too hot to drink, before carefully handing it to Lin Zaozao.

"Little Priestess Mingzhu, try this tea and see if it's good?"

"Dashan, just call me Zaozao!"

Lin Zaozao took a sip from Dashan's hand and said softly.

"Uncle said the rules can't be broken, so I'll just call you Little Priestess. Little Priestess, you're still so young, practically a newborn baby. Don't worry, I'll follow Han Ye's instructions and take good care of you."

"Then I thank you, Dashan."

Lin Zaozao took the opportunity of Dashan's support to sit up in bed and express her gratitude.

"Hehehe! No need to thank me. Zaozao, can you tell me how you got hurt just now?

Was it really because you have to be sacrificed once you grow up, like the King and the Old Priest said?"

"Something like that!"


Upon hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Dashan's voice rose sharply, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Why would that be? Girls are so precious, how could they be used as sacrifices! If there must be a sacrifice, shouldn't it be a boy like me?

Moreover, you've only just been born and you're the future Grand Priest of Han Country. How could you be sacrificed?"

Dashan's brow furrowed tightly, his face full of incredulity.

"Dashan, whether it's a boy or a girl, they're all precious. They're their parents' treasures, how could they be used as sacrifices!"

"But Little Priestess, I don't have parents. Uncle Zhang found me in a pile of corpses."


Meeting Dashan's naive gaze, Lin Zaozao couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"Dashan, even though you don't have parents, Uncle Zhang took you in, so he is like your parents.

He raised you to this age, so if anything happened to you, he would definitely be heartbroken."

"Little Priestess, you were conceived by the Holy Tree, but the Holy Tree won't feel heartbroken for you. So from today onwards, I'll be the one who cares for you and protects you, okay?"

"Hahaha... okay! Thank you, Dashan."

Lin Zaozao was someone whose emotions came and went quickly. When her emotions flared up, she could take drastic and resolute actions.

But once those emotions passed, she would feel afraid when she looked back on it.

Just like now, she had a way to deal with that vicious system within her, and she no longer wanted to seek death.

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