Published at 12th of June 2024 05:35:28 AM

Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

Lin Zaozao rubbed her nose, which hurt from being hit. Tears involuntarily came out of her eyes from the pain.

Damn, why did Murong Hai and the others prepare a stone bed for her? Now her nose really hurt.

Thinking of this, Lin Zaozao angrily got out of bed and gave the bed a fierce kick.

"Ow! Oh my god!"

Lin Zaozao hugged her foot as it throbbed with pain.

Damn, she really had a lapse of judgment just now. She should have put her shoes on before kicking the bed. Now her toes were probably fractured, the pain was killing her.

"Little fatty, why are you yelling?"

"Murong Hai, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare."

In order to prevent Murong Hai from coming in and laughing at her, Lin Zaozao could only endure the pain and pretend to go back to sleep.

She was really tired after a long day, now she was extremely sleepy. However, the stone bed that Gu Shan and the others had prepared for her was quite comfortable to sleep on.

Thinking about this, Lin Zaozao soon fell into a deep sleep. Murong Hai, who had been standing guard outside the door, couldn't help but smile when he heard the loud snores coming from the room.

This little fatty Lin Zaozao would only settle down after falling asleep. Even though she didn't have any intention of consummating the marriage with them, she still took every opportunity to tease them.

Thinking of this, Murong Hai jumped directly onto a tree outside the door and closed his eyes to rest.

To be honest, he was also exhausted after being busy all day, he was really tired now.

In the middle of the night, Lin Zaozao, who had to pee urgently, unconsciously touched the person beside her as she got up. Feeling some warm skin next to her, she didn't think much of it.

After all, with her thick skin in recent times, she was no stranger to sleeping with Gu Shan and the others.

Now that she touched someone's skin in her half-asleep state, she thought the person lying next to her was her husband!

"Move over, I need to pee urgently."Diiscover new stories at nove/lbin(.)c/om

Lin Zaozao pushed the person beside her with her eyes closed. Feeling him move away, she crawled out of bed with her eyes closed and groped her way to the chamber pot behind the screen.

After taking care of her business, Lin Zaozao groped her way back to the bed with her eyes closed. But as soon as she climbed onto the bed, the warm body next to her moved close to her again.

"Baby, you're quite proactive today! Here, sister will reward you with a kiss. Mwah..."

With her eyes closed, Lin Zaozao leaned over and planted a hard kiss on the person next to her.

After the kiss, she opened her eyes slightly and glanced at the handsome man lying next to her, then prepared to lie down and continue sleeping.

But as soon as she lay down, Lin Zaozao's eyes widened in shock. She turned her head tremulously and looked into those eyes glowing golden in the darkness.

"Oh my god! Gho..ghost..."

Before Lin Zaozao could shriek, the person lying beside her covered her mouth with his hand.

At this moment, Lin Zaozao was wide awake, she pushed desperately against the gorgeous man pressed on top of her.

But the man stuck to her body tightly like a piece of sticky tape.

Feeling helpless to push him away, a thought quickly flashed through Lin Zaozao's mind.

It must be a ghost pressing on her body!

Oh my god! She was so ugly now, yet the ghost wanted to press on her body, why didn't it choose someone more attractive, pressing on her, a fatty like this?

Just as Lin Zaozao was trembling with fright looking at the ghost pressing on her, preparing to bite the fingers covering her mouth. The male ghost smiled "gently" at her, and pointed at her chest area.

Then, Lin Zaozao felt like a mummy, unable to move at all.

Lin Zaozao rolled her eyes hard, why wasn't Murong Hai, who said he would stand guard outside her door, coming in to save her life now that she was pressed under a male ghost!

And Ye Yi, wasn't he a ghost catcher? How could he not sense that a ghost had entered this mansion!

Ruo Qiu turned around and said helplessly.

"Oh! You can't, wrong specialty."

Lin Zaozao released Ruo Qiu's arm and went to Ye Yi's side.

"Ye Yi, aren't you a shaman? Come, help me see if there are any ghosts on my bed?"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's voice, Ye Yi's eyebrows crinkled. He followed Lin Zaozao's pull towards her bed.

When he reached the bedside, he turned back to look at Lin Zaozao puzzledly, signaling her to explain more clearly.

“Ye Yi, I got attacked by a ghost pressing on me last night. It was a very handsome male ghost.

That male ghost was not only handsome, but also had a pair of glowing golden eyes. Last night, that male ghost actually laid on top of me and pressed on me for the whole night.”

“A handsome male ghost? He even pressed on you? Little fatty, are you sure it was him pressing on you instead of you pressing him?” Ruo Qiu asked with a smile.

“Of course it was him pressing on me. He even took off my clothes and touched me!”

“Lin Zaozao, aren't you speaking in reverse? Your words would be a bit more credible if you said you touched the ghost instead.” Ruo Qiu tilted her head and smiled.

“You don’t believe me!” Lin Zaozao pointed at Ruo Qiu in disbelief.

“No, no.” Ruo Qiu turned her head to the side with a smile.

Ruo Qiu crossed her arms over her chest and twisted her lips, looking at Lin Zaozao somewhat speechlessly. This little fatty Lin Zaozao probably had a wet dream last night.

A very handsome male ghost! That’s got to be a lie!

Seeing the hint of a smile in Ruo Qiu's eyes, Lin Zaozao’s temper flared up immediately.

“Ruo Qiu, I'm not lying. Really, it was just last night. That damn male ghost laid on my bed, stripped me naked, and felt me up for half the night, really!”

Standing to the side, Murong Hai and the others, upon hearing Lin Zaozao’s words, they instantly became speechless.

This little fatty Lin Zaozao, how could she so blatantly describe the wet dream she had last night to them in such vivid detail as a ghost attack?

“Little fatty, was the male ghost last night handsome or not?” Ji Fantian leaned against the door and asked aloud.

“Handsome! Simply stunning!” Lin Zaozao affirmed enthusiastically.

“Is that so? With such a handsome ghost keeping you company at night, you didn't lose out. So little fatty, settle down now, wash your face, and then have breakfast. After all, we still have things to do later!”

Hearing Ji Fantian's indifferent words, Lin Zaozao felt like her head was going to burst into flames from anger.

This Ji Fantian, based on his tone, clearly didn't believe her story!

Although she didn't lose out, ah! No, although the male ghost didn't take a bite out of her, she was still a woman!

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Ye Yi, upon hearing the bickering between Lin Zaozao and Ji Fantian, became distracted by a very faint mark he noticed on Lin Zaozao's pillow.

Didn't he just arrive today?

Even if he did come yesterday, why would he go to Zaozao's room and do that kind of thing to her?

With his free and unrestrained bearing, how could he possibly lack access to women? Moreover, Lin Zaozao, this uniquely different little fatty!

Just as Ye Yi was lost in thought looking at the mark, Lin Zaozao, who had just lost a verbal sparring match with Ji Fantian, nudged Ye Yi’s arm.

“Ye Yi, did you notice anything sinister about the bed?”

Ye Yi reached out his hand and inconspicuously wiped away the mark, then shook his head at Lin Zaozao.

No evil spirits, but definitely a man.

Although no one else noticed Ye Yi wiping away the mark, Gu Shan, who had been sitting silently in his wheelchair, saw it clear as day.

Seeing Ye Yi shake his head in denial again, Lin Zaozao also started to doubt herself. Could it really have just been a wet dream last night?

But that dream felt so real! Most importantly, that male ghost was so incredibly handsome!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!