The Third Empire - Chapter 193

Published at 19th of October 2021 11:59:13 AM

Chapter 193: 193

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Franco was stunned when he heard what xierik said. What plan?

"I am not optimistic that we will continue to attack Madrid this time." "Even if we mobilize the armored division, it won't work. The armored division is a field force, not an Street force. In the street battle, our troops will suffer unacceptable losses," Herrick said

Chirac made it clear that Germany sent troops and there would be an armored division, but it was definitely not fighting in the street.

Other people don't know, and Shrek knows very well that street fighting is a terrible meat grinder! How many people died in the later Stalingrad defense war in Germany and the Soviet Union?

Shrek won't send his precious troops to consume.

Hearing this, Franco was stunned and didn't hit Madrid? Do you want to play Madrid in front of you?

"As I said last time, it is unwise to attack Madrid rashly without cutting off Madrid's foreign aid. Now, the best way is to attack the surrounding areas first and thoroughly encourage Madrid."

Although his staff said the last proposal, everyone present knew it. Franco knew, of course, that he had just deliberately forgotten.

And now Franco can't fit it anymore.

The scene was cold and no one spoke.

The first time was to underestimate the enemy, did not beat Madrid, and even did not get close to the urban area. At the same time, everyone knew that hilrick's inference was correct.

At present, half of Spain is still under the control of the Republican Army. They still have deep war potential. Moreover, there are many ports that can receive assistance from the Soviet Union.

As long as the Soviet Union continues to give blood transfusion, the war will not end easily.

However, Franco will never agree. Madrid is right in front of him. It's more painful for him to give up Madrid than to kill him.

Everyone knows what's going on, but they don't know what to say. Now, it's the conflict of ideas between Franco and Shrek.

Although nominally, the vulture Legion is under the unified command of Franco, in fact, Franco can't transfer the vulture Legion alone without the consent of Chirac.

Last winter's was an example.

"General Jose, what do you think of my proposal?" Seeing Franco's silence for a long time, hilrick said to the commander of the new central army.

"Well, I think what you said is reasonable, but General Franco also has his consideration. We still have to listen to General Franco's arrangement." Jose didn't dare to look up at Shrek. He just lowered his head and talked to himself.

Without Chirac, there would be no Jose. Jose is a bridge between Chirac and Franco, but now, between Franco and Chirac, Jose doesn't know how to choose.

So Jose is simply smart and doesn't offend anyone.

Hilrick sneered at himself. He thought he was smart, but he was stupid!

His statement at this time will certainly hurt Franco. As the commander of the central army promoted by Franco, Jose did not support Franco's decision. For today's statement, Franco must have killed an opportunity in his heart. This man is definitely a man with dark psychology and can't tolerate any betrayal.

"General mora, what do you think?" Xierik continued to ask, today's meeting was very successful. He succeeded by provoking these people under Franco to conflict with Franco.

Emilio mora, born in Cuba in 1887, joined the Spanish army in 1907. After promotion, he was promoted to brigadier general in 1927.

Last year, Mora joined the Spanish military alliance organized by former military leader general Jose Sancho, planning to overthrow the Second Republic of Spain and build momentum for Sancho at home.

After the outbreak of the civil war, Mora became an important commander of the national army. After Sancho died of an accident, the command of the national army was divided into Mora in the north and General Franco in the south.

After badahos opened up, the two armies of the north and the South joined together. Mora accepted Franco's leadership and besieged Madrid together.

As the same general mora, who enjoys a high reputation in Spain, he doesn't look at Franco's face. After hearing Chirac's question, he thought a little and opened his mouth: "I think what general Chirac said is reasonable. I heard that the international column has been organized to the 15th detachment, with a steady stream of external reinforcements coming from various countries, We are not fighting a republican government, but half the world. "

For general mora, it doesn't matter whether it's early or late. What he values is also the reinforcement of the outside world. Madrid is constantly being transfused. If he wants to win Madrid, he can only cut off their support!

Even Mora supported xierik's statement, and Franco's face became cold.

Now, there are two people present who haven't spoken. The commander of Italy has been listening. It doesn't matter how they fight. Then, the rest is the commander of the southern army, Liano.

Liano knew that at this time, he had to make a statement. Although in his heart, he also supported hilrick's view, he knew that if he said so, Franco would be angry.

During the crisis, there was an idea. Liano said, "I don't think it's difficult to block foreign assistance. For example, we can ask the Italian fleet and the German fleet to patrol in the Mediterranean and our Atlantic to interfere with the assistance of the Soviet people. After all, the Soviet people are members of the non intervention Committee."

Last September, in response to the Spanish Civil War that broke out in Europe, a meeting of the "non intervention committee" including 27 European countries was held in London. The committee officially began its work, which banned the export and transit of weapons and military materials to Spain.

Germany and Italy are not members, while the Soviet Union is.

Liano's proposal solves the current problem. Xierik's proposal is that only by cutting off their reinforcements can there be hope of victory, so we can't play Madrid first.

According to Liano, we should change the way, cut off reinforcements and let the Navy do it. The war on land must be solved from Madrid.

Franco said, "I think this method is feasible!"

Of course it works for you. This is to provoke direct contradictions between Italy, Germany and the Soviet Union! Xierik couldn't help thinking of it in his heart. However, xierik didn't veto this proposal too much. Since it's all military training, it's good to train with the Shanghai army. In particular, it's time to enter the Mediterranean after staying in the Atlantic for a long time.

So, Shrek nodded.

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