Published at 5th of October 2022 08:10:26 AM

Chapter 107

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After two dynasties, the Zhao family said that they would pull it out, and Xiao Zhige's iron fists sounded the alarm for the rest of the old ministers who were still lucky enough to rely on the old to sell the old and grasp the new emperor

after he ascended the throne, things went on one after another, and there were still many things he had not had time to do

the most serious bad debts are the catering department and the weaving department. These two places are in charge of the food and clothing of the master in the palace. They are rich in oil and water. An Changqing was the first to take these two places. In the past, bad debts were not to blame. But in the future, when an Changqing asked Wang Yu to inquire about the price, he set a clear price. In this way, there will be less oil and water in the middle

these old people in the palace are used to using their own tunes. Seeing that an Changqing is kind-hearted and has not been held accountable, they think that he is a soft persimmon and wants to continue to handle it

then he took a look at Wang Yu, who was waiting for him, and Wang Yu stepped back consciously

"what's the matter?" An Changqing sat up straight

his eyes are high. If Xiao Zhige nods, he will make trouble

"nonsense." Xiao Zhige had no choice but to pinch his waist punitively and explained, "I mean, if you have the chance to become an official in the imperial examination, or do something else, would you still be trapped in the palace?"

the last generation was a empress, and he was trapped in the harem all day long. Besides reading books and making tea, I have never been out of the palace. No matter how big the palace is, it's just a cage. How can it be outside."I think so, too." Xiao Zhige laughed: "here, you are so capable. You shouldn't be trapped in the back palace for me."

"here, don't worry..." Xiao Zhige pressed his back neck and bit him on the lip: "just believe me. When did I cheat you?"

"..." Xiao Zhige was choked and speechless. A light cough, remedy way: "this time never cheat you, you just wait."

he said at that time: "the death of my mother's concubine had nothing to do with the eldest princess. I was selfish and refused to forgive her. Now it is for my selfishness that the Empress Dowager and the Zhao family have to get rid of me. If the eldest princess hates me, she can take revenge. I'd like to receive a sword from Princess Chang. I only hope that Princess Chang can dispel her hatred. "

"ask me to enter the palace to manage the harem?" Xiao Youxi looked surprised

"yes, I have other arrangements for the canonization of Changqing. I'm not prepared to make him stay in the harem." Xiao Zhige said: "there is no empress dowager in the palace. The only person with the right status is his aunt. So I want to invite my aunt into the palace and take charge of the affairs of the harem for the time being. "

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