Published at 5th of October 2022 08:09:23 AM

Chapter 118

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It's said that someone will go to the South China Sea for investigation, but it's not so simple. From Daye to the South China Sea, you can reach the South China Sea by land or by water from Suizhou to the East China Sea, and then go to the South China Sea by detour. By land, we need to negotiate with Yuze, but by water, we need to spend time and effort rebuilding sea going ships and forming a fleet to go to sea. Either one will take time to prepare. Fortunately, a few days ago, Yuze delivered his national credentials to visit China. After Yuze's envoys arrived in Beijing, they could still discuss the exchange between the two countries.

And Xiao Zhige always felt that Xue Chang and Huai Shuan, Xi Dun and Yu Ze were all related to the chimpanzees. Maybe Yuze also has records about the chimpanzees. However, these things will not be urgent for a while and a half. We can only wait until ambassador Yuze arrives.

The next day is the birthday of an Changqing. Although there is no big event, many friends who are familiar with each other will come to ask for drinks, so there are many guests. An Changqing got up early in the morning. First, he played a set of boxing with Xiao Zhige, and then he went to take a bath and change clothes. Because of today's birthday, Wang Yu's regular clothes and hair crown are festive red. After changing them, the whole person is bright. Xiao Zhige stood beside him in his black and gold weaving uniform, which was a perfect match.

Before they had time to go out, the nurse took Xiao Anheng and his brother and sister. Today, both brothers and sisters are dressed in red. Chubby Dudu looks like a happy baby. An Changqing reaches for it and is suddenly given a big wet kiss on Xiao Anheng's cheek. On one side, Xiao Anzhu was not willing to see it. She leaned over from her breast and pulled an Changqing's sleeve. She was so anxious that she called her father.

An Changqing had to go to hold her again. Xiao Anzhu was held and satisfied. She took an Changqing's neck in her small arms and gave him a kiss on both sides of the cheek.

Xiao Zhige stood behind and said helplessly, "how did I teach you last night?"

Xiao an Zhu looked at him blankly. Xiao an Heng glared at him for a while. Then he thought of something common. He hurriedly made up a kiss on an Chang Qing's face. He said in a waxy voice: "Dad, birthday, Lele!"

This is what Xiao Zhige taught them last night, but although they seem to be precocious, they are still young. After a sleep, they forget everything. At least Xiao an Heng still remembers some, while Xiao an Zhu forgets all. Heard elder brother to say, just immediately followed to say a, then again unconvinced ground gnawed one mouthful in an Changqing chin.

An Changqing was gnawed with saliva on her face. She accompanied her brother and sister for a while. She thought it was time for the guests to arrive. Then she asked the nurse to carry them to the back. Xiao Zhige then took the cloth towel Wang Yu prepared to wipe his face, just went to the front with him.

Zhou Helan was the first guest to arrive, followed by Qi Wei and others. Because it was still early, the first guests were all drinking tea in the flower hall. An Changqing and Xiao Zhige were the masters, so they sat on the main seat and listened to their conversation, occasionally inserting a few words.

Qi Wei, one of the guests, can't help but talk. He is a bit sour to Zhou Helan because he has lost his mind of admiring AI when he is young. He can't help but say a few words when he comes across Zhou Helan. Today is also the same, did not say a few words and pulled to Zhou Helan body.

"Seeing the exam approaching, how can you still have time to drink when you are not at home preparing for the exam? I've heard that there are a lot of matchmakers going to the Zhou government these days. Don't get lost and relax. "

Xie Ling quietly kicks him and shows him to be honest. Don't always rush to be run on by others. This fool can't rob a girl, but he will have two sour sentences when he meets again. Every sentence is blocked, and sometimes he can't hear being scolded. In this way, he doesn't have a long memory. Next time he sees him, he will have to go up.

But Qi Wei was still very ungrateful. He turned his head and said, "why do you kick me, Xie Ling? Am I right? A mere Jieyuan is not worthy of... " On the way, he remembered that he couldn't ruin an Xianyu's reputation and changed his words It's not worthy of a really good girl. "

After that, Zhou Helan also said, "are you right? At least get a top three? "

Zhou Helan was enjoying his tea. He put down his tea cup, took out a handkerchief embroidered with Lianzhong Sanyuan from his sleeve, wiped the corner of his mouth, folded it carefully and put it into his sleeve. He nodded with a smile and said, "general Qi said that I will never let her down. We will try our best. "

Qi Wei snorted coldly: "you just know. If you don't pass the exam, I won't let you

Next to Xie Ling, he sighed deeply for his friend's dullness and said, "brother Zhou's handkerchief is unique. It's good for moral."

Zhou Helan's smile was softer. He glanced at Qi Wei and said in a warm voice, "it's a gift from a very important person."

Qi Wei stares at Zhou Helan and Xie Ling. He leans to Xie Ling's ear and asks in a low voice, "what do you mean? All right. What are you doing with that? "

“……” Xie Ling immediately looked at him sympathetically and said, "miss an doesn't like you. She likes Zhou Helan for a reason."

“???” Suddenly he was stabbed at the wound. Qi Wei was a little annoyed. He lowered his voice and said, "miss an Even if you don't like me, you don't necessarily like him! Which side are you on? "

Xie Ling took up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for him. He perfunctorily said, "well, of course, it's on your side. Drink tea. Today is the birthday of King Yan, you should say less, so that I won't be punished by your majesty."Qi Wei was still a little scolding in his heart, but he thought that Xiao Zhige had been beaten by 20 soldiers last time, so he didn't dare to find Zhou Helan any more, so he had to drink tea angrily.

When all the guests arrive, some servants begin to arrange the table and invite everyone to the table.

Because the front hall was full of male guests, it was inconvenient for the female family members to sit with them. At the beginning of the banquet, only Yu's special long-lived noodles were sent. A small bowl of long-lived noodles with golden yellow noodles and transparent soup was once indispensable for an Changqing's birthday every year.

His birthday is also the day of his mother's suffering. Especially because he was different from the ordinary people, Yu family suffered a lot in order to protect him. An Changqing finished the noodles in one breath, and then solemnly poured wine to thank Yu for his kindness.

Yu had a few drinks with them before he left. He only told the young people to drink and have fun.

The birthday party was lively until the dark side of the sky. They were all friends of the same age. After drinking, they were less bound by monarchs and ministers and had more fun. Drinking pot, fighting cards, drinking orders Everyone drank a lot of wine. Even an Changqing was half drunk.

Wake up soup was sent to the kitchen, and everyone shared it. The banquet was over. Those who are not drunk will come to say goodbye by themselves, while those who are drunk will be sent back to their respective homes in a carriage. After the guests had left, Xiao Zhige turned back to help the drunk in the hall.

An Changqing drank a little too much today, and the hangover soup didn't work. She was all adrift and looked at people in double shadow.

Vaguely see Xiao Zhige to help him, he twisted his eyebrows earned earned, soft voice muttered: "dizzy, you hold me."

Xiao Zhige made a gesture, but he could not help pinching his nose. Instead, he held the man up: "little drunkard, this is what you want to hold yourself." When sober, an Changqing doesn't want him to hold him outside, for fear of being seen as a joke.

"Well." An Changqing was held by him and skillfully found a comfortable position in his arms. All the way back to the main courtyard with Xiao Zhige in his arms, he tried to stare and ask, "where's my birthday ceremony?"

"You're drunk. I'll see you tomorrow." Xiao Zhige put him on the bed and took off his boots.

"I'm not drunk. I want to see it now." An Changqing stepped on his legs and pushed him away. He stepped on the carpet barefoot and was about to find his birthday gift.

Xiao Zhige couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to press him back to bed, put the bedding on his waist, and then coaxed him: "you sit well, I'll get it for you."

An Changqing is very good now coax, smell speech obediently nodded: "I sit well."

Xiao Zhige then turned to take the wooden box and put it in an Changqing's hand. He looked gentle: "I wanted to show you at night, but I didn't think I was drunk."

"I said I was not drunk." An Changqing frowned and murmured, but she opened the wooden box in her hand, took out the scroll inside and unfolded it slowly - this is a picture scroll, which shows a familiar courtyard with a swing in it. On the swing sat a big two small three people. The big one is an Changqing, and the small one is Xiao Anheng's brother and sister. It should be a spring day in the painting. The garden is full of flowers and plants. Father and son are sitting on the swing happily, while Xiao Zhige stands behind them to protect them carefully. His eyes are tender and tender. Under the scroll of painting is also a poem written by predecessors, which is "beautiful scenery in the late days".

An Changqing looked at Xiao Zhige for a while, then turned to Xiao Zhige: "did you draw it?"

Xiao Zhige let out a "well", his expression was rare, and he was a bit embarrassed: "the farewell is too ordinary, so he drew a picture himself."

An Changqing turned to look at the painting again. After a long time, he pointed to the poem and asked, "what does this poem mean? Why didn't you sign it? "

Xu is drunk, his question is very jumping, think of what will ask, but Xiao Zhige still patiently replied: "I want to ask you to sign with an Heng An Zhu."

An Changqing twisted his eyebrows again. He didn't know if the drunkard understood. Suddenly, he straightened up again. Regardless of Xiao Zhige's obstruction, he ran barefoot to the cupboard outside for a rummage. Finally, he found out a purple jade seal, held it happily and said, "use this to add the seal!"

Xiao Zhige looked helpless and had to take the seal. The seal is carved from top-grade purple jadeite. Its shape is simple and simple, but its tentacles are smooth and greasy. It is obvious that it has been polished carefully. Look at the lettering on the seal, there are four words "Xiao an Heng Zhu" on it.

Xiao an Heng Zhu Xiao Zhige was so excited that he rubbed the seal and asked, "here, when did you carve the seal? Why don't I know?"

An Changqing just found out the inkpad. When he asked, he was stunned. Then he seemed to think of something and got nervous again. He grabbed the seal from him in a hurry and said: "don't move, it's your birthday ceremony!"

With that, he would like to find a place to hide. Xiao Zhige's heart was soft and hot. He took the little drunkard who ran around the house barefoot into his arms and put it on the wall. Then he coaxed the seal out of his hand and put it aside properly. He just stuck it on his lips and said, "well, I like this birthday gift very much. I'll give you another gift..."

An Changqing opened her eyes in confusion and was forced to accept another unique "birthday gift" from Xiao Zhige.***

an Changqing shakes her head, her eyes fall on the seal, and then she moves to the picture scroll, remembering last night His face turned red and blue, and he couldn't help gouging out Xiao Zhige. Last night, he coaxed himself to write, but he took a brush on him

Xiao Zhige didn't realize it, and said, "is this the purple jade you picked before? When was it secretly carved? "

When they went to Liangzhou to talk with Xidong about the ownership of the jade mine, an Changqing came back with a piece of purple jade. When they got free, they would carve with tools for a while. However, after many things, he went back to Yejing, and Xiao Zhige never saw him carve again. He just thought that he was not interested. But I didn't expect that he had already secretly engraved the family name of a family of four.

Just as he wrote "beautiful scenery in the late days" on the scroll, an Changqing's father and son are his scenery, and an Changqing also quietly engraved the family name on the seal.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, an Changqing was angry. He gouged out another look at him and kicked him angrily: "you bring the picture scroll and the inkpad, I want to print it."

Xiao Zhige was kind enough to spread things in front of him, and then he handed the seal to him. An Changqing took over the seal, pursed her lips, and solemnly said that the inscription of "beautiful scenery in the late days" had been printed.

"All right." An Changqing finally got happy again and directed Xiao Zhige to work: "we have to find another place to hang up."

It's just a question of where to hang. Qianzhenggong, Chongzhengdian, piandian, yushufang, yanwangfu There are too many places to hang, but there is only one painting. It's really hard to choose.

Xiao Zhige carefully put the seal into the box and clapped: "this painting is hanging in the imperial study. After that, I will paint one every year, and I can always hang all these places."

An Changqing was amused to laugh by him: "you are not afraid of being laughed at by ministers."

Xiao Zhige hugged him with bedding: "what's the joke? I'm afraid they can't even envy it. "

I'm afraid that no one is more blessed than him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!