Published at 5th of October 2022 08:13:07 AM

Chapter 82

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Shi Kairen had many wives and concubines. There was only one daughter under his knees, but there were nearly twenty common daughters. It's not surprising that if the Shi family, in order to cling to the powerful, married their daughters with a huge amount of dowry. In addition, the Shi family was extravagant and went to Yejing to make a confession every year. After all, in addition to gold and silver treasures, there are many immovable property shops in Qingzhou. In fact, there are many left.

An Qingdi's face turned red and blue, and his eyes swept over the courtiers one by one, as if to see who had embezzled the wealth of the Shi family.

Just now, the courtiers, who were fighting like black eyed chickens, bowed their heads and brows. They did not dare to breathe. There are also courtiers who hide their concubines in their families. They secretly glance at Xiao Zhige, who is both resentful and afraid.

It is not uncommon for Southern powers to seek refuge in Beijing. The aristocratic families in Yejing are extravagant, and the trend of comparison is very popular. Those who have a hundred years of history can barely maintain their dignity. But the newly born nobles could not afford to live in groups of slaves only by the small amount of land and salary. In this way, they naturally focus on the fat in the south.

An Qingdi was also aware of this. These people cut the meat from the powerful people in the south, and the best one was naturally kept and sent to the palace and the private treasury of emperor Anqing. Therefore, over the years, Emperor anqing has been turning a blind eye to this. Among the sons of the former Emperor, he was mediocre and had only middle and lower qualifications. However, when he won the throne, he inherited the throne smoothly by having a good mother, Empress Dowager Zhao. When he first ascended the throne, he had some ambition. But later, influenced by the beautiful wine, he gradually gave up his ambition.

He is the emperor. Even if the sky falls down, there are empress dowager Zhao and Zhao's family in front of him. When is it better not to have fun?

But in her old age, these young ideas gradually turned into fear. Empress dowager Zhao always looked down on his own son. Before, he was the only one and had to support him. But now the prince is old, but he is getting old. Maybe one day, the Empress Dowager or the Zhao family can't wait to ask the prince to replace him.

People are afraid of death. The more people like an Qingdi, the more afraid they are of death. If not, he would not search for the way of immortality. He is not even in the year of destiny, and he is far from living enough!

Looking at the silent courtiers, Emperor anqing was even more frightened. These courtiers, who should have followed his orders and supported him, had already stood in line to support his sons while he was still alive. Even the huge wealth of the stone family, which made him hot eyed, had been quietly divided up by the prince and even these courtiers. And he, the emperor, can only pick up what others have left!

Thinking of Empress Dowager Zhao who is still healthy, empress Zhao who is just in style, and the prince who is becoming more and more plump, Emperor anqing shows a twisted and malicious smile, looks at all the courtiers and says, "good, you are all good!"

Shocked, all the officials knelt down: "Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Emperor anqing gave them a deep look and said, "retreat!"

The eunuch screamed that emperor anqing had left the hall, but none of the courtiers knelt on the floor dared to get up.

The emperor took his servants away for a long time, and they looked at each other and hesitated to get up. Then he looked warily at Xiao Zhige in the middle. No matter the crown prince party or the third prince party, they have never regarded the second prince as an opponent before. Even if he became the king of the Northern War, he made countless achievements and held the heavy soldiers of Yanzhou. However, only when he was born, and his bad reputation in the market, he could not get on the road to Dabao.

What's more, he just married a man. A prince with a man's wife ascends the great treasure? That's the biggest thing in the world. The only thing they need to be on guard against is Wang Yongbing's self-respect and rebellious heart.

But no one expected that the savage man who used to be fierce was a cunning wolf. The southern party not only severely damaged the power of the prince and the third prince. He even cleaned up the old stigma and gained a good reputation.

This is clearly a desire to seize the right!

The courtiers exchanged eyes and walked away from him. It's time for them to reconsider their countermeasures.

The imperial historian Ji Anmin and prime minister an Zhike set out together. Ji Anmin looked at an Zhike's not so good-looking face. Instead, he laughed and congratulated him: "the king of Northern War has made a great contribution this time. Congratulations to Xiangye first."

Who doesn't know that an Zhike has a very close relationship with the prince in private, and it's no secret that the princess of the Northern War has a bad relationship with her father now in Yejing. Ji Anmin's congratulations make an Zhike's face turn blue, and then he gives an ugly smile.

Ji Anmin, as if not aware of it, happily walked towards him.

An Zhike, whose face is livid, is thinking about how to deal with it in the future. Once upon a time, the king of Northern Warlords had no intention of talking about Dabao, but now he is very sharp, and obviously he wants to win the throne. In this way, an Zhike, the father-in-law of Northern Warlords in name, is hard to be a man.

The son of an Changqing wanted to sever his relationship with him, and the king of Northern War never respected his father-in-law. He didn't think about it at first, but now it's getting tricky. He has been working for the prince for a long time, so naturally he can't be separated from him. But when I think about the situation of the prince, I have some doubts. If it is between the prince and the third prince, he will not hesitate to bet the prince. But if Xiao Zhige also joined in, he was a little uncertain.If nothing else, the military power in his hands alone is enough to scare people. If there is a complete break, and the king of Northern War takes the throne regardless of his reputation in the future, there will be no chance for him to settle down

An Zhike had a hard time making a choice.

If you ask an Changqing to know what he thinks in his heart, you must tell him that there is no turning point between settling down and him.


when Emperor anqing came out of the qinzheng hall, he asked people to announce the prince.

These days, Emperor anqing didn't take pills any more, and he didn't dare to indulge in spoiling beauties any more. Therefore, he was surrounded by many clean maids and eunuchs.

The prince has got the news about the affairs in the hall. On the one hand, he resents Xiao Zhige in his heart, but on the other hand, he can't make a haggard look and comes to see emperor Anqing in a hurry.

Emperor anqing leaned on the couch and looked down at the obedient Prince kneeling in front of him.

After the civil unrest in the south, the crown prince, because of his bad work, has taken the initiative to plead guilty and shut up in the east palace. At first, Emperor anqing was very distressed for his son. After all, his energy was poor before, and the crown prince was tired. Even if the southern pacification failed, Emperor anqing did not criticize him. After all, it was the first time, and it was reasonable that he did not do it well.

But now when he began to guess whether all the wealth of the Shi family had gone into the prince's pocket, his former father kuanhe no longer existed.

For the first time, Emperor anqing did not ask the prince to get up, so he looked down at him. After a long time, he said, "I heard that Liangdi in your house is a Shi's daughter?"

The prince felt a thump in his heart, but he could only harden his head and say, "yes."

He originally thought that if anqing emperor asked for a crime, he would explain it, and then offered the wealth of the Shi family to solve the crisis.

But don't want to Anqing emperor only asked this sentence, did not continue. On the contrary, he asked, "is the prince twenty or six this year?"

The prince can't figure out his mind, so he can only follow it and say, "yes."

Emperor anqing gave a unidentified smile and said, "it's not small. We need to be more secure in the future. "

Prince: "yes, my son will obey the instruction of my father."

An Qingdi waved his hand wearily: "I'm tired. You go down

Come and go inexplicably. After the prince withdrew from the ceremony, he felt the meaning of Anqing emperor's words, and his expression gradually changed.

It seems that emperor anqing had prejudiced him for the sake of the Shi family. But anqing emperor did not ask, he could not take the initiative to explain and refute. It's just dumb.

"Xiao Stop "Go." The prince read these three words in his mouth and went to the Queen's palace with an evil look.


Xiao Zhige returned to the palace temporarily.

Wang Fugui was in charge of the palace, and everything was just like before. Since Wang Fugui was beaten by an Changqing, he tightened his skin. Even if the two masters are not here in this year, he does not dare to cheat any more, and his work is more reliable than before. The Chuang Tzu shops in Yejing are also well managed.

Xiao Zhige was a little satisfied. These servants worked hard. When an Changqing came back, they would worry less.

Because anqing emperor has not issued a decree, Xiao Zhige can only stay in Yejing temporarily. However, he guessed that this time, he would not be allowed to return to Yanzhou.

The fact is similar to his conjecture. Five days after Xiao Zhige was put on the air, the eunuch who sent the edict came with a reward.

In addition to a large number of rewards, Emperor anqing specially said that the king of the Northern War had made great contributions to pacify the people in the south. I am very relieved. Now there is no war in the north, so I stay in Yejing to share the happiness of my family. As for the 20000 Yanzhou troops stationed outside the city, they were brought back to Yanzhou by Xie Ling.

The imperial eunuch handed the imperial edict to him and said with a smile: "once upon a time, the LORD was out fighting, but his majesty missed him very much. Now that I'm in Yejing, I'll go to the palace to accompany your majesty and share your worries. "

Xiao Zhige didn't know what other people felt when they heard these words. He only knew that he felt sick and even didn't have a smiling face. He lowered his face and said: "my father is very kind, but I was born with a bad omen. I'm too close to my father for fear that it's bad for the dragon's health. I don't want to be close, but I can't. Please explain to your father-in-law. "

The eunuch's face froze. Unexpectedly, he spoke so straightly. Many people know that the birth of the king of the Northern Warlords is a terrible omen, but no one put it on the surface. Now he said it himself, but he blocked the eunuch's words.

Xiao Zhige can't be more clear about the abacus of Anqing emperor. He was old and fatuous, and his health was damaged again. Now that the affairs of the Shi family are involved, he is afraid that the young prince can't wait to take him instead. He wanted to support other sons to fight against the prince.

The third prince is definitely not good. No matter it is the prince or the third prince, the influence developed under his laissez faire can not be underestimated. The crown prince is young and powerful, and Princess Shu and the third prince are just in time.

No matter which one you support, it is possible to replace him immediately. Only the northern warlord, who had been neglected for many years, had no support in the harem and no party support in the court. But they have a lot of soldiers in their hands. It will not immediately threaten the dragon throne of Anqing emperor, but also can compete with the prince and the third prince, and will not be suppressed immediately.Emperor An Qing was good at calculating, and he specially called the eunuch to deliver a verbal instruction in public to show his closeness. At the same time, Xiao Zhige was forced to stand in the same boat with him by the emperor's filial piety.

Unfortunately, Xiao Zhige did not enter his urn.

Of course, he wanted the throne, but he didn't beg for it from Anqing emperor. It's his own ability.

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