Published at 5th of October 2022 08:12:58 AM

Chapter 83

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The eunuch sent the message back to the palace. Emperor anqing didn't care how angry Xiao Zhige was. Now emperor anqing can only win him over and dare not tear his face at once. Without him as a target in the middle, no matter which side of the fight between the prince and the third prince wins, Emperor Anqing's dragon throne will be unstable.

After receiving the reward, Xiao Zhige asked people to register and take it into the warehouse, and began to find skilled craftsmen to repair the palace. This time, he was left in Yejing by anqing emperor. It is estimated that he will not be let back to Yanzhou easily. The prince and the third prince are not willing to let him sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight in Yanzhou. He will have to live in Yejing for a long time, so anchangqing and his two children will have to come back to Yejing together.

Once upon a time, he thought that the palace could still be occupied, but since he went to the south to see the splendor of the Shi family's residence, looking at his palace, he felt more and more dissatisfied with everything. It's impossible to move a place for the time being, but it's OK to repair it and make it more comfortable. Xiao Zhige plans to finish the repair before an Changqing and his children arrive in the capital.

When the construction of the palace began, 20000 Yanzhou troops stationed outside the city set out to return to Yanzhou. Xiao Zhige's letter will be taken back by Xie Ling. When they return to Yejing, they will send a team to escort an Changqing and his party back to Beijing.

After the troops stationed outside the city left, Xiao Zhige began to urge the craftsmen to repair the palace as soon as possible. Emperor Anqing in the palace may be angry that he didn't know how to praise him. He was called experience, but in fact he was thrown to Honglu temple to sit on the bench. Honglu temple is in charge of foreign affairs and ethnic affairs of neighboring countries. Today, however, Daye does not have contacts with neighboring countries, but also pays tribute to small countries. Honglu temple is actually very quiet and poor. Most of the officials have nothing to do, but those with some background are not willing to come. The purpose of Anqing's action was to frighten him to know that without the emperor's support, he would have to wait in such a place as Honglu temple.

However, Xiao Zhige didn't care about it. In the past, Emperor anqing didn't like him and never asked him to contact with political affairs. He didn't even go to the early court. Now it's even less rare. I'm so happy that I don't have to watch the officials bite the dogs.

In addition to going to Honglu temple to order a Mao every day, he went back to the palace in an aboveboard manner the rest of the time. On the contrary, he was very concerned about the restoration of the palace and had to watch everything in person.

When Emperor anqing heard the news, he almost coughed up blood. Unfortunately, in today's situation, he can only woo this son, but can't do anything to him for the time being.

But when the prince heard about the renovation of the palace, he not only made a great effort to repave the earthworm, but also introduced fresh water into the garden, put thousands of Koi in the lake, and built an arch bridge and flying Pavilion on the lake There is luxury everywhere.

"It's him!" The prince originally guessed that the big head of the Shi family was actually detained by Xiao Zhige. How rich the Shi family is, Emperor Anqing is not clear, but he is very clear. It's just that the officials in the South were eliminated, and all those who went through the house raiding were Xiao Zhige's people. He couldn't get the exact information at all. But at present, Xiao Zhige is so extravagant just to repair the palace. It is almost certain that he secretly withheld the property of the Shi family and splashed a basin of dirty water on them with his backhand, which made him suspect emperor Anqing.

His confidants echoed: "the king of Northern War did not pay attention to his highness. It seems that he is determined to fight against his highness! "

Thinking of Anqing emperor's action, the prince's face was distorted for a moment and said with a gloomy smile: "I have said that he is ambitious, but now he just can't hide it."

He squinted coldly, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message: "alone with him, sooner or later, he will never die..."

His confidants looked at him and did not dare to answer for a moment. He always felt that the prince's words were not so simple. It seemed that there was something else hidden. He didn't dare to talk much, only respectfully.


in mid March, an Changqing and his party arrived in Yejing.

Xiao Zhige personally rode out of the city to meet him. When he saw the carriage with the word "Ge", his cold look softened. His lips stretched into a line slightly lifted up and he rode up to meet him. An Changqing just at this time opened the car curtain, the two eyes collided, entangled for a moment, then reluctantly separated.

This is another two months.

Xiao Zhige rode with the horse beside the carriage. His eyes were fixed on him. After a long time, he said, "Why are you thin?"

An Changqing opened the carriage curtain and said to him through the window, "it's time to lose weight." Previously fat because of pregnancy, now children are more than three months, can no longer continue to be fat.

"It's better to be fat." Xiao Zhige's eyes wandered on his face. If it wasn't inconvenient outside, he would like to touch it to see if he was thin.

An Changqing didn't want to entangle with him about this problem. Instead, he said, "ah Heng and pearl are following the nurse in the carriage behind. After such a long time, they probably don't know your father."

Xiao Zhige didn't worry about this problem. He said with a natural face: "my seed is that I don't know me, and I can't call my father."


Sometimes an Changqing really doesn't want to talk to this man.


a long line of carriages slowly entered the city. Originally, the people on the roadside were still guessing whose house was so ostentatious. When they saw the flag on the carriage and saw Xiao Zhige walking side by side with the leading carriage, the whispered discussion suddenly began to boil."Is the princess back?"

"It must be the princess. Otherwise, who have you ever seen who has such a big face to ask the king of Northern War to meet you?"

When he was in Yejing, an Changqing built a porridge shed and gave out winter clothes. He saved many people's lives in the snow disaster. Yejing people remember his kindness in their hearts. Later, I heard that the border war was urgent and the food and grass were exhausted. It was the princess who collected food and grass to go to the border. She was more sad and admired.

Once upon a time, when I read those storybooks, I only felt that the princess was beautiful and kind, just like an immortal. But after experiencing the snow disaster and the Northern War, the people in Yejing were eager to hold an Changqing as an immortal Bodhisattva to save the suffering, so they almost didn't set up an immortal card for him to worship day by day at home.

Now that he finally returned to Beijing, not only the people from all over the world came to welcome him, but also the people who had been benefitted by the snow disaster on that day knelt down and kowtowed on the spot, and read the words of thanks aloud.

Both sides of the originally spacious Changle street were surrounded by people, and they all rushed to see the princess.

The carriage had to slow down because of the crowd. When an Changqing heard the news, he looked out and saw that the people around him were looking eagerly. He was stunned. Then he reacted and gave them a big smile.

The brave little lady picked the silk flowers from her head and threw them at the carriage. Then she hurried into the crowd. There are more and more people heading for the carriage. Xiao Zhige had barely maintained a peaceful face. When he saw that there were still men throwing flowers, he was completely black.

He did not allow an Changqing to lift the curtain of the carriage again and escorted the motorcade to the palace with a calm face all the way.

It's a pity that Wang Yingming's reputation of benevolence in the Northern War is far-reaching, and he doesn't lose much to the princess. Everyone is saying that the king of the Northern Warlords is in fact black hearted and kind-hearted, so now he is not too afraid of his cold face.

When the carriage drove directly into the mansion, an Changqing opened the curtain and got off. Looking at the colorful handkerchiefs piled up in front of the carriage and Xiao Zhige's dark face, she could not help laughing.

"How can you even eat this kind of dry vinegar?" An Changqing is innocent.

Xiao Zhige looked at him, bent his eyes and pursed his lips. He thought that the little girl would forget it, and even men would dare to throw flowers. How can this be called dry vinegar?

The king of Northern War pursed his lips and raised his vigilance in his heart, but he didn't say it on his face. Instead, he took his hand and said, "when you're not here, I've repaired the mansion. See if you like it or not. I don't like to ask craftsmen to change it. "

He and an Changqing are in front of each other, and the nursing mother is holding her two children in the back. The four members of the family go to the main hospital together. During this trip, Yu and an Xianyu do not come back. An Xianyu is a girl's school. For a moment, she can't get rid of it. Yu is not at ease with her daughter's family, so she also wants to stay with her. An Changqing thought that this time he would return to Yejing, maybe there would be trouble again, so he simply left them in Yanzhou.

After entering the door, an Changqing was surprised to see the new courtyard. In his memory, no matter in the last life or in this life, men are not people who will live in luxury. But now the furnishings of the palace are extravagant.

There was no heater in the room, but as soon as he went in, he felt the warmth. It was obvious that there was a earthworm in the room, and the warmth was also mixed with light fragrance. It was clear and plain, which was his favorite and commonly used spice.

On the side of her body, an old servant cleverly took over the cloak he had taken off. As an Changqing kept walking in, she saw that the interior had changed a lot, and the furnishings and positions had not changed, but the utensils had been replaced with better and newer materials.

"Do you like it?"

Looking back at him, an Changqing swallowed the word "too extravagant" and bent his lips to smile. He said: "I like it. Just where are the two children sleeping? "

There is obviously no baby cot in the room.

Xiao Zhige's eyes flashed for a while, and then he said very boldly, "I've changed the wing room next to me. I'll let the nurse take them to live in the future."

Before an Changqing could express her doubts, she was led by him to the side room. In the wing room, there was a fire of earthworm, and the floor was covered with soft blankets. In addition to two fine carved beds, there were all kinds of novel and interesting toys in the room, and even two very realistic little Trojans.

Xiao Zhige said, "when they are still young, they are asked to live in the main courtyard. When Pearl grows up, they will divide the courtyard." Of course, it is more likely that when the two children grow up, they no longer need to live in the palace.

Married for such a long time, an Changqing can't guess his mind. This man clearly thinks that the two children are in his way. Squinting at him for a while, an Changqing nodded after all.

After watching the yard, Anfu skillfully instructed his subordinates to put the luggage together one by one. The two children fell asleep after being nursed by the nurse. Then an Changqing and Xiao Zhige went to dinner.

After dinner, it was dark. They went to see the children, and then they went back to the main room to have a rest.

During the day, there were too many people and too many things to say. At this time, he held back his servants, leaving only two of them. Then, an Changqing showed some worry: "when you go back to Yejing, you can't hide the existence of the two children. How can you tell the outside at that time?"

When he returned to Yejing, he was worried about this problem. He just thought that since Xiao Zhige had asked them to come back, he must have had a way to deal with it, so he temporarily suppressed his worry.But today the servants come and go. Seeing Xiao Zhige's meaning, they are not prepared to hide it. An Changqing can't help worrying again

"not good either." Xiao Zhige shook his head: "if the birth mother doesn't even have a place, she can't be regarded as a legitimate son."

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