Published at 5th of October 2022 08:12:45 AM

Chapter 85

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Seeing this, the Empress Dowager Zhao was slightly satisfied. She gave the empress a look and a few words of advice. Then she got up and left on the pretext of headache and fatigue. The queen left behind got up and walked down. With a smile on her face, she helped an Changqing up: "good boy, get up. Your majesty will go to our palace for lunch at noon. You and your children will come with me and ask your majesty to see your grandchildren as well. "

An Changqing got up and said in a low voice, "yes."

With a loving mother's face, the queen asked an Changqing to accompany her in the front, while Xiao Zhige and the nurse followed her with the baby in their arms.

Although an Changqing walked by the Queen's side, she was always looking down. There was also the look of the Empress Dowager in the temple. The empress glanced at Xiao Zhige with a heavy look behind her. She was relieved. She only looked at an Changqing gently and said slowly, "you are too young to attach too much importance to your feelings. This day, the family is not more than ordinary people, how can there really be a life of a pair? Now it's just right that after the end of the war, you, a serious princess, will raise her two children under her knees, and then you will have a legitimate son and daughter. The future will not be bad. "

An Changqing's expression changed. After a long time, she bit her lip and whispered, "thank you for your mother's instruction. Changqing knows."

The empress saw clearly the resentment and resentment on his face. She was more satisfied, and she couldn't help adding fire: "a woman in charge of a family still requires generosity, not jealousy. As a man, you should be measured. In the future, even if there are new people in the house, don't be too sad. Just remember, no matter how many people are in the house, you are the princess. If he dares to ask the new man to give you grievances, just come to find the support of your mother. "

An Changqing If not, he would have been moved by the Queen's loving mother.

Looking back at Xiao Zhige, an Changqing said "Oh" again.

When they spoke, they had already arrived at the Queen's palace, and the queen patted him on the back of the hand with profound meaning: "don't let your mother see you in the future."

Soon after they entered the inner hall, a little eunuch came to tell them that emperor anqing would come later. The queen asked the servants in the palace to pass the meal. When Guanglu Temple delivers lunch, Emperor Luan of Anqing is arriving. The three went out to meet the driver again.

An Qingdi is in a very good mood today, even his sallow face is ruddy. Seeing Xiao Zhige and an Changqing, he said with a smile, "where are the two children? Let me see my grandchildren. The twins are rare. "

The smile on the neglected Queen's face froze, so she picked up her smile again and said, "it's windy outside, so I didn't ask the nursing mother to bring the baby out. It's in the inner hall right now. "

An Qingdi kept walking into the inner hall and saw the baby in his breast-feeding mother's arms. He waved them away. He also asked the eunuch, who was on the side of the body, to bring the child to him. The two children are awake, and they are looking around in the breast of their mother. They don't cry or make noise, but they are very clever.

The eunuch praised: "the twins are auspicious omens. No wonder they were born so well."

Brother and sister gathered the advantages of their two fathers, and they were both exquisite and lovely. If you only look at your childhood, you know that you can't be different when you grow up.

Emperor anqing seemed very fond of the two children, and even took Xiao Anheng over and held him for a while. When he had had enough fun with his grandson, he handed the child to the eunuch and said casually, "I heard that these two children are going to be raised under the princess's knees? In that case. Let's make a decision as soon as possible. So as not to be underestimated in the future. "

As soon as he had finished speaking, a eunuch came to read out a volume of imperial edict, which was obviously well prepared.

The eldest son of the northern warlords, Xiao Anheng, was granted the title of "Yi Zhang" and "Shi Zi"; the eldest daughter, Xiao Anzhu, was granted the title of "Yi Zhu" and "Yi Zhu Princess".

In addition, there are various rewards. The eunuch, who was choked by Xiao Zhige last time, put away the imperial edict and gave it to Xiao Zhige with a smile: "Your Majesty loves the little prince and the little princess very much. In the future, the prince and the princess should take the little prince and the little princess to the palace."

Xiao Zhige received the order to thank you, and his face did not change much. It was the queen on the other side who held on to her palm and forbeared again and again before she lost her composure on the spot.

The emperor's fear of the Zhao family and the crown prince has come to light. How old are these two children? The emperor even lavishly rewarded them in her palace. That is to say, the crown prince's legitimate sons and daughters do not have this honor. It is clear that they are beating her in the face of the queen in public.

When it comes out, I don't know how many people have to wait and see the emperor again!

The empress hated her heart, but she could only grin and say with a smile: "yes, our Palace also loves two children. You should take them to the palace more in the future."

Xiao Zhige and an Changqing should be next, and in the Queen's palace with lunch, just out of the palace.

He was accompanied by eunuchs holding rewards. On that day, all the aristocratic families in Yejing knew that the emperor wantonly rewarded the two children of the Northern Warlord. The northern warlord, who had never been liked by the emperor, seemed to be in favor again.

The courtiers who had already stood in line were naturally anxious to get angry. Seeing that the Northern Warlord was in a good mood, they only hated that they had stood in line too early, or they would have gone to fight for the Northern Warlord. Of course, there are also people who can see clearly that the emperor wanted to use the Northern Warlord to suppress the crown prince and the third prince. It's hard to say who will be in this position in the future, but it's bound to come to a bad end if he stands in line rashly. He just doesn't stand at all and just doesn't know.It's a pity that most of the people in this court are stupid, otherwise they won't be corrupted. After the attitude of emperor anqing was put forward, many people who once attached themselves to the crown prince or the third prince threw a salutation note to the palace of the Northern Warlords

because of the spread of small story books, Wang fufu of the Northern War was the most suitable and loving couple in the hearts of the people in Yejing. What's more, before the war, there was a king who didn't take concubines. Later, there was a princess who sent food and grass thousands of miles away. Although Longyang's addiction is not pleasant to hear, people who have heard of it should envy their feelings. Moreover, those who have married will inevitably be compared by their first wives, and they will get a lot of anger in vain

if there is envy, there is envy. Once upon a time, it was easy for people to have a handle on speculation without any basis. Now there are two children of the king of Northern War, and more people are making malicious speculation and watching. The news brought back by the spies is more and more outrageous

* *

not long after a son and a daughter were granted the imperial title, the northern warlord, who had been on the bench in Honglu temple for a while, was transferred to Taifu temple. Taifu temple is the lifeblood of Daye's economy. Agriculture, industry and commerce are all under its jurisdiction. Money and currency are also included in Taifu temple. It is a real and powerful task. Li Zhao, the Minister of Taifu temple, is a member of Changyang County. His foundation is in Changyang. He has never stood in line with the central court. When the Northern Warlord goes, he doesn't even have to worry about someone making a trip. As long as you stay, that's a real achievement

- it can be seen that emperor Anqing is paving the way for Xiao Zhige

therefore, I heard that liuchunhou invited the northern warlord, and many people came to beg for a drink with a smile

when I stay in spring, I will arrange it happily

because the king of the Northern War came to the appointment, Liu Chunhou specially ordered the best elegant room in Wangxian tower. He has always been able to play, in addition to wine and delicacies, but also called a few singing and dancing beauties to sing songs. These beauties are men and women, each born beautiful as flowers, skin if cream<

maybe he was instructed ahead of time. As soon as Xiao Zhige sat down, two beautiful young boys came to pour wine for him. The other one was more courageous and had to lean on him.Xiao zhigeli dodged and poured the wine himself. He said coldly, "you don't have to wait on me. Let's go down."

The two boys knelt down in panic.

Liu Chunhou came forward to make a round with a smile: "but these two can't get into the eyes of the king? Shall I call two more? "

Xiao Zhige glanced at him and said in a light voice: "no, only the princess can enter the eyes of the king in this world."

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