Published at 20th of May 2024 05:09:49 AM

Chapter 59.: The Cold Glint of a Well-Polished Sword (6)

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Chapter 59. The Cold Glint of a Well-Polished Sword (6)

Seeing that Woo-Moon was not only able to overcome his pressure but even speak up, Seop Un-Ha’s eyes were filled with wonder.

“Yes, that’s true, I did do that. But what could I do? I have no choice if I want to feel the pleasure that comes from the Merciless Blood Devil Art.”

“So no matter what sort of unfortunate past you may have, you’re not worth anyone’s pity. You’re still nothing more than a blood-crazed monster and a murderer.”

The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor was definitely strong. But, even though he felt the threat of death, Woo-Moon would never hold back from saying what he wanted to say.

He chuckled at Woo-Moon’s cold words.

“You really are the grandson of the Palm Martial Emperor, aren’t you? You’re exactly like he was when he was younger So, what’s your name?”

“Song Woo-Moon.”

“Song Woo-Moon... Good. So, you’re learning Daoist martial arts, right?”

“That’s right.”

“So Daoism, huh? Then, do you also want to become an immortal, too?”

‘An immortal?’

“I’ve never thought about something like that. I just want to walk the path of the sword. I want to see what’s at the end of the path.”

“So you dream of becoming a Sword Immortal, then. But what a pity. You’ll never be able to see what lies at the end of the path.”

“What makes you say that?”

The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor laughed, his voice rising.


The sound of his mysterious laughter filled the heavens and earth. The water of the trembling Yangtze River gushed out like a fountain as if blasted by an explosion. At the same time, a terrifying, deadly force bloomed from the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor's body. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

“You didn’t think there was any way I’d let you live once you bared your teeth at me, right, brat?”

Everything before Woo-Moon’s eyes turned red.

The ground had turned crimson, and the trees and stones in the pavilion were mired in blood. It was by no means an illusion, as the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor had unleashed a demonic qi created by the Merciless Blood Devil Art that overwhelmed the surroundings and impacted the landscape.

However, Woo-Moon was confident that the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor wouldn’t kill him at this time.

‘If you were planning on killing me, you wouldn’t have bothered to tell me every detail. Right, Blood Cloud Devil Emperor?’

Indeed, Woo-Moon’s thoughts were correct.

The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor, who looked like he was going to make a move to kill him at any moment, suddenly stopped emitting bloodlust and said, “How boring. You’re still too weak. Good, I’ll wait exactly three years for you. In three years, I’m going to take your life.”


“Didn’t I just tell you? This is boring. It’s better to catch a carp than to catch a minnow.”

Although that was what the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor had said, Woo-Moon was sure that the man had another reason to give him this deadline. It wasn’t that he knew what his opponent was thinking, but cultivating the Forbidden Divine Art had granted him an increasingly sharp sixth sense.

Knock, knock.

The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor knocked on the railing twice. It was a bizarre contrast—the railing had partially melted because of the corrosive blood and was now distorted into a grotesque shape, while the fingertips touching it were thinner and whiter than a young lady’s.

“Hmm, let’s make it more fun, if possible. Good, good, let me help you.”


“Didn’t you say that you wanted to see the end of the path of the sword? I’ll pass on my Merciless Blood Devil Art to you.”


As Woo-Moon was taken aback by the completely unexpected sentence, the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor laughed and shouted once more.

“You called me a monster, right? I only learned the Merciless Blood Devil Art just to survive and escape from that hell! I had no choice but to learn the Demonic Art and I was forced to kill people because of it. Just what on earth is so wrong with that?”

As soon as the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor’s chant pierced Woo-Moon’s ears.

The clash was deafening, and the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor staggered back three steps.

The two men were actually at a similar level of strength, but the attacker had used his unique movement technique to maximize his speed and focus all his strength into the attack. Meanwhile, the defender’s move was instinctual and hasty, so it only made sense that he suffered a loss.

As soon as the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor retreated, the magistrate followed up, skillfully spinning his broken blade and swinging forward once more.


The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor barely managed to stop him. However, the magistrate's barrage of attacks didn’t end there. Possibly because it was only half the length of a normal saber, the magistrate’s broken blade seemed to spin endlessly in his hands and launched attacks at incredible speed.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang—

The rings on the spine of the saber clattered against the blade. Along with the dazzling light reflecting off the blade, the sound distracted the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor.

The magistrate continued to push the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor back, and the speed of his Swift Blade Technique kept increasing, to the point where the blade turned into a blur.

In the blink of an eye, the saber in his hand spun hundreds of times. Displaying a light and rapid movement technique, he appeared on the front, back, left and right of the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor so quickly it almost looked as if he was using clones. And wherever he appeared, he unleashed terrifying blows!

He had reached the pinnacle of speed!

However, his opponent, the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor, was also just as shocking. Even though he had been surprised by the ambush from behind, lost out on the first move, and was forced on the defensive, he still defended himself with a perfect combination of the Blood Cloud Vampiric Membrane and the Bloody Aura Hands Art.

Of course, it was inevitable that his injuries would only increase with time.

Fortunately for him, the Blood Cloud Vampiric Membrane was the perfect shield. It could freely shrink, expand, condense, and even multiply, so it covered every angle.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Continuous small explosions rang out like the sound of roasting beans.

In the meantime, Woo-Moon had suffered internal injuries and had retreated while vomiting blood. He now watched their battle with admiration.

‘As expected, a battle between Absolute Masters is amazing!’

The magistrate had been attacking without a single pause. Suddenly, he drove his momentum even higher and delivered a powerful blow.


With another roar, the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor stumbled and took twenty steps backward. At the same time, with a sharp ringing sound, the broken saber in the magistrate’s hand flew forward, shining with saber aura as it aimed for the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor’s neck.


Although the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor barely managed to avoid it, the blade suddenly shifted directions as if it were alive and cut off his arm from his shoulder before returning to the magistrate’s hand.

This was the supreme form of saber martial arts—the Flying Saber, controlling the saber using qi.

The shocking magistrate, who had cornered the Absolute Master Blood Cloud Devil Emperor and even cut off his arm, plunged his broken saber into the ground.

“You mannerless brat! Why the hell are you making your father here go around the gangho at this age to catch a runaway slave like you?”

A power that seemed to be able to crush Mount Tai exuded from the magistrate’s sturdy body.

Woo-Moon, who had been watching what seemed to be a mere magistrate fight against the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor, finally blurted out a name.

“The Saber Emperor Jeong I-Moon!”

Indeed, it was Jeong I-Moon, one of the two officials among the Eight Heavenly Martial Emperors. He was known as the Saber Emperor.

The Blood Cloud Devil Emperor gritted his teeth and concentrated his qi, and his face suddenly regained its color. The next moment, his fallen arm flew back to his shoulder and reattached itself, spraying blood everywhere in the process.

‘What the hell...’ Woo-Moon’s jaw dropped as he witnessed this formidable regeneration ability.

“You damn old hound, have you found a brain somewhere?” spat out the Blood Cloud Demon Emperor.

In truth, it wasn’t that the Saber Emperor had been one-sidedly beating the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor. As the latter had been defending himself, he had also been secretly gathering the energy of the Merciless Blood Devil Art into his right leg and preparing to use the most destructive of his techniques, Explosive Blood River.

However, Jeong I-Moon had sensed this, and he had used a powerful attack to put some distance between the two of them right as his opponent was about to launch the Explosive Blood River. At the same time, he had taken advantage of this gap in defense to gravely injure the Blood Cloud Demon Emperor.

Although his arm had been reattached, it was still unusable for the time being. This was clearly a significant loss for the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor.

The Saber Emperor pointed at the Blood Cloud Devil Emperor with his blade.

“You self-regenerating lizard, I’m not sure if you’re a man or a woman, but you sure talk like a bunch of them together!”

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