The Villain Runs Wild - Chapter 33

Published at 24th of April 2023 05:40:41 AM

Chapter 33: Second generation ancestor x illegitimate child

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It is winter in Jingzhou, and the cold and dry weather outside makes people feel like sand is growing on their faces.

Since that day, Lin Sui has disappeared for twenty-five days.

Of course, this kind of disappearance is only in front of Yan Qin. The Lin family and Gao Jing know that Lin Suian is good. Only Yan Qin looked for it, but found nothing.

"Are you guys making a fuss?"

Lin Min poured a cup of hot tea for Lin Sui and looked at the lazy young man leaning on the green rattan chair.

Outside the window is the lead-grey sky, withered vines sticking to the clean wall, with a kind of bony depression.

It was early in the morning, the outside was gray, and the natural light that entered was dim.

Some of it is gossip and curiosity, and some of it is intolerance to her partner. After all, according to her knowledge of Yan Qin and Yan Qin's attitude, Yan Qin should treat Lin Sui It is extremely submissive, how could it be like this.

She hoped that Lin Sui would have a smooth life, it would be better if her partner kept pampering him.

"He did something and I'm punishing him."

Lin Sui took a sip of tea, thinking about the snooping she had blocked these days.

Lin Min breathed a sigh of relief, her mood became clearer, and said, "I think it's not a major event that touches your bottom line."

Lin Sui asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"According to your temperament, if it really makes you angry, you won't be so euphemistic."

Lin Min jokingly told the truth.

Now that this kind of play has disappeared, in Lin Min's view, it's just fun. After all, Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin cared about him and used this to punish him.

Lin Sui was slightly startled, and she used tea to hide the inexplicable expression in her expression.

It will give them a chance to meet, but Yan Qin is different from others.

"It's not euphemism, the interesting thing is yet to come."

Lin Sui put down the tea in her hand, straightened the pillow behind her, and leaned reclining with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Min said softly, "I don't always understand what you want to do, but you remember that I'm on your side. Let us know what you want to do."

In the past, Lin Min felt that her younger brother's business talent was far superior to her, but later she realized that Lin Sui was better in both scheming and means, but he didn't know why, and even she She could only get a glimpse of it, and she simply didn't get into it.

"Don't worry, it won't affect your home. If it does, don't worry, I will find a way."

Lin Sui estimated the current situation and gave Lin Min the bottom line, but after thinking about it, she added the last sentence.

Nowadays, the cooperation between Yanqin and the Lin family is very close. It can be said that once Yanqin decides to withdraw from the project they are currently cooperating with and take action against the Lin family, the Lin family will be severely damaged. Lin Sui originally expected Yan Qin knew how to do it, but he didn't expect that during the time when he 'disappeared', Yan Qin did nothing, as if he never had bad intentions.

But it doesn't matter, as he said, the best case is that the Lin family won't be involved in the matter between them, but if it does, don't worry.

"I know you have a sense of balance, if you need my cooperation, just say it, just like before."

Lin Min refers to some things that Lin Sui did with her hands in the early days, and she trusted him unconditionally.

Lin Sui nodded and asked Lin Min to leave in secret.

The dead branches in the courtyard are blown by the wind, and new leaves will grow in the coming year.

Lin Sui looked at them, thinking about the task, and the darkness in her eyes deepened.

Actually, the tasks assigned to him by the system were not so general, but they were not detailed.

The reason is because Yan Qin was entered by the remnant soul, so the luck will be insufficient, and he may not be able to stand at the top in the end.

That's why the system asks Lin Sui to atone for her sins, and to help him achieve great things.

It's almost done, if all goes as expected.

Lin Sui did not hold back his thoughts here, so that the system could well perceive his thoughts.

System: [? 】

[When I typed this question mark, it was not my problem, but your problem.jpg]

[How come it's almost finished, where is this going? 】

The system really doesn't understand very well. If Lin Sui wants to hand over the things in her hands to others, why go around in such a big circle.

It was obviously following Lin Sui, but it still couldn't guess this man's strange thoughts.

Lin Sui did not answer, leaving the system to guess.

The system couldn't figure it out and was restless, thinking about what Lin Sui had heard before, he couldn't help but snorted coldly: [Where do you worship him? 】

It was blocked for several days, and every time the screen was unblocked, it made it want to vomit blood.

Even during the time when Lin Sui was imprisoned, he acted like a young master. Even when cutting his nails, Yan Qin took care of him carefully. Those who were hypocritical and ignorant thought that the nail clipper could cut the nails. This fox spirit is hurt, and it's annoying to see it anyway.

Lin Sui innocently said: [I've already shouted, isn't this called to be the master of him? 】

Even if it was only once, it was done, not to mention that he had been riding for a long time, and his body could not bear it.

System: [Wear a dress for you.jpg]

Blocked, 886.

Seeing that the system was slumped again, Lin Sui picked up the computer and looked at the files in a good mood.

There was a thumping sound from the stairs, and Wu Qiu jumped up to Lin Sui with the running belt.

"I was almost caught."

Lin Sui glanced at him and said, "Going to provoke Yan Qin again?"

"I'm not giving him the law."


Lin Sui pinched her brows, thinking that she might be overkill.

When he brought Wuqiu back two or three years ago, he was only fifteen years old. It was when his legal awareness was weak, and with the things he did in the original book, he strengthened Wuqiu. education in law, politics and ideology.

Now Wuqiu is not eighteen, although he is still not so law-abiding, otherwise he would not invade Tianqi's system, but he is keen to torture people with law and morality.

Gao Jing once complained to Lin Sui, and after Wu Qiu studied systematically, he went to the Internet to help people solve their problems. Boys who take private photos in inappropriate places will always report them, giving people a lot of ideological and educational stuff. He also caught a few pedophiles, not only hacking other people's computers, but also looping laws and scolding people and animals.

Well done, well done, but too ostentatious, Gao Jing has been invited to drink tea several times.

Lin Sui learned about this and cleaned up Wu Qiu, not because he did a bad job, but because he left too many clues, and he was not polite enough. Now he can't make a name for himself, so as not to cause him trouble.


However, the young man was still childish, and Lin Sui was amused for a while after learning that Wu Qiu made a mess of the small house that day.

At this moment, Lin Sui saw that Wu Qiu had turned off the computer, and her eyes were erratic and said, "Boss, why don't we live in another place. He seems to have already checked it out."

The guilty conscience on Wu Qiu's face couldn't be concealed, so he pulled out his palm.

That person was actually a little bit more powerful than him, which he did not expect, he thought he had been slipping away for half a month, who would have thought that Yan Qin would let him go on purpose, he just After reacting, he immediately cut off the network, but Yan Qin should have found the location.

Lin Sui tutted lightly, but was not angry, he looked at the scenery in the courtyard with an inexplicable expression.

In this world, not everything can be counted, even if it is exhaustive, there will be accidents.

He didn't plan to see Yan Qin at this time, but he didn't punish Yan Qin like he said to Lin Min.

"You don't need to change places, just stay like this, don't go out these two days, just stay at home."

Lin Sui remembered Yan Qin's sour appearance, this person thought he had someone over there, if he bumped into this, it would be exciting if he didn't get it right.

Yan Qin is actually a very broad-minded person, but when it comes to people and things related to him, his mind is as small as a needle, and he can't allow others to touch him.

Wu Qiu nodded honestly, he had already listened to Lin Sui's words, not to mention that he just got into trouble.

On the side of the road, a black sedan parked quietly.

Although he was tracking the intruder, the intruder was the one who let Lin Sui leave that day. Yan Qin had a hunch that Lin Sui was inside.

He even felt that the person who kept invading the law to him was probably the boy who was once hidden by Lin Sui.

If it was him, Yan Qin would have to reconsider his previous judgment on him.

Because of his method, it really doesn't look like he did it to a rival in love, so a child.

If this is the case, it means that there is no one else in Lin Sui, Yan Qin's eyes light up, but they soon darken.

He doesn't know how to behave himself to make Lin Sui relieved, so these days he is working hard to promote the two-way cooperation with the Lin family, and strive for the Lin family to get a higher return.

Lin Sui looks at Lengxin and doesn't care about anything, but if others treat him well, it doesn't show on his face, but he remembers in his heart that he can't see him now, and he is good to the Lin family Lin Sui will also see it.

Except for this method, Yan Qin was at a loss.

The Lin family has a good reputation, and there are many friends in wine and meat, but few true friends.

, he has less time to find Lin Sui.

Yan Qin felt that he was still somewhat sensible, and had some understanding of Lin Sui's temperament, because Song Yunqing did not look for Lin Sui after that.

Lin Sui seems to be out of this world, making it difficult to capture.

Yan Qin's thoughts these days are the necklace that has not been worn around his neck.

He looked at the small building not far away, his eyes dark and quiet.

The next day, Lin Sui woke up and found snow fluttering outside the house.

The snow began to fall in the middle of the night and did not stop in the morning, covering the courtyard with a layer of white.

The servant came up and said that someone had delivered something to the door.

Wu Qiu excitedly opened the box for Lin Sui, which contained a mobile phone and a scarf.

The mobile phone Lin Sui recognized, it was the one he was holding by Yan Qin before, Lin Sui glanced at it, put it aside without interest, and picked up the scarf.

The scarf is dark red, the stitches are not too fine, it can be seen that it is hand-woven.

If it was given to him by Yan Qin, then Yan Qin would definitely not fake it in the hands of others.

Yan Qin has always been a virtuous man. He made magic tools for him in the world of self-cultivation, and even in modern times, he did not forget to weave a scarf for him.

Lin Sui felt better, she touched the soft fluff of the scarf, and the corners of her eyes and brows softened a bit.

Wu Qiu is a straight-minded person, first commented: "Who sent this, it's too tasteless, not high-end at all, but it looks very warm."

Although Wu Qiu was a person who couldn't eat and could only eat everywhere a few years ago, Lin Sui has not treated him badly in recent years. Not his boss.

"Boss, if you don't want it, you can reward me, and I'll buy you a better-looking one later."

Wu Qiu didn't notice the change in Lin Sui's expression at all, thinking about what kind of scarf she had enough money to buy for Lin Sui.

"Done homework?"

Lin Sui looked at him, her expression even colder than the heavy snow outside the house.

Wu Qiu thought of English and physics homework, and said, "There's a little more."

"Then add ten more papers."


Wu Qiu begged for mercy: "Boss, don't wow!"

Lin Sui's expression remained unchanged, her lips moved slightly: "Twenty."

"I'm going now!"

Wu Qiu rushed upstairs with the computer, Lin Sui raised her chin towards the servant next to her.

"Go and prepare thirty papers for him, bring him the food, and let him come out after writing."

The servant nodded with a smile, and immediately went to get the paper.

Wu Qiu's heart died when he saw the papers brought up, he didn't understand why the boss was so angry today, he accidentally played around and exposed the coordinates and the boss didn't punish him, he just said more today One sentence, the boss will punish him for 30 papers. Maybe the boss's anger has been delayed, or the boss is not happy when it snows today?

Wu Qiu couldn't figure it out, so she could only do her homework with tears in her eyes.

Downstairs, Lin Sui was lying on the soft slump, looking at documents and working, the dark red scarf was placed on his lap, and the thin gold chain on his wrist was leaning on top, reflecting a bit of radiance Warm winter joy.

In Yan Qin's house, Tao Ting helped to clean up the scattered wool, rolled up the defective products, and planned to throw them away later.

She received a call from Yan Qin early this morning and thought it was a big deal, but Yan Qin asked her if she could knit wool.

Tao Ting can. She only knitted new ones for herself and her family this winter. After hearing Yan Qin's request for help, she rushed to his house.

Tao Ting guided Yan Qin for a long time before she got on the road. Although the weaving was not very beautiful, it was passable, but what Tao Ting didn't quite understand was...

"Lao Yan, you are such a perfect person, and you are a gift for Lin Sui, why not make it look better?"

Some stitches can actually be handled better, Tao Ting informed Yan Qin, but Yan Qin did not change.

"It's so beautiful that he doesn't know I knitted it myself."

Yan Qin replied calmly, he practiced stitches all night, and he knitted nonstop all morning, his fingers were already red and swollen.

What kind of scarf master does not have, the most important thing is the heart, although I don't know if it will be cherished, but for Yan Qin, it is enough to send it out.

Tao Ting looked at a friend who was a straightforward manager and used her scheming: ... ok, she was too low-end, although Yan Qin was not much better.

Tao Ting doesn't want to get involved in the relationship of friends. In her opinion, both of them are a little crazy. Lin Sui treats Yan Qin as a dog, and Yan Qin treats Lin Sui as a cage Sparrow, the two of them would mix if they liked it. If nothing else, she felt that there was a bit of a natural couple in it.

"You are in this state, rest for a while and then go to the company."

Yan Qin shook his head: "Let's go."

"How is the progress of the Sifang, has their docking technology reached the testing stage?"

Tao Ting replied: "It's still improving, they are very cautious about this."

Yan Qin nodded: "It is right to be cautious, the man behind the scenes is not a simple person, he has taken many measures to avoid future troubles, the theory is very mature, it is a pity that the existing technology There is no way to quickly implement his vision."

"I believe that our Apocalypse will not let them down. Then a new era will come."

Tao Ting thought, her face full of yearning.

Tao Ting did not expect that her vision was quickly broken.

"The Quartet wants to stop cooperating? Why?"

Tao Ting in the office was a little unbelievable when she heard the news, she hurriedly went to find Yan Qin, and met Chu Feng in the corridor.

The creative team sat in the conference room anxiously and looked at Yan Qin in the first seat.

The R&D team responsible for connecting with the Quartet is even more broken. They put so much effort into it, how can you say that if you don’t cooperate, you can’t cooperate. Cake, when they got on the boat, they didn't want to be kicked off halfway.

"Don't worry everyone."

Yan Qin made a gesture, and the boiling conference room fell silent.

" The Quartet said that they have developed a processor that is more suitable for their research, but they have suspended cooperation in this area. Regarding cloud computing and engines, they still rely on us and other technology companies, they will As agreed to pay for the content of the contract, the research will continue, and we will visit again to see the details."

Although Yan Qin said this, he was not optimistic. Technology is extremely objective. If he masters more core technology, then it is normal for them to get off halfway. , but even so, Yan Qin did not intend to give up.

Yan Qin made a quick decision and gave orders to the relevant departments of the project. The employees seemed to be reassured and implemented the instructions according to the plan.

Yan Qin brought Tao Ting and Chu Feng to visit Sifang Technology, intending to find out.

The square building is extremely intelligent, similar to Apocalypse, but more technologically psychedelic than Apocalypse.

Through the lobby, transparent elevators pass each floor.

The corner of Yan Qin's eyes seemed to catch a black, like the back of a teenager, but before he could see it clearly, the elevator went up another floor.

The top floor is the reception room and office. The secretary guided them to sit down and made them coffee.

Gao Jing came soon, shook hands with Yan Qin, sat opposite, and expressed regret that part of the cooperation stopped.

In fact, Gao Jing doesn't like to deal with Yan Qin very much, and he is very pressured to deal with each other.

Yan Qin was gentle and polite. During the conversation, he avoided talking about the termination of some cooperation, and instead talked about the core technology, extracting information from the other party's mouth, watching Gao Jing answer the more The more and more hesitant appearance, the attitude is always calm.

Compared to being a businessman, Mr. Gao is actually more suitable to be a researcher. His methods are not cunning and sophisticated enough, and he is a little weak. This also shows that the decision to suspend cooperation was not made by him. .

Yan Qin was not here for him today. He needed to have a direct conversation with the person behind the other party and meet the rumored mysterious President Qin.

Gao Jing had to leave the venue halfway for the reason of going to the bathroom, and went straight to the innermost office to ask about measures and countermeasures.


There is a monitor hanging on the screen in the office, which is clearly the scene of the reception room. Gao Jing knew that he didn't need to say more and asked for instructions.

"Invite him to see me."

Gao Jing returned to the reception room and invited Yan Qin.

"Mr. Yan, we, Mr. Qin, want to see you, please talk about it."

Yan Qin was a little surprised at the directness and ease of the other party, and went to the other party's office without hesitation.

After knocking on the door to enter, the first thing Yan Qin saw was the boss chair with his back to the door.

He couldn't see the whole picture of the person sitting there, only his forearm supported on the armrest, and a small section of slender white wrist exposed by the bent arm.

There was a thin chain on the wrist and a pendant.

Yan Qin stared straight at it, and he knew the words engraved on it without looking closely.

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