Published at 21st of May 2024 12:15:31 PM

Chapter 114

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“Your Majesty doesn’t need to worry about any troubling matters.”


“That’s not why you came all the way here, is it?”


I felt slightly annoyed as I spoke. After deciding not to come to the capital, he hurriedly made his way, only to say now that there was nothing for me to worry about.


Then, Ian nodded and opened his mouth to speak. “In Iskar, I saw a few people coming and going from Bei’s building. They said to let Your Majesty know if you ever need anything. It seems Iskar was also keeping an eye on Bei.”


“Another power rising would be troublesome, after all. He dislikes bothersome things.”


Shale had also checked if there were any connections with the Rudbihi family, knowing it would be concerning for me since the last of that lineage, my mother Lucellai Rudbihi, had left a potential threat against me.


I nodded in response, thinking that Ian had done well to meet with Iskar in such a short time.


Although Ian was being cautious around Limon, he said he would accept Limon’s proposal and delve directly into it if necessary.


“Unless they plan on cooperating with you in the first place.”


“It would make things easier, wouldn’t it? It could serve as a good pretext if things go wrong.”


“Are you making a bad joke right now?”


“My apologies. It was just a comment.”


Ian seemed unfazed by my glare. He still makes those needless comments about risking his life as if it’s nothing.


For a moment, I considered telling him to just go back to the North, but then he handed me a scroll.


The relationship with Marquis Schultz was still uncertain for both Ian and us, but Ian had a list from Shale Iskar. Whether to establish a new Bei or to plot something else, Shale Iskar was prepared to come directly to me if it related to me. After all, we were somewhat close friends.


I couldn’t help but feel a slight guilt towards Shale Iskar, who had said he wouldn’t be upset if we didn’t contact each other since we were no longer equals. And now, to receive help from him again.


Even a quick glance revealed about thirty names. Most were insignificant, and those who directly received orders or propositions, including Limon, were about five. If Ian had joined hands with Limon, his name would probably be here.


Shale Iskar must have delved deeply into this, yet the number of people was surprisingly small. Surely, this was just a fraction, but I had expected to find out how far Marquis Schultz’s influence reached, assuming he was involved.


Only this much in the capital.


It seems like, according to Juri, this list only contains contacts. I memorized each name from top to bottom. Three out of the five names were familiar to me, excluding Limon.


“Rozi’s name isn’t here.”


“In my opinion.”


“It seems he’s deliberately staying behind?”


Guessing Ian’s intention, I spoke, and Ian nodded. It seemed he shared my thoughts. After all, weren’t Ian and I the dogs of my mother and Sir Shubart? A bitter smile crossed my face at the thought that, although our positions differed, our roles were not so different.


“Yeah. He’s not someone to die alone. After all, Shubart once praised him for it.”


“I will verify and report back.”


“Thank you. But I’d prefer you avoid overly dangerous tasks.”




Folding the list, I subtly glanced at Ian as I spoke. He remained silent. I didn’t really expect him to listen.


“Today, I’ll seek out Limon. It might take some time to verify. I’ll visit the palace again soon.”


“If you’re going to move, I’ll provide someone to accompany you. The guy in the carriage behind us is quite skilled.”


Ian, who had maintained an indifferent expression, briefly smiled. “I prefer to work alone.”


Seeing his stubbornness unchanged, I frowned slightly and shook my head. Then, I took out a magical device from inside my clothing and offered it to him.


“Then, at least take this. If you don’t want to leave traces while moving. If it’s true that Limon cut off the bridge, it means he’s testing how you move. Even if you’ve avoided his eyes this time, he might come looking for you again.”


When he hesitated to take it, I offered it again, and reluctantly, Ian accepted the magical device. The device was actually designed to be reused by inserting a new mana stone, though it wasn’t originally intended for my use.


Is it because I always live a life of running away?  Still bearing the traces of that life, carrying it somehow brought me comfort. Today, it happened to be with me, which worked out well.


Ian nodded his head in acknowledgment.


As we were about to leave the bustling area, Ian swiftly exited the carriage.




I sighed softly, looking at the empty seat in front of me.


* * *

“Greetings to Your Majesty Empress. I was looking forward to seeing you again.” Marquis Schultz bowed deeply, greeting me with due respect.


As soon as the appointed day arrived, the marquis appeared early as if he had been waiting.


I had planned to meet him at the villa but decided to change the location to the parlor of the empress’s palace. When I rescheduled our meeting here, the marquis arrived on time but with a puzzled look, though he seemed quite excited. Seeing him more relaxed than before, it seemed he took my acceptance of his offer as a partial success.


“Marquis, I’m unsure why you were so eager. Regardless, please take a seat.”


We haven’t had many conversations, including official occasions, and this was only the second time we had a lengthy discussion. His exaggeration was too much. He continued with flattery, not quite flattery, and is still wearing that ring today – as if he never intended to hide it.


Glancing at the ring, I set aside the tea he offered without really tasting it. “Now, speak, Marquis.”


With that, Marquis Schultz smiled broadly and, taking off the ring he had been wearing, pushed it across the table towards me with both hands.


“I have much to say, but I thought this might be of most interest to you. It’s a familiar image to Your Majesty, isn’t it?”


His tone changed slightly. Whereas he had been exceedingly formal before, now his demeanor suggested he saw us as equals, or perhaps he viewed himself slightly above.


As I quietly observed, the marquis withdrew his hands, leaving the ring on the table. I looked down at the ring left behind.


“You’re not pretending not to know.”


“There’s no reason to. I’m just curious if Marquis can take responsibility for it.”


Marquis Schultz chuckled lightly. “I didn’t intend to displease Your Majesty. It’s quite the opposite.”




“I wanted to express my desire to lend Your Majesty strength.”


“You want to give me strength?”


I couldn’t help but laugh softly.

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