Published at 21st of May 2024 12:15:31 PM

Chapter 117

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“I never intended to give it to you originally,” I added as I watched Ian completely take the key.


In fact, if no one had touched Bei again, that key would have just rotted away, forgotten in the depths of a drawer. Then it could have been completely forgotten, or I might have found the key unknowingly and thought, ‘Ah, that key,’ and then disposed of it with relief. That’s what I had hoped for.


It was too much to hope for the past to disappear completely, so I wished that it would be forgotten to the extent that nothing happens. Just like Duke Rudbihi’s family was disappearing from people’s memories. Just as Lucellai Rudbihi and Shubart Rivaho were being forgotten among people. 


I hoped they would disappear as if sinking below the surface of the water. If left as is, annoying people—like Marquis Schultz, for example—would surely get tangled up again.


It seemed like I either had to completely destroy it, like burning it, or keep a tight hold on it. That was the decision I had just made.


I had never been to the place Sir Shubart mentioned with that key. Since I had never gone there, of course, I had never opened it. It was said to be Bei’s vault, but I don’t know what was inside.


“As I said earlier, take the things inside, whether you rebuild Bei or dispose of them. Ian, do as you wish. You can make a much wiser choice than me.”


On one hand, it felt like a good outcome. Rather than having mediocre trash get involved, Ian was better.




“You don’t have to report to me if you’re going to make it yours. It’s literally yours. You don’t need to feel responsible. Sir Shubart gave me the key, and this is my decision.” I added again, fearing he considered it as a heavy responsibility.


Ian seemed to ponder over the key for a long while. I waited without rushing him, meaning to give him plenty of time to think. Since he’s usually not hesitant to make a decision in front of me, he must be seriously considering this.


“Yes, then I will do as I please.”


“I see. You may go.”


* * *

Ian left the empress’s palace. He walked out of the parlor and down the corridor, where someone was waiting in front. It was Owen, one of the emperor’s guards. While Joanne, one of the emperor’s closest confidantes, disliked Ian, Owen did not. He had been with Bella before she became the empress, but now he knew well that Ian absolutely would not cross the line with her. Unlike Joanne, who always doubted and told Valery to dismiss him, Owen trusted Ian’s eyes.


They nodded slightly to each other as a greeting.


“His Majesty is waiting for you.”


“I was actually planning to request a meeting tonight.”


“That works out well.”


Owen smiled and turned down the right corridor. The footsteps of the two echoed quite loudly in the otherwise quiet empress’s palace, guarded heavily. They were heading towards a path connected to the emperor’s palace, which was usually used only by the emperor, though occasionally there were exceptions.


In silence, Owen spoke to Ian, who was following him, with a voice tinged with laughter. “There are always those who stir up trouble wherever they go, aren’t there?”




“This way.”


After walking for a while, Owen stopped in front of a closed door. “Go inside. He must be waiting. His Majesty is also aware of the current situation, so you can speak freely if needed.”


With that, Ian bowed and entered through the door Owen had opened for him. Soon after, the door closed quietly.


* * *

Contrary to expectations that Bei would get rid of, Ian announced he would become the new owner of Bei. He did not say why. Naturally, I didn’t ask either. Because that’s what was agreed. Perhaps because of that, the situation changed drastically after I gave the key to Ian.


When Ian stepped forward to become the new owner, there seemed to be some confusion among them. Marquis Schultz, who had wanted to become the owner of Bei, realized that Zerod, who had been in a cooperative relationship, only wanted to use Marquis Schultz’s name and had intended to become the new owner himself. Their plans fell apart, and it seemed a bloodbath ensued between them.




I was shocked, having received such threats, but I soon understood. After all, it was a gathering of such people. Even if the head was gone, those eager to sit in the new head’s place couldn’t possibly give up their habits.


Despite it being an expected outcome, I heard that Marquis Schultz had suffered great financial losses because he only provided the funds. Thus, Marquis Schultz came to see me again.


“He requests to have an audience with Your Majesty.”


“Send him back.”


Despite being refused once, he pleaded earnestly, so I allowed the audience just once.


The way Marquis Schultz groveled, begging so pathetically that it seemed a shame to witness it alone, he looked like he might burst into tears at any moment. I had always thought of him as a wise man who knew when to strike and retreat, but it seemed he had just been lucky.


To prevent such a scene from ruining the banquet, I had planned to arrest those involved before that, but I had to watch their absurd fight. I had no intention of forgiving him, but Valery would not just stand by and watch. Eventually, before the banquet even started, the things Marquis Schultz had been doing in secret were all tangled up and caused a big commotion.


As soon as Ian received the key, he began to clean up those involved. I later found out that Owen, Valery’s guard, had helped Ian a lot. Since I had said he didn’t need to say anything, it was more comfortable to realize this later.


Thus, the cleaning began beneath the surface, and the banquet passed safely above it. By the time several major events were successfully completed, autumn had arrived.


Marquis Schultz ultimately could not escape prison. I heard that the marchioness barely managed to plead and was not expelled from the central nobility but went down to her hometown. And Zerod, who had wanted to control Bei using Marquis Schultz, died. I heard later that he died by Ian’s hand.


Since Ian had not come to see me even once after taking the key from me, I also heard about this through Owen. I had a feeling that unless something really big happened, he probably wouldn’t come to see me again. But from what I heard, there were a tremendous amount of gold bars in that vault, so maybe he could do whatever he wanted and live.


Ian had cleared all the trash and now solely possessed Bei. Since he had always followed my shadow, perhaps now he could be free.


And now that there was no one left to threaten Valery and me, I also felt a bit more at ease. Perhaps that’s why I haven’t had a nightmare since then.


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