Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:30 AM

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Mythical Legacy - White Death [5]

A flake of snow slowly fell to the ground. Currently, a person would describe such a scene as strange. Winters had just passed by, yet suddenly the snow seemed to return, as if paying respect to a legend.

A figure could be seen, walking on the snowy path. He possessed a transparent umbrella, with its top covered in snow. Dressed in a black formal suit, his blue eyes reflected sadness. Walking for another 2 minutes, he finally reached his destination.

[Garden of Honour]

He quietly joined the group of people gathered around a grave built in the center. On the grave was the black and white photo of Simo Häyhä, a photo from his youth when he possessed an above-average face, without a disfigured jaw.

Since Simo Häyhä did not have any close relatives alive, four high-ranking military officers were carrying his coffin. Lucas wanted to help, but he simply couldn't.

It was as if those four couldn't see him, as they passed through his body while carrying the coffin. As if Lucas were nothing but a mere ghost standing there.

Those four military officers then lowered the coffin into the grave. After all the traditions were fulfilled, the grave was filled with soil, covering the black coffin bit by bit.

Lucas stood there, his heart wincing. After thirty minutes, the reception began. Though Simo Häyhä did not have any friends or family left, all the military officers gathered, sharing their points of view on this legend. Some said that they respected him very much, others said that they wished he was still alive.

After two hours, all of them finally left, but Lucas was still standing there with the transparent umbrella in his hand.

His vision slightly blurred as he looked at the grave. Standing there, he looked at the three lines written on the grave.

The Best Sniper of the world

The Guardian of his Motherland

The Winter Hero

Wordlessly, he looked at the grave, however, a few drops of tears fell through his eyes. With a swift motion, he chucked the umbrella and fell to his knees. Opening his mouth, Lucas tried to speak a few words, but none came out.

His tears streamed down his cheek, as finally, he exclaimed softly with a choking voice.

"Master!" With that, he gave a respectful bow. Hours passed by, as Lucas remained in the same position.

At first, he just wanted strength and accepted the Mythical Legacy. If a stronger legacy would've appeared in front of him, then he would clearly choose that over this one.

However, such thoughts were dispelled. He came to respect this legend; he earnestly wished for this legacy! He wished to be the inheritor of White Death!

His point of view had completely changed. Though he was still the same Lucas, something within him had changed. He was still a brat, a little impulsive. But something was different...

And thus, Lucas remained in the same position, waiting to be accepted by Simo Häyhä.


Hours passed by in the blink of an eye, and Lucas remained in the same position. However, at that very moment, the sound of someone skiing echoed. Though Lucas did not care about it at first, suddenly, a look of realization appeared on his face.

Standing up, he turned around in a swift manner and looked at the man in front of him wearing a white coat. His face was covered with a ski mask. This man was around 1.6 meters, quite short in comparison with Lucas, who was around six feet.

This was the man who was known as the White Death A.K.A the Legend, which Lucas had come to respect.

Seeing this man, Lucas immediately fell to his knees. "Master!"

"Master, eh? Getting too excited, my dear student?"

Lucas's eyes widened as he heard the word 'student!' His heart started beating crazily.

"Well, my dear disciple, you show your emotions easily. But I'm glad."

"Glad?" Confusion was etched on Lucas's face.

"Glad that my will didn't take over yours. If it had done so, then you would be nothing but a hollow, a doppelganger. Remember, maturity and development are good, but do not lose yourself."

'Lose yourself...' Lucas pondered silently, feeling that those words had deep meaning.

"Well, this master of yours wishes to give you something," he said as he suddenly extended his arm, as if he was handing it to Lucas.

"Huh? What about you?" Lucas said, trying to put on a face that suggested he didn't require and want this gun. But it was next to impossible. His heart started beating faster, his palms sweating. This reminded him of the time when he saw his crush for the first time in school. The time when he was around 14, his hormones messing up with his brain.

Simo couldn't help but smile as he saw this. He then handed his gun to Lucas.

"This gun has accompanied me since I was thirty years old, from the start of the Winter War. You would need this weapon to truly tap into the limit of this legacy, maybe break the limit. But your current self is too weak, so I'm not removing the countless seals on this gun," he said.

"But what about when I grow stronger?"

"Well, removing these seals will be your job."


As Lucas grabbed the gun, he felt all the senses tingling in his body. Indeed, this gun was just like his first love.

"Hmm, this doesn't have any bullets."

"You don't need bullets."

"What?!" A shocked expression appeared on Lucas's face.

"It has traits of myth; it embodies the power of myths. Thus, you do not need bullets, but if you wish so, then you can insert some."

"So it's like those mystic weapons?"

"You can say so." Lucas required a minute to calm himself down completely. Looking at the rifle riddled with scratches, his heart started to beat faster.

This was so exciting!

"Lucas Brightster, my sole Inheritor it was good knowing you. For now it's time to go"

'Time to go?' Thunder crackled in the air. The snow became more hazardous. All of this was so realistic that Lucas almost forgot; these were just memories. The Legend was dead. He looked at White Death, wanting to say something but then white flames erupted, engulfing his body.


[Chaos Forge]

Lucas's eyes slowly opened, emitting a chilling aura. In the blink of an eye, everything unfolded within a fleeting moment. As of everything was a dream. Though he felt like something within him had changed, at the end of the day he once again became Lucas Brightster.

All those years, those emotions... It all felt vividly real yet elusive. Lucas's gaze shifted to the Mosin-Nagant. Strangely, the rifle underwent a transformation.

No longer gleaming and pristine, it now bore the scars of countless battles. Oddly, these marks only deepened Lucas's connection to the weapon.

Lifting his head, Lucas confronted the enigmatic figure. Fear enveloped him, a tremendous surge, as he faced this mysterious presence. The figure's silhouette seemed to grow more profound, their sharp brown eyes piercing into Lucas's soul with an eerie intensity.

"Sir," Lucas uttered with utmost respect and a hint of trepidation. "I... I wish to purchase this weapon."

A smile graced Allen's face, but then a thought crossed his mind. 'Can he afford it? Perhaps lending would be a more viable option...'

"You wish to buy this weapon?" Allen's words, in his eyes, were a mere confirmation. However, for Lucas, they delved into the depths of his soul, questioning his capability to acquire such a remarkable weapon.

Undeterred, Lucas was determined to proceed, regardless of the cost involved.

But before he could express his resolve, Allen interjected, "There's something called weapon lending. Maybe you can apply for it, or you can pay in EMI."

A subtle twitch appeared in Lucas's eyes. EMI? Lending? Why was even someone of such stature resorting to such financial arrangements?

Lucas felt that he had come to some shaby black market where the shop owner would try to scam his customer by offering EMI on a broken item.

'Pha! What are you thinking, Lucas?! How can you compare such a distinguished figure with a shady black-market dealer!'

"Sir, take this ring. I will go with EMI," Lucas declared, presenting a ring from his pant pocket. This heirloom was the only valuable possession he had.

Accepting the seemingly ordinary ring from Lucas, Allen scrutinized it.


Worth: 2000 system credits. These words appeared on the system panel, surprising Allen with the unexpected value of the ring.

"Haaa... Indeed, don't judge a book by its cover."

"Dear customer, you would need 49 more rings to buy the weapon," Allen informed.

Lucas raised an eyebrow, thinking, 'Just 49 more? That cheap? Looks like this ring is actually precious.'

Allen continued, "And since this is your first purchase, there will be no interest on it. And remember, I have my own ways of getting money from you if you do not pay."

Hearing the last words, Lucas couldn't help but gulp inwardly. Meanwhile, Allen laughed inwardly, 'Indeed, this brat thinks of me as some kind of big shot. Well, I wasn't exactly lying; at least this system is a little useful.'

"Thank you, sir!" Seeing that it was already too late, Lucas decided not to trouble Allen anymore. "I'll take my leave." After Allen nodded, he walked out of the store. A few meters away from the shop, he couldn't help but sigh.

'I wish Master was with me, guiding me...'

"So, you are sad about his death?"

"Yea..." And then suddenly he froze.

"Wait a sec, who?!"

"Me," a figure slowly appeared in front of Lucas, wearing a white coat and a ski mask.

"Master!" In front of Lucas stood the legendary White Death, The Short King!

Simo's expression beneath the mask twisted; he was able to read Lucas's thoughts.

"Short King?!"

"You can read my thoughts?"

"You bet."

And thus, the master and disciple continued their grumbling. After a few minutes, Lucas finally looked towards the west, seeing the faint outline of a dome-like structure.

"From here onwards begins my protagonist arc," he said softly. As Simo heard these words, he couldn't help but facepalm.

"You still retained that narcissism trait of yours?"

"Well, Master, you said to do so."

"Haa, I'm starting to rethink my decision, my dear disciple," Simo said helplessly, to which Lucas humorously replied, "No refunds allowed."

And hence, the legend who once died started rethinking about his life once again.

But at least, he got a companion to chat with, even after death!

A/N: With this concludes White Death mini-arc.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!