Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:20 AM

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Zulu Rank Wine

The great boundary, also considered the safe boundary, was a non-existent division between a certain area around the Ice Gate mountain of the Great mountain range and the crimson forest. The trees within these forests weren't red or crimson in color; instead, when they were cut, a crimson liquid similar to blood would ooze out.

The woods extracted from these trees were excellent for burning. They would dry quickly, making them one of the most-used woods for burning. Currently, the blue Toadmen were carrying some such woods. The large bonfire built in the area managed to somewhat regulate the temperature.

And the man who managed to unite all these blue toads was sitting in his funny-looking shop. It was a hut, a two-story hut. As if this wasn't funny enough, there was a digital signboard on the hut that read [Frozen Forge].

With just a single click on the blue panel, guns, swords, daggers appeared on the wall neatly attached to it. For the standard of this world, Allen's shop was very fancy. The mix of modern ideas and medieval architecture made it look even more unique.

"Master! Teach me!" Mud, who was sitting beside Allen, said in excitement.

"Not today," Allen replied with a helpless sigh. Right now, Allen's outfit had changed once again; he was now truly looking like a Weapon Store Owner.

Wearing a three-piece formal suit, with a smile etched on his face. Right now, he was a weapon store owner, nothing more, nothing less.

This lonely shop, which rarely had one or two customers, tonight was bustling with many species. The army of Frostzards earlier had caused a great commotion, attracting many curious spectators.

What they witnessed left them baffled. It didn't even take an hour for the rumors to spread.

The connection present within the species was awe-inducing. Within an hour, the rumors started to spread.

"So that shop owner bursted the Frostzard's head with a single flick of his finger? No way!"

"The Frostzard was begging for mercy? Nah, bro, I don't believe you."

"Trust me, bro."

And for the first time, this shop known as Frost Forge became busy.

"Damn! This sword looks so strong!"

Once a person entered this store, they would be rendered speechless. The species good in appraisal were able to make out that not even a single weapon was below the rank of Felcio rank.

Shocked, surprised, baffled!

"Hey, if I'm not wrong, then that is..."

"Yes, sir, it is wine."

Wine was considered a delicacy in this world. As a result, Allen bribed—cough, cough—bought many bottles of wine from the system.

"Hey, give me that wine," the werewolf said. With a smile, the toad walked towards the beautiful wine bottle, filled with a blue fluid.

Ruko, this was the arrogant wolf's name. A youngster who belonged to one of the Noble families in the werewolf clan. He and one of the elders of his family were here. Listening to all these rumors, they decided to pay a visit.

"Sir, you need to pay for this wine; we only accept precious materials."

"Precious materials," the werewolf repeated as he scratched the back of his head. Before he could ask the rank, his eyes fell on the price tag.

Zulu Rank or higher.

His expression immediately stiffened. The wolf rubbed his eyes before checking the price tag again.

Zulu rank or higher.

"Huh!?" After realizing the price, he froze in his place. With a swift swipe of his claws, he snatched the wine bottle from the Toad's palms, startling him.

Looking at the price tag for a full minute, he finally put the bottle down and looked at the toad with a face riddled by doubts. "This price tag must be wrong."

The toad shook his head slightly. Seeing the toad who wasn't scared in his presence, the werewolf was surprised, but currently, that was the least of his concerns.

"Kind sir, it's not wrong. Our master was kind and lowered the price."

Hiss, this toad was too shameless!

Before the wolf could lash out at this toad, a werewolf larger than both of them appeared.

"Where are all your manners?!" Unlike the youngster, this elder had enhanced vision. As a result of which, he was able to see that the battle between Allen and the Frostzard clearly.


"Don't argue!"

"Elder! Listen to me first! This is a rip-off!" Suddenly, a dominating aura enveloped the young wolf. With a forced expression, he said, "Of course, the rate will be higher. This must be high-quality wi-"


This was when his eyes fell on the price tag. An awkward silence enveloped the place. His eyelids twitched slightly, as he gave an awkward cough.

'This wine better turn me into a Zulu rank life form.' His eyes fell on the toad before looking around, seeing all those strange-looking weapons.

With a hysterical expression, he took out a piece of metal brick. 'This is no use to me anyway.'

"Here." The expression on the toad's face brightened considerably as he grabbed the piece of brick. "I will be in a jiffy." Saying this, he rushed to the first floor. Giving it to Allen, he returned and handed the bottle of wine to the werewolf.

'Ha, an entire Zulu rank brick...'


"Let's go. We'll inform the clan about this weapon store; let's buy some of them and leave."

"Alright." The werewolf youngster nodded his head. They bought a few swords and one single rifle. With the usage manual of the rifle, they left the hut.

Thirty minutes passed since these two started walking. After another ten minutes, the elder slightly felt thirsty. Looking at the wine bottle in his hand, a dry laugh escaped his mouth. 'Ha, an entire Zulu rank brick...'

Unsealing the bottle, he brought it near to his nose. The strong smell of the wine spread.

"Smells so good..." The young wolf commented. The elder nodded in agreement, but the brick still lingered in his mind.

'Forget it!' Shaking his head, he poured some of the blue wine into his mouth. And this was when his eyes widened.


Allen, seated on the wooden chair, took a sip of his tea. Placing the cup of tea back on the table, a confused look appeared on his face.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important?'

"Hey system, am I forgetting something?"

[Most probably not]

"Most probably?"

[Almost not]


"Or are you forgetting?" Allen questioned, his eyes narrowed.

[No, I'm a supercomputer with intelligence that surpasses many systems. I'm different than humans.]

"Alright, alright."

Before Allen could pick up his tea cup, a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in." Mud quickly entered the room, and with a respectful tone, he said, "Master, that merchant I was talking about is here to visit you."

"The merchant?" A smile broke out on Allen's face. 'It is time to take on the swindler mode—I mean, businessman mode and do some equivalent exchanges.'

And with this, Allen would come closer to completing another one of his quests.

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