Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:16 AM

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: The Blood Union

The downpour in the area had intensified. The moon hung in the sky, looking majestic.

Desolate Zone C... This was the name of the zone in which Allen stayed. To reach Dome Nation, if by leg, then a person would need at least 15 days to do so.

Lucas currently had coated himself with a layer of mana, sheltering himself from the incoming rain.

Thankfully, due to receiving White Death's legacy, he managed to break through a minor rank. The cultivation method of a Chain Breaker wasn't completely and solely based on absorbing mana and enhancing skills. Instead, it revolved around breaking the limiters, the chains that were sealing the potential within the human body.

Some people also called these chains the gene locks. Though the number of chains sealing the potential of humans was still unknown, it was speculated that once a person broke all the chains, they would become a deity, a True God!

To become stronger, one basically needed to break the chains. But bringing cracks on them could also slightly strengthen a person. These so-called cracks were divided into two categories, Major Cracks and Minor Cracks.

Receiving Legacy somehow made this process even easier.

"Hey, I see a monster coming."

"Where?!" Alertness immediately spread through him as Lucas grabbed his snow piercer.

A few dog-like monsters with black fur were dashing towards him. 'Strange, monsters in the desolate area? Is this because of that respected sir?' Not thinking much, he pulled the trigger. Thankfully, he had already filled the gun with mana, creating mana bullets.

Quickly finding a suitable place to hide himself, he lay on the ground with the barrel of his Mosin Nagant aiming at one of the dog-like monsters.

Simo had a carefree look in his eyes as Lucas placed his finger on the trigger.

'Now!' He exclaimed inwardly.



Desolate Area G... This was the last Desolate area marked by humans. Beyond this, desolate areas were unknown areas or Red Zones. Naturally, Unknown Areas were considered to be more dangerous than Red Zones. This belief originated from the fear of the unknown.

While Red Zones were the zones riddled with countless monster nests, many monsters lived here. Some projects had been released for reclaiming these Red Zones; however, only a small portion of them were successful so far.

In one of the Unknown Zones...

A figure covered in a black cloak could be seen, sprinting in one of the streets. The buildings and structures built in this area were mostly reclaimed by mother nature.

Cracks riddled these buildings; they looked like they'd collapse within seconds. Suddenly, a monster jumped on the figure, but before the monster could even come in contact with the figure, its body burst into a puddle of blood.

After running for a few more minutes, he took a turn, finally arriving in front of a cathedral-like structure.

Amid all these buildings, this was the only structure that wasn't riddled with any scratches. There was also an ominous energy surrounding this cathedral. Under the shining moonlight, and silence shrouding the area, this place looked like it directly emerged from a horror movie.

Looking at the Gothic cathedral, the cloaked figure's heart sped up. He felt like his blood came to life, moving like crazy maggots.

The Gothic cathedral rose from the mist, its towering spires piercing the night sky like skeletal sentinels. Gargoyles, frozen in grotesque poses, adorned the edges, their stony eyes seemingly watching with malevolent intent.

The moonlight cast eerie shadows, revealing the worn, blackened stones that seemed to absorb all warmth. As the wind whispered through the ancient arches, it carried an unsettling moan, as if the very walls held the secrets of countless terrors.

The entrance, a yawning maw of darkness, hinted at unspeakable horrors within.

"So this is the infamous Horror Cathedral?" His deep voice echoed, as he looked at the Cathedral made of light-absorbing material. Gulping a large amount of saliva, with swift movements, he appeared in front of the gate. His steps were as light as a feather itself, making no sound.

Taking out an abyssal key, he unlocked the lock on the gate. It looked quite funny, such a small lock for this gigantic gate. As he removed the small lock, large chains fell to the ground.

'This is more of a giant residence than Cathedral.' The cloaked figure couldn't help but comment. As he entered the eerily quiet cathedral, his vision was somewhat hindered by the red mist.

In the spooky cathedral, the place at the beginning called a narthex, kind of like a creepy lobby. Inside, three long walkways, with the middle one known as the nave. Cross-shaped thing called the transept, and where they all came together, an open area known as the choir. Way at the end, a spot known as the apse, featuring an altar.

But from this point onwards things got eerier. Right in the middle, a creepy coffin, straight out of a horror flick. And right next to it, a massive statue of a priest. He wore a holy-looking robe, sported a neat beard, and in his left hand, clutched this open book. Something that would send chills down one's spine, as if he was keeping watch over something ancient and unsettling.

"So this is where our lord resides..." With another swift movement, he took out a flask filled with crimson liquid. Unsealing the flask, he poured a generous amount of liquid on the ground.

The blood-like liquid on the ground started expanding, forming a mini pool. Multiple cloaked figures just like him emerged from the blood pool.

"This is the Horror Cathedral. Where our lord resides."

Though there wasn't any visible excitement in them, their eyes radiated madness. Madness that was creepy.

These cloaked figures summoned by the blood pool were actually called Blood Slaves, a new research product of the Blood Union.

"Go, open the coffin." Luros, the mad researcher and the one who summoned all these Blood Slaves, ordered one of them.

Without giving any response, one of the Blood Slaves walked towards the coffin. If one would look at it with all their focus, they'd notice that the lid of the coffin was slightly trembling.

'Hehe, interesting.' At the top of the cathedral, standing on one of the gargoyle statues, was a monkey with grey fur and red eyes. For some reason, he was invisible hidden from their gaze.

'These bunch of monkeys are so dumb.' The Grey furred monkey said as he gave a sigh. He then placed the red apple within his mouth, the subtle crunch echoed. But only he could hear this sound.

With his crimson red eyes, he looked as one of the cloaked figure placed his palms on the lid of the Coffin.

Next second the Lid started to tremble.

'Something interesting is about to happen.' The grin on the monkey's face widened as he looked at this scene from above.

Before the Blood Slave could realize what was happening, a shadow trail jumped out of the coffin. All of them could only see a blurred shadow that shot out.

A split second later, with help of moonlight they noticed it was a shriveled up arm with hundreds of wrinkles on it that grabbed Blood Slave's neck.

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