Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:39 AM

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: A Noble Customer


A frown appeared on Allen's face as he looked at the image that system projected. This was already the third beggar this week, which was troubling him.


However as per the rules of system, he had to let this person in. But looking at his face covered with snot and saliva, the frown on Allen's face deepened. 'Well, I can just blame this dammed system and his rules.' Though he could bargain with this system, when it came to the rules, they were set in stones.


At the least he had the authority to kick out any unwanted customers. With an helpless voice he said, "Allow him inside."




A metallic voice rang inside his mind. Faint steam was released through the door, finally opening it.


'Hmm, now that I see his face properly he's really handsome. Just hidden by the dirt.' Allen silently thought. Lucas stood there frozen as he looked at Allen.


'Ha, he must be pleasantly surprised to find such a well-maintained place even in the apocalypse.' As Allen entertained this notion, Lucas suddenly crumpled to the floor.


"Sir quit possing, Save me." After an entire minute passed, he finally uttered. Allen swiftly rose from his chair and approached him, speaking in a soothing manner, "What is troubling you, good sir?"




Lucas's heart raced as he gazed at the master seated in front of him. He scarcely dared to breathe in the presence of such authority.


Though Lucas cherished his life, the fact that the master hadn't moved even after a minute compelled him to say, "Sir, quit possing, Save me."


Despite his efforts to maintain respect, there was a limit. After all, Lucas was staring death in the face.


The master in front of him slowly stood up and approached. "What is troubling you, good sir?"


Though there was a gentle expression on the Master's face, Lucas had an uncanny feeling that this demeanor held a certain depth. The so-called master became even more mysterious in his eyes.


"Master, I beg you to help me!" Lucas cried out. His eyes remained fixed on the master in front of him, who suddenly produced a... a revolver.


'Why did he take out a revolver? A gun would have no effect on Mountain King! Did I misjudge him?!'


Before his eyes, the so-called master walked toward the entrance. The master's gaze landed on the Mountain King, who had oddly been standing a meter away from the store the entire time.


Why was he doing so? Lucas didn't give a F*ck. All his hopes now rested on this master.


At that moment, Lucas's heart sank as he witnessed the sudden excited look on the Mountain King's face. In the very next second, the Mountain King pounced.


Lucas had no courage left. All he could do was close his eyes. But as a few seconds passed, the expected excruciating pain never came.


'Am I dead already?' he questioned, simultaneously opening his eyes. Before him was a scene that he would never forget.


Monsters that emerged from gates, portals, and dimensional cracks were never known to be friendly with humans. It was in their nature to feast on humans and grow stronger. This was something taught to every child within the zones, yet what Lucas saw defied all logic.


The menacing Mountain King, which had appeared threatening just seconds earlier, now lay on its back. The master he had just met was squatting down, casually scratching the large furry stomach of the Mountain King.


A smile adorned his face as he relished the amusing expression on the Mountain King's face, which suddenly transformed into one of cuteness. Its large crimson eyes now reflected purity, innocence, and sheer enjoyment, akin to a cat meeting its master—a Tsundere cat.


This would have been entirely normal but the fact remained that this cat was a Stage 4 monster.


'Ah! Now I see.' Lucas was gradually piecing together what had transpired. Which loyal pet wouldn't want to share its new toy with its owner? Moreover, every pet would occasionally bring a surprise gift too.


'In this case, I'm the toy, aren't I?' Lucas chuckled dryly as he observed the owner and pet enjoying their time together amid the heavy downpour.


Originally, Lucas had thought that this master might be a Tier 5 Chain Breaker, but now, looking at this scene, Lucas was sure he was at least a Tier 6 Chain Breaker. Maybe, just maybe, he could be like those legendary Masters he had heard about on TV.


Those Masters who reached Tier 7—the legendary rank. As for Tier 8 or higher? That didn't even cross his mind, as there currently was no human at such a rank. Lucas didn't even dare to think of such a human; the strength of a Tier 7 Chain Breaker was already too exaggerated.


"Small Kitty, you came by to play again?"


"Meow~ Meow~"


"Well, you must be hungry, right? Here." A gigantic piece of red meat suddenly appeared on the ground. This meat was at least twice the size of Lucas. The Mountain King happily picked up the meat from its mouth and ran away.




'Sigh, that kitty used to be so small when I first saw it. Who would believe this was a frail cat smaller than an average cat baby, just 20 days ago?' Allen thought inwardly as he looked at the parting figure of the giant cat.


Allen was a cat lover. Consequently, when he first saw this cat, he asked the system to provide special food for it that would heal and strengthen it in a few days. Though the system initially refused, all it took was a little bargaining (bribing) for the system to provide special pet food.


Surprisingly, after a few days of eating that specially made pet food, the cat's growth was unimaginable. To Allen, this was just a special trait of the animals in this world.


He shook his head and then looked back. His eyes once again fell on Lucas. 'Oh, I completely forgot about him.'


'Hmm, let's see. He must be some kind of weak man. Looking at his hair and beautiful eyes, maybe he is from one of those noble families, the ones which this useless system mentioned.' As soon as he thought these words, Allen's eyes sparkled. Those noble families held a lot of power and resources, as they were the overlords of the Domes. Moreover, this would also explain why this man was injured. According to Allen, that cat was just a bit oversized; that's it. Its strength was really pitiful. Only a pitiful and weak young master of a noble family could be injured by such a fragile cat.


Though Allen considered the possibility of the conclusion being wrong, there was no harm in at least trying, right? At least he would be able to have an interaction with another human.


Walking towards Lucas with a real gentle demeanor he said, "Good Sir, that cat was just an ordinary harmless cat. Nothing wrong with it, just looks a bit scary."






A bit scary?! You call that monster a bit scary?! Master, your standards are really high.


Lucas's entire point of view had completely changed. No infact it had completely shattered after seeing that scene. A big shot, this was a true big shot!


'Sigh, even a monster has to act like a puny cat in front of a true bighsot, is this the art of boot licking?' Lucas couldn't help but comment inwardly.


"Sir... Are you sure I can come in."


"There's no need to address me respectfully. I'm just a humble owner of this Forge."


"But..." Lucas was hesitant. Inwardly, he was even dumbfounded. Humble owner? Mister, you're fooling no one.


"Don't think much, sir. Come in."


"Alright, sir, if you wish so."


And this was the turning point for Lucas, that would change his life forever!


A/N: From next chapter I will post links to advanced chapters. They will be posted here 1-2 days later.

Do check out my other series: Reincarnated as a Dragon with Cheats


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