Published at 19th of January 2024 05:49:47 AM

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Resurrection of Cromwell

[Luminate Street]

Within the Dome - Synthis Nexus, it was daytime. Having reached a certain height of tech, humanity managed to simulate the perfect environment for humans to live in.

The proper amount of oxygen regulations, proper regulation of warmth during the day, and coldness during the night.

Lucas exited his taxi, a Grey Hover car, and walked towards the Green World Hospital.

This hospital earned millions and millions of credits each month, making its net worth one of the top.

After entering the hospital, he walked towards the reception and then flashed the holographic details of the patient and his relationship with the patient through his silver watch.

Cross-checking the details, she allowed him to visit the patient Whitehart.

"You look quite tense."

'I love my mother, after all.' Still tense, Lucas replied. Simo was satisfied with this response.

Reaching the end, Lucas tapped a few buttons, activating the elevator. With its help, he reached the third floor.

Room - 124

Standing in front of room 124, he took a deep breath and then entered it. This room was warm; some might argue it was actually hot.

It was a room painted in a blend of white and green. In the middle of the room lay a bed with a white sheet and white pillow. On top of the bed was a woman; her black hair looked dried up, a few wrinkles were present around her eyes. Her skin was so pale that anyone would easily mistake her for a corpse whose blood was drained.

Her skin wasn't smooth and flawless like Lucas's. Many bumps similar to pimples had formed all over her skin. Many needles and tubes were poked into her body, barely keeping her alive. She was practically no better than a corpse, left on snow.

With an unexplainable emotion in his eyes, Lucas walked towards her and sat on a chair beside the bed. He then grabbed one of her palms with both his hands as if trying to transfer all his body temperature into the woman.

He slowly brought the palm to his forehead, feeling her cold touch. It was almost comparable to ice. But for Lucas, it was comfortable.

Simo stood there on the side looking at all of this. He could sense the sadness and longing, longing for motherly love, and sadness due to her condition.

Minutes passed by as Lucas held on to her. He then finally placed her palm gently on the bed when the door to this room was opened.


"Doctor." Lucas forced out a smile as he stood up.

"It's been many days since I last saw you."

"Well, I was collecting money to pay this hospital."

"Hmm." He then took the syringe filled with a green fluid and injected Izabella with it. After injecting her with the liquid, he took out two more syringes and repeated the process.

"Sir, is there any hope of recovery?"

"No." He replied without turning back.

"I see..."

"At max, this patient can live for four years. And that's if she doesn't suffer any more Blizzards or any unexpected variable appears." The doctor said in a monotonous manner. As if this was just his daily routine, informing when a patient will die or seeing the death of a patient.

"Is... Is there really no hope?" Lucas stammered. The doctor still did not turn towards him.

"As far as I know, there's no technological method of healing her. Haa, maybe you can get The Silver Charm. It's a Mystic weapon owned by The Chained Tower, but I doubt if you can get your hands on the charm; it can only be used once."

Lucas almost cursed when he heard this. Of course, he knew about this Mystic Weapon; there was no way he could get it.

The smile on his face broke away, but he then forced out another smile, uglier than a crying face.

"Doctor, something more realistic."

"More realistic? Then you can only go for Evernight's Sleepless Essence. It's an elixir created by Night Star Silver Flower. Your chances of getting it are better than the Charm, found in Shadowpeak Ranges."

"Doctor, stop playing jokes on me..." Shadowpeak Ranges? He might as well die. These were mountain ranges found in the outside world. They were very dangerous; it was rumored that two Tier 6 and one Tier 7 Chain Breakers had gone missing.

"Then just get the Blue Dragon Flower-"

"Stop, stop!" Lucas said dramatically as he extended both his arms. The environment had become quite awkward. They didn't speak to each other. Two more minutes passed by...

Completing the process, he looked back to Lucas. "You only have three more hours before visiting time is over." Disposing of the syringe, he exited the room.

Once again sitting on the chair, Lucas looked at his defenseless mother lying on the bed. The unexplainable emotion once again surged within him. His lips trembled slightly.

Three hours passed by as Lucas sat on the chair motionless.

'What a strange disease,' Simo thought as he looked at the woman on the bed. He then looked at Lucas, who abruptly stood up with determination in his eyes. "I've decided."


[Unknown Area]

In an unknown area near the Dome Nation, an Elite Explorer squad was visible.

"So, we have to start our exploration from here?" Samuel, the leader of the hunting squad and an Elite 4th Tier Chain Breaker questioned.

"Yes." Samantha nodded her head. The world wasn't how it was when the apocalypse started. Darkness had cleared up, and the cycle of day and night had returned.

But few areas were still surrounded in darkness. In front of the hunting squad was endless darkness. It was as if darkness had materialized, forming a boundary.

But this was their job. They had to enter the darkness. Taking deep breaths, the hunting squad entered it. An itchy feeling came to their skin, but they continued treading on the path.

At this moment, the scouts' hearts almost leapt out of their chests.

A faint yellow light suddenly appeared in their eyes.

It was a glow that didn't belong to the hunting team!

This bit of light immediately shone into the eyes of all the members of the hunting team, filling their pupils.

Samuel and company couldn't help but widen their eyes as they felt a deep sense of shock. Many monsters possessed the powers of fire, but before attacking, they were all hidden in the darkness without revealing any hint of light.

And now, a fiery glow appeared deep in the darkness! It even revealed the faint outline of the person right behind the light.

A figure... There's only one person? Maybe they were going to have the chance of meeting a person outside of the Domes.

After 200 years, they were finally going to have the chance of meeting an outsider? Was this person mutated or deformed, or had some strange disease?

As the fiery glow became bigger and more obvious, the hunting team members gradually saw the figure.

It was a slim young man, somewhat skinny. He had black hair and green eyes, and his expression was cold. He was neither a deformed person nor had any abnormal mutations.

His hair was messy, and he wore a formal three-piece suit. There was a lantern in his left hand and an open book in his right.

The lantern was made of special material, radiating a thick blanket of mana. The flames flickering within the lantern were very bright.

This was when Samuel's eyes focused on the book. His consciousness fell into a chaotic state as he saw the title. It was in a mysterious language, seemingly beyond a human's comprehension, but then he strangely understood it too.

Those words were deploy imprinted in his mind.


{Resurrection of Cromwell}


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