Published at 19th of January 2024 05:49:45 AM

Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Blink

Approximately 10 days ago, Jason had battled Scarlet, the leader of a secret organization. The aftermath of the battle had left him gravely injured, with his soul sustaining a dangerous wound. Death felt imminent, but in that dire moment, he stumbled upon a weapon store called Chaos Forge in the middle of a desolate area.

Within that seemingly insignificant store resided an almighty being, emanating unfathomable strength and a terrifyingly majestic aura. Jason believed that on that day, he had encountered a living, breathing god – a selfless and kind entity with a warm personality that showcased true benevolence, ultimately healing him.

'Will it be rude of me to ask for help?' Deo would have been baffled if he could read Jason's thoughts. His shameless and cunning master was genuinely pondering whether seeking assistance would be impolite. If Deo could hear these thoughts, he might have considered Jason an imposter.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Jason realized he had no other option. If he didn't seal this lantern, he was certain that many innocent lives would be lost. His grip on the handle of the Nightmare Lantern intensified as he decisively started walking towards the gate.

"Where are you going, Sir Jason?" one of the members asked, looking concerned. Jason, simply glancing at his face, answered in a deep voice, "I am going to discard this lantern, this nightmare..."

"But, sir!" the member exclaimed, only to be silenced by the intense gaze of Jason's grey eyes. Shivering, he felt the weight of those dangerous eyes, rendering him speechless.

The Nightmare Lantern – a secret mystic weapon in the possession of the Law Enforcers, found during an expedition 50 years ago. Jason's decision to discard it raised concerns about the potential wrath of the three heads.

"Does it look like I give a shit?" Jason questioned, raising one of his eyebrows, leaving others speechless.

He then looked at Deo and spoke a few words, leaving Deo baffled. "Deal with those shit heads or other paladins while I discard this nightmare."

"!" Deo exclaimed, but it was already too late. Jason had used a skill called Blink, also known as Realm travel. It wasn't like those abilities akin to additional limbs; instead, it was a kind of technique.

Whenever a person broke through and reached the 4th Tier of Chain Breakers, their body would undergo a qualitative change. Not only would their lifespan increase, but their skills would also become much stronger. However, those benefits were akin to side dishes.

Upon reaching the 4th Tier of Chain Breaker, a person's body would be able to activate a trait of their mana, thereby unlocking an affinity or attribute that connected them with two realms or verses.

One was the origin verse or the Spirit Realm, while the other was a specific verse similar to the affinity. Time ran slower within the Spirit Realm, allowing one to blink in or travel through the Spirit Realm. As for other realms, time actually varied.

Well, not deviating from the topic, Deo was despairing. So what if he belonged to a noble family? So what if he was a prodigy? At the end of the day, he was just a brat and a trainee, trying to hone his skills to become one of the future pillars of humanity.

He couldn't argue with or deal with the current pillars of humanity, could he? But it was already too late as his master had already run away.

"I swear this shameless, deranged master of mine will be the end of me!" He complained within his heart.

Outside the Dome...

"Sigh, I really need to develop my Blink even further..." He was sure that even if his sudden Blink out of the Dome triggered spiritual security, no one would come after him.

Without thinking or hesitating any longer, Jason once again used his Blink and vanished from the programmed spot. This time it looked like the fabric of space itself had wrapped around his body, forming a gateway for him to enter the Origin Verse.

"Ahh~ this tea is honestly addictive," Allen said with a smile on his face. After taking another mouthful of the red tea, he finally put the cup back on the table. Leaning on the chair, he looked at the system, more specifically at all the advancements he had made within these few days.

Level 3. He had finally reached level 3! Thinking of how much effort he had to put in just to reach this level was unfathomable. Allen literally overworked himself.

"Others work 24 hours a day, I work 34 hours a day." Thankfully, he had access to the frozen world; if not, he would most probably be the weakest transmigrator out there.

'Only if I wasn't stuck with this useless system. Sigh, well at least he provides me with something, better than nothing.' If the system could hear his thoughts, then it would surely have broken the universal system laws, rules, and regulations by becoming like one of those crazy lunatic systems and killing his own host.

Only death awaited such systems.

Allen closed his eyes as he enjoyed the calm environment.

Allen looked at the new skill he had received. It was called blink, which apparently allowed him to travel through something called the origin verse or spirit realm.

Moreover, he had also activated the trait of his mana. Activating the trait suddenly turned his mana red in color while making it smoother. The flow of mana had become better. On top of that, his mana had become more destructive too.

"Haa, slowly but steadily I'm becoming strong." A smile hung on his face as he said those words.


This was when he noticed the blinking icon on the system, indicating that someone was outside of his door.

"Oh! It's Sir Jason." Though Allen was somewhat skeptical about the identity of his other customers, he was sure this person was a big shot. Keeping his emotional state in check and making sure his facial expressions were alright, Allen looked at the door and opened it.

It was time to sell another weapon!

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