Published at 19th of January 2024 05:49:41 AM

Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Death Cromwell [1]

[Synthis Nexus]

Lucas' eyes closed due to the sharp lights of the crimson area.

"The atmosphere is surely lively," Lucas muttered under his breath as he continued his walk, finally reaching his desired location, the central circus.

"The circus is about to start, right?" Having asked this, his gaze fell on the gigantic timer floating high above the ground around that particular area, showcasing the time in which the circus was about to start.

"Is this the area for entertainment?" Simo Häyhä asked, recalling Lucas' previous mention regarding the place.

Lucas subtly nodded his head and then walked faster towards the main venue of the circus, which was a large open stage in the middle of the area surrounded by countless other tents.

Countless people were present within the vicinity. Lucas tried to squeeze his way through the crowd and finally found an open area.

Squinting his eyes, he spotted the familiar faces of Aisha, his sister, and the King himself, the clowns of the clowns, his face covered in colorful pastels, standing there beside her with a few other clowns.

She also seemed to notice Lucas immediately. Kalus also was looking at the direction in which she was looking and spotted Lucas.

His already wide smile widened even further as he exclaimed, "Hey bro! Long time no see!"

Both of them ran towards Lucas.

Kalus channeled all his strength to his feet and jumped towards Lucas with wide arms. Lucas raised his hand as if he was going to give a high five.

Kalus noticed this and adjusted the position of his palm so that both of them met perfectly.

But then...


A tight slap... Yes, he felt a tight slap on his face that shook his makeup.

Kalus held his cheeks, not too surprised by the slap, as if he had expected it.

"Long time no see my ass! You speak as if I'm the one who is guilty. Whenever I'm around, you never come to see me. Become a big man now, eh?" Lucas said humorously, somewhat sarcastically.

"You could have said that politely now, couldn't you?" Kalus said as he rubbed his cheek after balancing himself on the ground.

Aisha couldn't help but giggle softly as she saw this comical scene, moving forward and hugging Lucas. Both of them knew better than speaking about their sickly mother at the moment.

"Anyway, are you going to see the circus?"

"Sure," Lucas said.

Hearing this, Kalus immediately booked another ticket for Lucas. In a blink of an eye, the timer floating above the ground ended, marking the start of the circus.


[Unknown Area]

"Hmm..." A frown appeared on Zuxian's face as he looked at the little girl in his arms, sleeping with a twisted expression as if she was having a nightmare.

The frown deepened as he placed the little girl on the floor.

'She is really similar to Wan'er,' Zuxian thought inwardly.

'Their personalities and abilities are dangerously similar... especially with the misfortune. Is she blessed by Wan'er? Better to call it curse…’

No one would want such a blessing, especially of a deity who was too dangerous. Zuxian still remembered that in the past his daughter would threaten the enemies by saying - "Do you want my blessing?"

Emo Zuxian inwardly sighed as he felt a wave of a headache coming to him.

'Well, I've at least confirmed that she is somehow related to the misfortune... though I can't pinpoint if she is a blessed one or an avatar of Wan'er...' Massaging his forehead, he stood up and walked out of the hut.

This was the Xian village. It was a strong village with multiple demon-based warriors.

He asked the people of the village about what had happened to the nearby village, but none answered.

But the fact that a day later, all these people mysteriously died, truly made him realize that it was indeed the power of misfortune.

'If this ability grows any stronger, then she might end up destroying an entire continent... Poor girl, she ended up harming her own family. I should keep her away from other demons until she can control her abilities.'

He noticed a drop of tear falling from the corner of her eyes as she was still asleep. Looking at it, Emo walked towards her, only to wipe the drop of tear away.

"What a troublesome brat..."

"I agree, I agree," the bone sword said in agreement.

A moment of silence was maintained.

"Anyways..." The bone sword took a sudden pause before continuing, "Don't you think too many coincidences are surrounding us?"

"Too many coincidences?" Emo Zuxian said as he looked outside the door.

"Indeed, too many coincidences are happening to us... Could it be that...?"

"Yes, the Author… of the Heavenly War."

Emo's eyes dangerously narrowed as slits appeared within his pupils, akin to that of a serpent that had narrowed the slits and was hissing in anger.

"Ha, coincidences, that's a funny word..."

"Indeed, indeed."

The heavenly war, none of the constellations or deities would forget about it. The war that started due to a single Weak Stage 1 deity, that had the ability to manipulate fate and create coincidences along the way. He single-handedly managed to kill multiple constellations and start the great heavenly war of sanctuaries, the war in which the heavenly demon got the title Frenzy Heavenly Demon.

"Looks like something else is also going on... someone you know might be here."

"Another coincidence," Emo laughed dryly.

Zuxian walked towards the entrance. As he did so, his shadow started to stretch.

One-fourth of his shadow tore off and formed a mini-Zuxian with big black eyes... A chibi Zuxian!

"Take care of her until I'm back," Zuxian said as if ordering a servant.

"Un," a childish voice came out of the shadow's mouth as it raised its arm and saluted like an obedient little puppy.

Zuxian paused and closed his eyes. Spreading his sense around a large radius, a semi-transparent dark aura seemed to spread to a hundred kilometers. And within a blink of an eye, his figure disappeared and reappeared on a nearby mountain range.

Now he stood at the peak of the mountain, looking at the battle taking place below.

“Ah, the Death Knight…”


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