Published at 19th of January 2024 05:49:39 AM

Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Death Cromwell [3] - Vlad, the Impaler

The ground cracked even further as the Death Knight used his brute strength.

However, the figure with green hair had already neared, his claws aimed at the death knight's waist.

At this exact moment, the chains broke and with great strength Allen suddenly swung his great sword upwards.

But the foe's expressions were calm and composed. As he retreated swiftly, he twisted his body, dodging the incoming assault.

He then once again leaned in, stretching his hand, aiming at the death knight's foot. And this time, he was successful.


A crisp sound echoed as the claws tore through the armor and penetrated what lay beneath.

A strange shriek escaped Allen's mouth as he saw pus and black blood oozing out of the armor.

As a good chunk of the armor was removed, a grotesque sight was revealed. Worms were wriggling on the skin, more specifically within the multiple holes present, the decayed meat radiating a foul stench...

With a sly smile, the foe said, "No wonder they call you the Corpse Knight."


Allen quickly swung the great sword downwards, but again, he was able to dodge the attack quite easily due to his high agility.

"Keke, such puny attacks won't work on a great vampire like me."

No sooner had he finished talking, Allen launched another attack. Allen knew that these nails of the so-called vampire were too sharp; the wound which had formed in his leg was the evidence.

Allen still wasn't used to this body, especially the speed it possessed. Amid all this confusion and to make matters worse, a lot of information was being transferred to his brain.

Information about all the abilities this body possessed. It seemed quite convenient but not now, as he was suffering from severe headaches amid a battle.

'What in the actual fuck is happening!?' Allen cursed.

'Did the system take my words too seriously? Is this really a dream or did I die and transmigrate again?!'

In frustration, Allen swung the great-sword rather skillfully. A bizarre thought suddenly popped up within his mind.

Next second space itself wrapped around Allen as he disappeared, reappearing ten meters away. Yes, this was the amazing yet simple skill blink.

'Well, I can use my abilities.' Allen thought as he once again skillfully used the sword, slashing multiple times towards the Vampire who, out of nowhere, materialized beside him.

A few more claw marks appeared on the armor as darkened blood and pus overflowed.

But strangely Allen didn't feel any pain from those attacks.

'Does this mean I'm in a dream? Or is it something else.'

"You aren't that strong now, are you?" The annoying voice of the vampire once again echoed within Allen's ears, irritating him. This was another headache.

Rooting his right leg on the ground, Allen launched another round of slashes, faster than the previous round. The Vampire was still unfazed, as his nails clashed with the sword, creating sparks.

The shockwaves generated due to these clashes were more than enough to destroy the nearby landscape. Both of these entities were so fast that every single clash produced a booming sound, as their figures became blurry. Simultaneously, both seemed to blink in, trying to evade the attacks.

Abruptly an illusory crack echoed within Allen's ears as he paused for a second. This allowed the Vampire to strike, chest region removing another good chunk. Seeing that Allen still didn't move, the Vampire didn't attack but took a step back.

It was just as he expected. The bright flicker of flames within the Knight's eyes turned clearer as almost instantaneously he launched a sword strike. The Vampire dodged this strike but then noticed illusory dark flames suddenly erupting in all directions.

'So he has recovered some of his abilities...', the Vampire thought inwardly as he blinked away, defending himself from those illusory flames.

Allen felt a surge of excitement within him as he felt the strength in his body increase even more. His figure disappeared and reappeared in front of the vampire, this time trying to smack the vampire with the broad side of the sword.

Simultaneously, he generated flames that tried to engulf the vampire who, even now, smiled slightly.

Blinking away, he escaped yet again.

Allen was fed up with the vampire who was dodging again and again.

Holding the great sword like a spear, Allen channeled a large amount of his strength to his right hand, throwing the sword like a javelin but more in a straight direction in an attempt to pierce the vampire's body in just one blow before he could escape.

But of course, using blink would be way faster, and the vampire could escape yet again, which he did so.

The vampire instantly shifted to the side just a little and dodged the attack.

However, anticipating this, Allen did something unexpected... bringing his plan to fruition.

'Why limit it to ourselves?' as he said to himself, he used the blink of his sword which had passed the vampire.

In an instant, the sword appeared right in front of the Vampire yet again, this time, just an inch away from its abdomen, ready to pierce him.

And... it did so.

The great sword pierced the abdomen and proceeded to penetrate him by tearing the skin, then the flesh and finally reaching the vital organs. It then reached the vertebral column yet there was no sign of stopping.

The sword kept moving until it split the vampire into two halves, now blood splattering like two beautiful fountains.

Before Allen could process anything, he saw from the corner of his eye, a blur passing swiftly beside him.

Right after, he felt the world spinning as his entire body was tossed to the air.

However, that wasn't the end. All of a sudden sharp lines passed through his body, splitting Allen into five different pieces.

His head was sliced horizontally into two, which was in itself separated from the rest of the body. His chest and upper part of his arm had also been sliced, following which his lower abdomen and his legs...

Following the red fountain, emerged a rain of black blood as the five lines had transformed into a thousand, all of which passed through Allen's body, dicing and slicing him into thin pieces...

“Haha, so, how was my treat?”

And this was… Vlad, the Impaler.

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