Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:38 AM

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Wrong Script

Drip! Drip!

With water still gently trickling from his clothes, Lucas entered the store. Allen gestured towards the counter and said, "Feel free to use that towel and dry yourself."

"Alright," Lucas said as he picked up the towel. He was taken aback as he once again examined the gray fabric. The material seemed to be quite fancy and expensive, reminiscent of what noble families would use. Reflecting on his own family's dwindling status, Lucas couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Their fall from nobility occurred after their father obtained the designation of a Fallen Noble, disappearing shortly after.

As Lucas got lost in his thoughts, Allen adjusted the room's temperature with a few taps on the buttons.

This brought Lucas back from his contemplation. Allen scrutinized this potential customer, noting his slightly curious expression with a hint of respect and fear. Additionally, he observed the injuries on this young man, around eighteen to nineteen years old, healing at a surprisingly fast pace—visible even to the naked eye.

This also contributed to Allen's conclusion that the situation might not be as straightforward. With mana sweeping out of the dimensional crack aiding in evolution, there were likely natural treasures elevating body constitution and granting mystical abilities.

Though such natural treasures were exceedingly rare, a noble family with a lot of power might manage to obtain them.

Allen then lightly tapped his forehead. The next second, a glint flashed through his eyes but quickly disappeared.

Allen had successfully activated a skill granted by the system, simply called: Elevated Speech.

It was a skill that allowed him to speak in a manner that captivated listeners' attention, making his words have ten times more impact than they normally would.

After Lucas took a seat, Allen didn't remain standing; he went behind the counter and settled into the chair.

Observing Lucas one final time, Allen noted a lingering vigilance but a slightly carefree demeanor.

'So, he's friend material. Easy to talk to.' Allen thought silently. People like him made for the best companions, where conversations flowed naturally without any awkwardness.

Maybe I can scam, cough! Cough! I mean, convince him into buying a product with a good heart-to-heart talk... The image of all the guns, light sabers, swords, and daggers came to his mind.

To Allen, these weren't the thoughts of a greedy businessman but the goodwill of a kind-hearted person!


Lucas looked at this man. Though his attire was simple, he still radiated an aura that made him look mysterious. While one could dismiss it as a mere illusion, Lucas had witnessed the scene where this mysterious figure treated that Mountain King as a pet! Moreover, the Mountain King even meowed for this mysterious figure!

Lucas began to suspect that this figure knew Lucas was coming here. Which organization did this figure belong to?

The Chained Tower? The Blood Union? The Secret Sorcerers?

These were the main organizations he knew of with extremely strong members. Of course, there were secret and ancient organizations.

Or maybe... just maybe... this was the chance he was looking for...

At the end of the day, Lucas's delusion and narcissism were once again acting up even in front of such a figure. However, he suppressed such urges; it wasn't time to let his emotions take over. In such situations, brains should be the one doing the work.

Sitting on the chair, Lucas smiled, trying his very best to act calm. After a silence of five seconds, Lucas spoke first.

"I've always believed in fate, and today it seems like my belief was really true. Fate indeed works in a miraculous way, creating many coincidences just so that two people can meet, in the least expected and most illogical way."

Hearing this, Allen quickly picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. No, it wasn't because he had a sudden urge for that unique taste; instead, it was to conceal his twitching lips.

These wordings... Why do they sound very similar to the ones I use to scam—cough, cough!—suggest weapons to my other two customers?

These wordings... Such phrasing was normally used by three kinds of people. The first category of people were those who just wanted to sound mysterious, as if they were the final boss. Normally, such people were still 13 or 14-year-old teens who wanted to sound edgy and very cool. But it just made them look dumber.

The second type were people who held high positions; they normally used such words to test the intelligence of the person they were speaking to.

The third was the worst kind, hated by the general people. These were businessmen, salespersons, scammers, swindlers, thieves... Basically, they wanted to sound like people with a lot of wisdom and intelligence so that they can win the trust of the person they were speaking to...

For some reason, Allen had an uncanny feeling that this man belonged to the third category. Placing the teacup on the table, Allen thought inwardly. 'Let's see, which category you belong to Mr. Noble Customer...'

"Indeed, Fate is unpredictable. Yet, that's what fills the day with fun, and keeps the spectator engaged." Allen continued the flow of conversation. Not only did it form an image of Allen as a person in the first category, the skill would also have a lot of effect on Lucas's mind.

It was just as he expected. It was as if a veil of Grey fog had covered Allen. These were simple words but were very profound and mysterious in his ears.

However, Allen made a mental note to not use too many such statements. With the effect of the skill, it could possibly lead his customer to go astray.

For now, everything was going according to the flow. But right after this was the important part of this conversation, the heart of it.

"Sir, you surely are into philosophy," Lucas said.

"Indeed, let's have this battle some other day. As for now, I see that you are quite distressed."

'You are quite distressed' - did not hold any significance and, in some cases, could actually backfire. A swindler or a businessman had to carefully ponder and make sure that the situation was right. As for Allen, he had noticed that though Lucas was quite good at talking and maintaining his facade, it was impossible to avoid slip-ups.

At the end of the day, he was just an inexperienced brat of some noble family.

"I see that you're quite distressed. Yet your ambitions are big."

'I see that you're distressed.' Would seem incomplete without a follow-up line. However, Allen had already seen glints of ambition. And this, Allen deduced, Lucas had misunderstood thinking that Allen was a big shot, a master who can make weapons.

What led to all this misunderstanding? Now it wasn't the time to think of that.

'Haa, overthinkers surely have a lot of misunderstandings. Their mind is too complex.' Allen couldn't help but laugh inwardly. He? A big shot? That was the funniest shit he had ever heard since transmigrating. With this useless and thrash system, how could he be a big shot?

However, little did he know that it was the truth...


'He was able to know all of that?! Hiss! A true big shot!' Lucas couldn't help but think inwardly. This mysterious figure was a true big shot.

His heart grew heavy as he slightly trembled. He felt completely naked in front of this figure. At least Allen got a thing right; he was an inexperienced brat who hadn't seen the world. His mind seemed to go blank for a second, but he quickly replied anyway.

"Sir... Sir... I wish to restore my family's name! I will be the future pillar of humanity and wish that you sponsor me!"

As soon as he realized what kind of shit came out of his mind, the urge to facepalm was irresistible.

F*ck, wrong script!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!