Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:38 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Snow Piercer

A Chunibyo, a true delusionist... Unparalleled Cringe Overlord...

Did such a human even exist?

Today was an eye-opener for Allen; his eyes were truly open. If it were possible, then Allen would have removed his ears, cleaned them, and then put his ears back on.

Allen once again had to take the aid of a teacup to hide his twitching lips.

After a few more seconds, Allen put the cup back on the table and then looked at Lucas.

"Sigh, truly, where are my manners? My name is Allen."

"Lucas, s-sir, my name's Lucas."

"Well, Lucas, is it what you truly wish for?" Since the one he was talking to was a Chunibyo, Allen was going to go with the flow. He would strike at the perfect time.

"Yeah!" Lucas replied without any hesitancy. Seeing this, Allen could only laugh inwardly; this was a skill perfect for a psychiatrist.

Allen looked straight into Lucas's eyes, who shuddered for a second before steeling his will and saying, "Those who wronged my family, the betrayal, the people who brought misery into my life. I wish to destroy them."

Hearing all this, Allen had formed a general understanding of the situation going on with Lucas's family. His family must have been betrayed by many others and was now on the verge of collapsing.

"Well said, young man," Allen encouraged. "Treat your friends and family with love and compassion; be ruthless to your enemies. Violence is never the answer; it is the question to which the answer is -Yes!"

...Be ruthless to my enemies? For some reason, Lucas felt his blood boiling just by listening to these simple words! He clenched his fist as he thought about all those scoundrels that led his family to such a situation. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Allen's discerning eyes.

The iron was hot! It was the perfect time for Allen to strike the hammer. With a gentle and kind smile, he said, "In this world, strength can achieve anything. With your currently frail physique, challenging stronger opponents might just lead to your demise. Nothing else."

"A crucial aspect of strength is weaponry. Why don't I recommend one for you?"

"Weapon?" A slight hint of confusion appeared on Lucas's face. Attempting to conceal his curiosity, he waited in anticipation for the weapon Allen spoke of.

'What will it be? A sword? A shield? Or perhaps... A mystic weapon?' Suddenly, pixels accumulated in Allen's arms, finally forming a musket rifle that looked a bit peculiar. It lacked any blade at its front and was a bit shorter.

A gun? Killing a normal monster below stage one would be easy with guns. Guns could also be used for stage one and two monsters; however, using guns for stage three or above monsters would be pure foolishness.

One might argue that stronger materials could be used; however, to do that, advanced machinery was required. In the apocalyptic era, only some people would dare to do this.

And thus came the Era of Blacksmiths. They could use these strong and versatile materials, turning them into swords and shields. In fact, some, upon reaching a higher level, could also turn weapons into something called "Mystic Weapons."

However, only a blacksmith who had broken his 6th chain could do such a thing. They took abilities from the dead Chain Breakers and infused those abilities into weapons.

As a result, there were only five Mystic weapons in the entire world. However, it was very possible that there were more, hidden from the public.

Coming back to the topic, Lucas looked at the rifle, a frown appearing on his face. 'Ah, so those weapons are not just some antiques?' Lucas had already seen many guns when he entered the store. Some guns looked really high-tech, while some others looked like they were from the pre-apocalyptic era.

Fortunately, there were even some swords and shields. In Allen's eyes, all these were nothing but weak weapons that could only be used in a battle against stage 1 monsters. The reason was...

[Weapon status]

Name: Normal Sword

Level: 2

Type: Normal

Ability: None

[Weapon status]

Name: Normal Shield

Level: 2

Type: Normal

Ability: None

[Weapon status]

Name: Vortex Gun

Level: 3

Type: Normal

Ability: None

Allen, after 20 days, was barely able to reach level 2. Moreover, the requirement to reach the next level was even more difficult, leading him to conclude that this was a weak system.

Those novels and animes with overpowered cheats surely had a lot of effect on him.

The weapon he had decided to give this customer was called -Snow Piercer.

Its status was...

[Weapon Status]

Name: Snow Piercer (Locked)

Level: 1 (Upgradable)

Type: Mythical

Ability: ???

Moreover, the price tag on it was a whopping 100,000 system credits. Not a single weapon had a price tag of less than 5,000 system credits. While customers might not possess these so-called system credits, there was a way to complete these transactions.

Precious items could also be converted into system credits. To reach such amounts, either an exceptionally rare treasure had to be used or thousands and thousands of mid-ranking treasures had to be sacrificed. Thankfully there was an option of weapon lending.

Without much hesitation, Allen slid the rifle in Lucas's direction.


The deepening frown on Lucas's face reflected his confusion. Was this mysterious figure a blacksmith? But didn't blacksmiths usually detest guns?

The answer to his questions lay in one method. Lucas immediately activated his skill: Appraisal.

Upon breaking a chain, every Chain Breaker would recover two skills. Lucas acquired self-healing and appraisal. This skill allowed him to see the strength of a person or object in numbers. By adding those numbers, he could gauge the overall strength.

He directed his appraisal skill towards the rifle.


For a moment, Lucas felt like he was hallucinating. His entire vision turned black and white, with the rifle emitting a pale white frosty aura. Instead of displaying a numeric value, a cluster of white question marks left him shocked.

Question Marks - This would only be displayed if a person or an object was in Tier three or higher. There could be only one explanation...


This gun was the most potent one Lucas had ever come across. He always felt it was a shame that guns, with their immense strength, weren't fully utilized. Besides, guns were undeniably cool – who wouldn't like them?

However, harsh reality dictated the rule of "Survival of the fittest."

Yet, as Lucas looked at the gun, excitement surged within him. But then a peculiar thought struck him.

Wait a minute...

An absurd idea popped into his head. Quickly, Lucas shifted his gaze to the other guns and weapons hanging on the wall. His breath became ragged as he discovered multiple question marks.

He couldn't gauge the strength of these weapons! This small and peculiar shop was already on par with those influential high-tier weapon forges.

Moreover, most of these were guns. A gun capable of killing a stage three beast would fetch an exorbitant price – possibly more than its actual worth!

In that moment, Lucas didn't just see powerful guns; he saw money. Countless, immeasurable wealth. While he yearned for strength, he also recognized the power that came with money. Money was, in a way, equivalent to power.

All of this made him more respectful towards the mysterious figure. Yet...

Another absurd thought infiltrated his mind. A thought more audacious than the previous ones.

With his skill still active, Lucas sluggishly shifted his gaze towards Allen.


A/N: Consider joining my newly created discord server:


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