Published at 19th of January 2024 05:50:36 AM

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Mythical Legacy - White Death [1]

In a colossal realm once claimed by giants, towering structures—towers, castles, and buildings—loomed beneath an enveloping fog. This mist, thick and all-encompassing, gave the impression that time itself was moving a hundred times its usual pace.

Within moments, the once-majestic giant lands crumbled into ruins. Illusory strings cascaded from the sky, tethered to decaying human forms. Amidst this macabre scene stood a floating cocoon, seemingly suspended mid-air. Upon closer inspection, one could discern illusory strings connected to it. Graceful butterflies, their wings adorned with a spectrum of colors, danced around the cocoon, lending an eerie beauty to the twisted spectacle.

At the heart of the Calamity City sat a throne crafted from entwined arms, creating a gothic masterpiece with black blood seeping through its twisted form.

Upon this unsettling throne rested a figure, their face obscured by the fog's veil. Exuding an air of indifference, this enigmatic presence seemed unfathomable, as if this figure was the sovereign of this surreal realm.

Lucas, akin to a spectator, observed this surreal unfolding before his very eyes. His gaze remained fixated on the mysterious figure obscured by the grey fog, almost as if he were under a spell. Abruptly, at that precise moment, Lucas experienced an eerie sensation—the feeling that the enigmatic figure beyond the veil had smiled.

"Don't look! Don't look! You will die! Thou shalt not gaze upon a god!" echoed within Lucas's mind. It felt as if his eyes were beginning to bleed, drained of mana entirely. The fabric of space cracked and then shattered, akin to a fragile piece of glass, swiftly pulling him back into the familiar confines of the store.

'Phew,' The suffocating feeling immediately disappeared, bringing Lucas back to reality. It felt as if he had just challenged the authority of a god!

A second—yes, that was it. Just a second had passed in reality, but that experience, those gazes, felt like an eternity.

Not daring to look into the eyes of the figure, he slightly bowed his head.

'My new customer surely is weird,' Allen thought.

"What's the matter? You do not wish to accept that gun?"

"Well..." Gulping a large amount of saliva, with trembling fingers, Lucas grabbed the rifle. The next second, a few panels suddenly popped up in front of Allen.


[Suitable user for Snow Piercer has appeared. The requirement has been met.]

Illusory pale white flames suddenly erupted from the rifle, spreading onto Lucas's arms. They didn't burn him; instead, it felt like Lucas was being frozen.

Those flames quickly engulfed him, stirring mana within Lucas's body.

White Death!

These words were firmly etched in his mind, even echoing in his soul.

[Do you accept White Death's Legacy?]


Gritting his teeth with a muffled voice, he said, "Yes."

Soon, his consciousness slipped away!

Allen watched as his customer closed his eyes, confusing him. Seeing the customer, who looked like he was unconscious, Allen couldn't help but curse his luck! He wanted to cry until no tears were left.

Why do I only get such lunatics as my customers? Sighing inwardly, he looked at Lucas, who had his eyes shut.

However, the next second, his eyes wide open. His blue eyes seemed to become deeper than they actually were, something about him had changed...


Lucas felt chills spreading through his body. He would have normally involuntarily shivered, but currently, his body wasn't in his control.


'Simo?' Hearing this voice, Lucas opened his eyes, coming face to face with a soldier. This soldier was wearing a white camouflaged winter trench coat.

"Sigh, I feel like I would die of this cold. It's all their fault!" The soldier said with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Hmm, it's not their fault. They are also serving for their country; their mothers, wives, children are also waiting for them." Lucas wanted to question who this Simo was, but some words automatically came out of his mouth, confusing him even more.

"Sigh, hearing those words makes me guilty of killing them." The soldier said as he looked at Simo, who was silently standing there not complaining about the cold. This was a soldier that joined the military when he was just twenty. Staying in the military for thirteen years, he had gained a lot of experiences.

'What the actual hell is going on?! Where am I? That mythical legacy...' In this world, many people knew of a legacy, something similar to a will left by legendary entities.

These wills or legacies were very powerful and would help the inheritors a lot. However, they went classified into different ranks.

The word Mythical painted a portrait of power legacy in Lucas's mind, making him accept this legacy.

'So is this the so-called memory stage?' Only very few Legacy carriers were willing to share what happened once a person got legacy. They described a memory stage where a person would inherit all the memories of the Legacy Master or the Legacy Passer.

"What's the matter Simuna?" Suddenly the soldier asked. "You seem to be lost in thoughts today."

"It's nothing." Lucas flatly replied.


At that second, a gunshot echoed through the place, alerting Lucas and the soldier beside him. As if it was reflex, Lucas almost instantly grabbed his Mosin-Nagant!

Again! Another involuntary action!

To Lucas, it felt like someone had possessed his body, controlling his actions. Lucas and the soldier beside him immediately fell to the ground, peeking over the small snow hill.

In a certain distance, many hostile-looking soldiers with brown fur on their coats, which looked to be very thick and tightly fitted snow boots, had already started their gunfire, shooting many soldiers from Lucas's or Simo's side.

Lucas quickly pointed his rifle towards one of the brown-coated soldiers. His finger then immediately squeezed the trigger.




Two brown-coated soldiers fell to the ground, bullets drilling through their foreheads.

"Whoa! Your shooting skills are amazing Simo!" With a childish grin, the soldier beside Lucas said. Even Lucas himself was surprised, though he couldn't control his own actions, he could feel everything.

The clarity of his eyes, the heightened senses as if he had some kind of sensory skills...

The best part, undoubtedly was the recoil... The recoil which affected his arms, but then almost instantaneously spread, reducing the intensity...

The slightly numbing pain caused by the recoil... Wait, no, I'm not a Masochist!


At that second, an extremely loud gunshot echoed, piercing the head of a white-coated soldier.

"Fuck, it's a sniper." The soldier lying beside Lucas said in a muffled voice. Hearing this, a slight frown appeared on Lucas's face.

"Hide, I will take on this one." One would have thought of him as a fool, but not this soldier. Who was this man? This man was a killing machine and the worst enemy of snipers, The White Death!

The soldier beside Lucas immediately nodded and hid behind the snow hill. Casually touching the ski mask, he adjusted it, aligning the mask with his eyes.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the battle of snipers to be finished. Though the brown-coat soldiers were filled with worry, there wasn't a single hint of fear in the heart of these white-coat soldiers.

Lucas patiently waited. On the other side, the sniper was trying to locate this enemy, as his palms got sweaty, his heart thumping.

At some point, he even wanted to randomly shoot but kept the intrusive thought to himself. Lucas had hidden himself in the snow so well that no one was able to locate him!

Suddenly a faint voice resounded. "I see you." The sniper's eyes dilated as he almost stood up. Panic gripped his heart.

He immediately tried to squeeze the trigger, but the next instant a bullet drilled through his scope, entering his eyes. Blood splattered! Lucas was able to pinpoint this sniper because of the light reflected by the scope.


The soldier lifelessly stumbled down the steep hill, falling to the snowy ground. Beside him fell a beautiful pendant covered in blood. On the pendant, the image of a woman with two twins in her arms was carved.

'Lina... Chris... Emma...'


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