Published at 31st of May 2024 05:11:17 AM

Chapter 102: Taking The Graduation Exam

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Chapter 102: Taking The Graduation Exam

Aoba returned to his life in the ninja school. Every day, except for studying, he cultivated. Although it was a little dull, it was not worth mentioning compared to the joy of harvest.

Everything seemed to have calmed down, except for the tombstones that were increasing almost every day in the cemetery

Although the war between Kumogakure and Konoha was getting more and more heated, one was a long-distance raid, and the other was a home field battle. Both sides had their own advantages and disadvantages, and it was difficult to determine the winner at the moment.

Thus, this war slowly evolved into a long battle of attrition, and it depended on which side was the first to be unable to hold on.

From the looks of it, entering a battle of attrition was undoubtedly an advantage for Konoha. After all, Kumogakure, who had come all the way here, was facing a great deal of logistics pressure. Once the supplies could not keep up, this war would end without a hitch.

However, Raikage was stubborn enough. It was clear that he was not willing to give up so easily, so this war would definitely not end in a short time.

After all, he had invested so much manpower and material resources, and so many people had been killed and injured. If he could not get any benefits, he would definitely be unwilling to give up like this, and he would also be unable to explain to the people and their great names in the village.

Therefore, Kumogakure's attitude also began to become more and more unyielding!

You won't accept my request, right?

You won't give me enough benefits, right?

Then I will fight to the end!

Let's see who will be the first to surrender!

What was the confidence that the higher-ups supported Kumogakure to make this decision?

It was not only because Konoha was at his weakest, but also because the other four countries of the five great countries regarded the Fire Country as their greatest enemy!

Moreover, the Fire Country also occupied the most abundant land!

What was the purpose of the war?

Wasn't it just plundering?

If there were no benefits, who would be stupid enough to risk their lives!

Therefore, although the other three villages had already been destroyed, as long as they could completely drain Konoha's resources, the other few lone wolves that were secretly licking their wounds would never give up this great opportunity.

At that time, if the four great villages joined hands again, Konoha would definitely be destroyed!

Therefore, what Kumogakure gambled on was that Konoha did not dare to risk both destruction, and then make a wedding dress for others, becoming food for the other countries to bite at will.

In fact, Konoha really did not want to continue fighting.

To be honest, he did not understand the intention of the Hokage sama, but since the Hokage sama had nodded, he naturally did not have the qualifications to raise any objections.

When Aoba and Itachi heard this, they were first a little surprised, and then they saw determination in each other's eyes.

At a time like this, how could he possibly back down!

"I don't need to think about it anymore. I'm applying for an early graduation now" Aoba directly opened his mouth and said, causing Fujiwara-sensei to have no chance to say what he wanted to say.

"Me too." Itachi said calmly.

Seeing this, Fujiwara-sensei smiled bitterly and immediately stopped trying to persuade him.

"Sensei knows your choice. The assessment time is ten o'clock in three days. The location is the No. 1 training ground. Don't be late."

"Well, if there is nothing else. Go back and prepare well."

Aoba and Itachi thanked him politely and left.

"I remember that the shortest record for graduation should be two years for Hatake Kakashi. I thought that no one would be able to break this record in the future, but I didn't expect that... it really is the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing forward the waves."

Fujiwara-sensei stood alone on the spot and couldn't help but sigh.

If Aoba and Itachi successfully passed the assessment, it meant that the record for the shortest graduation time of the Ninja School would be broken, and it would exceed 15 months!

From two years to nine months...

Two appeared at one time!

It was estimated that no one would break the record this time!

If nothing unexpected happened, his two students would have a bright future!

Although he, as Sensei, could not teach them many things, the results they achieved had nothing to do with him.

But Fujiwara-sensei was still very happy, probably he could brag about this for a lifetime and then tell his children and grandchildren.

"So... you must succeed!"

Fujiwara-sensei could not help but feel angry for Aoba and Itachi in his heart.

Because they might be the two most proud students in his teaching career!

And those precocious girls who were worried about Aoba and Itachi every day and were jealous of each other did not know the news that they were about to graduate.

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