Published at 31st of May 2024 05:10:16 AM

Chapter 140: Running Away In Anger

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Chapter 140: Running Away In Anger

"If you say such crazy words again, I won't be polite to you!"

Facing Konan's angry glare, Aoba felt wronged.

Do you know how popular I am in the ninja school?

How many cute little lolis are lining up to eat with me... Although because of Itachi, they didn't succeed.

But as long as I look over, the little lolis would immediately turn red with embarrassment and awkwardly deliver the bento in their hands!

If I said "thank you" in a gentle tone at this time, they would immediately faint from happiness!

If not for the fact that Itachi, who had no common sense, would expose their poor acting skills every time, This Lord Aoba's strong and powerful chest would be a warm harbor that they fought over!


"It's a pity I can't take off my mask now and let Konan see my handsome face."

Aoba sighed in his heart. For the reward of the dog system, he's prepared to go all out!

He said affectionately, "I know I'm a bit abrupt, but please believe my sincerity! A beautiful woman like you must eventually choose a strange man like me!"

"So, even if you can't accept it now, it's fine. I will keep waiting!"

"Konan, you are destined to be my woman..."

"Uh, where is she?"

Just as the 'strange man' Aoba was trying to recall the vulgar words he had read in his previous life, hesitating whether he should disgust himself to death, he suddenly discovered that Konan... had disappeared! The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.


At the same time, Konan, who was far away in the Rain Country, was going crazy!


"I can't take it anymore!"

"How can this guy be so shameless!"

"I want to kill him!"

"Cut him to pieces!"

"Nagato, our Akatsuki doesn't need this kind of person."

Just as Konan was about to go crazy and her aloof character was about to collapse, Nagato couldn't help but burst out laughing!

It couldn't be helped. Since Yahiko died, it had been a long time since he saw Konan lose her composure like this.

It was as if the once innocent Konan had died with Yahiko on that day

Unfortunately, he had already agreed to everything that he shouldn't have agreed to.

It was impossible to go back on his word.

Fortunately, this guy was still powerful and would definitely come in handy in the future.

Now that things had come to this, the regretful Obito could only use this reason to comfort his wounded heart.

As for the angered Konan...

In any case, Obito didn't think that this guy could succeed!

After all, Pain had been silent for a long time!

However, at this moment, Pain, who had been offline for a long time, finally spoke up.

"Konan has something to do and has left first. Let's continue."


At this moment, Aoba was even more regretful than Obito!

Because after Konan disappeared, the special mission issued by the dog system had already been forced to start calculating the reward.

The final result was very unsatisfactory!

However, at least he still pulled out two beginner skill cards.

It was only a little better than the worst reward.

If he had known that Konan was so thick-skinned and that she would go 'offline' without any warning, he would have thrown out all the disgusting and dirty words he knew in the shortest time possible!

Unfortunately, there was no chance to do it again!

"Such a rare opportunity was wasted just like that. Sigh!"

In Nagato's eyes, Aoba's sighing appearance had automatically turned into that of a sad and heartbroken person who had failed to make love to Konan at first sight!

He never expected that this 'Madara' fellow would actually bring back a 'Love Seed'*...

*TL/N: It means an affectionate person in Chinese

After seeing him like this, Nagato didn't take advantage of the topic and stood up for Konan.

After all, no matter what, he was still a 'person on the same side'. Moreover, he knew about Konan's charm when Akatsuki had just been established.

The only thing he felt sorry for was the dead Yahiko.

But if Konan could really forget this relationship that had already ended and find her own happiness.

Nagato would definitely not stop her either.

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