Published at 31st of May 2024 05:10:11 AM

Chapter 145: What Is So Exciting?

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Chapter 145: What Is So Exciting?

As soon as he entered the small town, Aoba didn't have time to be picky. He smelt something good and went into a wine house on the street.

He quickly looked at the 'menu' hanging on the wall and then glanced at the busy chef. He knew the main dishes of this wine house.

It's probably the same thing as the oden in the previous life, and there are other things like grilled chicken skewers.

Therefore, Aoba did not say anything and directly sat in the only empty seat left in the store.

While sitting down, he also felt a little strange. There were obviously empty seats here, and he did not know why those people would rather squeeze together than sit over.

However, he did not think too much about it. It was better this way. He did not like to eat together with others.

"Boss, a hundred chicken skewers first. And this, as many as you can get!"

"Alright, I'll prepare it for you right away!"

The already busy chef suddenly became even busier. He didn't even have time to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

As for whether Aoba would be able to finish eating after ordering so many things, no one cared.

After all, many people in this world can eat. For example, the petite Hinata, the eldest daughter of Hyuga's family, was actually the winner of Konoha's big stomach competition.

So, as long as you give me money, who cares how many things you order!

The udon was almost ready to cook, so he quickly picked up a big plate and placed it in front of Aoba.

At this time, Aoba put Civet Cat Prince in his arms on his shoulder. Then, he stretched out his hands like lightning, opened the bow left and right, and immediately stuffed his mouth full without caring about the heat!

Aoba sat there eating like a madman, his eyes completely devoid of the people around him, his attention completely focused on the food in front of him.

However, one of the people sitting next to him was attracted by his appearance of a hungry kid.

Especially when she saw the ninja forehead guard on Aoba's head, she revealed a trace of surprise and doubt.

But very quickly, her gaze was attracted by the noble civet cat on Aoba's shoulder.

After struggling a few times, seeing that this guy only cared about eating and drinking but did not take care of his pet, she took up a chicken skewer with overflowing love and began to tease the cat.

However, in front of the food, the noble Civet Cat Prince did not care at all!

He even gave her a look of disdain as if saying: "This kind of thing that even pigs do not eat, you have the nerve to feed me?"

"Tsunade sama! How can you do this!"

Shizune hugged Tonton and blushed. She powerlessly reprimanded Tsunade's, wanting to seek justice for herself!

However, Shizune was Shizune. She had long been used to being bullied by Tsunade, so even if Tsunade's actions were a little too excessive, she still could not do anything.

She looked like a little red puffer fish, using her actual image to denounce someone's atrocities!

Perhaps because she was being stared at, Tsunade couldn't help but put down the bottle and put the 'I'm very angry' Shizune in her arms.

"No... Don't... I can't breathe!"

Shizune, who was instantly killed by this sure-kill blow, kept fluttering.

"Do you know your mistake?"

"Uh... uh..."

It wasn't until Shizune accepted that she was defeated by the bully Tsunade that Tsunade finally smiled and let go of Shizune, who seemed to have accepted his fate.

But this time, her face was even redder.

Even if she had to accept Tsunade's 'bullying' every day, it would still be difficult for her to adapt to this kind of action.

She had protested many times, but the result was naturally that she received even more 'love' from Tsunade!

So, at such a young age, she had comprehended a philosophy of life: if she could not resist, she could only silently endure it.

However, she did not know that whenever Tsunade used this move against her in public, there would be countless people around who would look at her with envy, wishing they could bear this 'suffering' for her!

However, it was a pity that all the people who had this thought and tried to take action fell under Tsunade's ruthless iron fists and tasted the real pain.

The kind that was worse than death and half paralyzed!

However, all of this had nothing to do with Aoba because he did not look at the side at all, only focusing on the food in front of him.

After all, what was so good about women!

With his current body, he wouldn't even be able to react if he wanted to.

He could only look and not eat. Why would he need to find trouble for himself?

Then, an accident happened...

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