Published at 31st of May 2024 05:08:53 AM

Chapter 206: Scouting Squad!

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Chapter 206: Scouting Squad!

"Lord Shikaku, there is a small group of Ninjas outside asking for an audience. They also brought the Hokage-sama's order."

Shikaku, who was thinking about how to completely end this war, was stunned at first, then he took the transfer order to identify the authenticity, and then carefully checked it.

"Let them in."


When Mikawa's class walked in, Shikaku Nara was obviously surprised, "Hirohiko Mikawa?".

"Jonin Hirohiko Mikawa greets Lord Shikaku. All members of Mikawa's class are here. Please give the task to Lord Shikaku.".

Shikaku Nara was obviously an old acquaintance of Mikawa. "There's no hurry for the task. Tell me, what is going on? I remember that you went back to the village to be a sensei?".

After saying that, Shikaku looked at the youths behind him, especially Shinomiya Aoba. He remembered that he had just returned to the village, so he was captured by Hiruzen and was responsible for designing the early graduation exam.

That was also the first time he saw Shinomiya Aoba and Uchiha Itachi, the pair of twin stars of Konoha.

Although these two youths left a deep impression on him, the former still made him remember more deeply. He clearly relied on his own strength to smoothly pass the exam, but he chose the easiest and most shameless method to force him and Hiruzen, who had been secretly observing, to come out and stop the farce in advance.

However, Shikaku felt that this Shinomiya Aoba was very kind to him. Why did the problem that could be easily solved become more troublesome?

Moreover, the other party was a super troublesome woman

After hearing Shikaku's question, Mikawa did not hide anything. He directly told them everything that had happened, and very seriously expressed that he did not need to give them any preferential treatment.

War was not a child's play, and they were not here to sightsee.

Since they had made the corresponding choice, they had to bear the corresponding consequences. Mikawa's class still had this realization!

Otherwise, wouldn't he be the one who had come to earn military merits?

That was why Mikawa was so serious that he indicated that Mikawa's class would listen to all commands!

Shikaku Nara felt extremely gratified. His initial dissatisfaction immediately dissipated. What he hated the most was those who refused to listen to orders just because they had some strength.

Early the next morning, Aoba and the other two, who had been assigned to the scouting team, received a mission.

Their mission was to investigate the outer defense distribution of Kumogakure's stronghold.

Of course, they were only responsible for one of them.

But even so, the danger of this mission was extremely high!

Think about it. They were like little mice that went to other people to be stepped on. If they were not discovered, they would be fine. But if they were caught, the best outcome would be to be directly killed. Otherwise, what awaited them might be a fate worse than death

Therefore, Aoba and the other two had grave expressions on their faces.

To be honest, they had not expected to be sent on such a dangerous mission right from the start.

Moreover, Mikawa-sensei was not by their side this time. They had to make all the decisions themselves. Even if they were in danger, no one would come to save them. At most, someone would risk their lives to bring back the information they had obtained.

This was also why the sacrifice rate of the scouting team was so high.

It wasn't that they didn't want to save him, but they didn't have the ability to do so.

Moreover, the mission had priority!

After Aoba and the other two got their supplies and a hand-drawn map, they immediately rushed on their way.

Along with them were thirty people who were temporarily transferred out.

Everyone's faces were very heavy and uneasy.

Then, as they continued to move forward, everyone gradually separated according to their respective mission areas.


At the same time, a certain guy who received a secret command secretly followed behind Aoba and the other two people, maintaining a distance that was neither too far nor too close, ensuring that he would not be left behind or lost.

It was obvious that the game of cat and mouse was about to begin!

But before the results appeared, it was still unknown who was the cat and who was the mouse.

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