Published at 31st of May 2024 05:26:16 AM

Chapter 27: Fights Upgrade!

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Chapter 27: Fights Upgrade!

Although it was not a proper Desert Eagle Kunai, which was shot out at such a close distance, still had a strong penetrating force.

If not for Uchiha subconsciously reaching out to block in front of him, Aoba was confident that this attack would directly pierce through his head and not just blind one of his eyes!

After firing the Kunai that the system had brought with it, Aoba immediately gritted his teeth and got up from the ground. Then, he staggered towards the three Kunai that Uchiha had thrown on the ground.

In a direct confrontation, there was no way he could defeat the real Gennin.

The reason why the Uchiha clansman was seriously injured was that he was too careless. Secondly, he did not expect Aoba to have such a weapon hidden on him.

Only when he was caught off guard would he suffer such a big loss!

And once he recovered from the pain and used his real ability, it would be difficult for Aoba to survive.

Therefore, in order not to let him die, Aoba had no choice but to ask him to die!

Three meters, two meters, one meter


Aoba tried his best to reach out his hand to grab Kunai, who was stuck on the ground. As long as he completed the reloading, he would have the means to counterattack again.

But at this time, a shadow instantly enveloped him.

Aoba felt a chill in his heart, and the alarm in his heart rang out. He actually gave up on Kunai who seemed to be within his reach and jumped to the side with all his might.

And the next second, a figure descended from the sky and punched the ground!

It was precisely that Uchiha clansman who had recovered from the pain!

If Aoba had not dodged in time, this punch would have been enough to kill him alive!

Obviously, after experiencing the process of being injured and blind, Uchiha's hatred for Aoba had completely rushed into his mind.

What Hokage? What chief's instructions? he threw them all to the back of his mind!

There was only one thought in his mind right now, and that was to take his opponent's life!

Seeing that Aoba had once again dodged his attack, Uchiha, who was already angry from embarrassment, began to form seals without even thinking.

At this time, Aoba, who had already rushed into the room, saw that he had already been saved. Only then did he let go of the string that had been stretched taut, and his entire body powerlessly fell to the ground.

If no one else came, he would really doubt Konoha's reaction level.

"Who is it! How dare you stop Uchiha when he's doing something"

Seeing that the blow that he was determined to hit was stopped by someone else, Uchiha began to bark like a dog, using Uchiha's name to bark wildly!

Perhaps the surname Uchiha could really scare away many people.

"Ha! Uchiha? What a big tone! A mere Gennin dared to publicly attack a commoner, and it was even against a child. Even if your clan leader is here, I dare to take you down on the spot!"

The person who came was none other than Mikawa, who had immediately rushed over when he sensed the battle fluctuation nearby!

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as he arrived, he saw a member of Uchiha's family killing Aoba, and even using Ninjutsu!

Although he was only a special Jonin, although he was only Aoba's guardian in name, and although he was also a civilian ninja, he was still not afraid of Uchiha's power!

As early as after the conversation with Yondaime's purpose, he had already regarded himself as a loyal subordinate of Minato.

So how could he be afraid of some bullshit Uchiha!

"Good, very good, now they dare to bare their teeth to me... I want to see what you can do to me!"

However, just as he finished speaking, four or five figures descended from the surroundings. There were ordinary ninjas among them, and there were also Uchiha clansmen who came to check on the situation. After all, the Uchiha clan still carried the responsibility of the police force. This kind of public security problem was usually handled by them.

"What happened? Your eyes... Who did this!"

Seeing that there were people from the same clan coming to support him, Uchiha 'A'* felt more confident.

[*TL Note: Let's call the Uchiha clansman who attacked Aoba as Uchiha 'A', so it won't be confusing.]

However, when he was asked about his blind eyes, Uchiha's face couldn't help but twitch a few times. He was too embarrassed to explain the real situation. Instead, he turned to look at Mikawa and asked coldly, "What do you say now? Do you still want to continue?"

Mikawa snorted coldly and didn't talk nonsense. He directly began to form seals with his hands and answered the other party with practical actions. How could this matter end?

No way!

Seeing that Mikawa was ready to attack without a word, Uchiha 'A', who was used to being arrogant, naturally would not admit defeat. Without saying anything, he took out his sword, and some also began to form seals.

Seeing that the infighting in the village was about to enter a high tide, suddenly two figures wearing animal masks stood between the two sides, and loudly said, "Hokage-sama has ordered that both sides immediately stop and bring everyone back to wait for the trial!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!