Published at 31st of May 2024 05:07:25 AM

Chapter 275: The Case is Solved!

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Chapter 275: The Case is Solved!

Trying to fight with the air, Aoba suddenly froze, because he found that there was actually no one hidden in the dark around.

This made him very surprised!

Could it be that the little master in front of him was sneaking out by herself?

There was no way...

And just as Aoba froze, the three delinquents also unrelentingly continued to sarcasm, "When you hit someone you have to apologize sincerely to do so!"

"That's right, get down on your knees and apologize to us properly!"

"These eyes are really unpleasant to look at." This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"This girl's personality must also be very twisted, completely monster..."


Just after the delinquent wearing the red hat said the word monster, a huge force suddenly came from his face, and then his whole body flew out and hit the ground heavily.

"Pfft... Teeth, my teeth...!" The red-cap delinquent opened his mouth and spat out some bloodied saliva, in which the 7 or 8 teeth interspersed were particularly conspicuous.

In Aoba anger, the slap not only swollen the other party's face, but also directly smashed the other party's half teeth!

Because the other party just said those words, it was no longer possible to use the 'play between children' or 'prank' to force the explanation, but disgusting bullying!

If he hadn't withdrawn a large part of his force at the end, this slap would have killed the other party!

Aoba even somewhat regretted his earlier attempt to ignore it, because his indifference might have caused more things like this to happen.

"When exactly did she become so indifferent?"

It seemed like he had such a transformation since he returned from the battlefield...

He had killed so many people and was already used to seeing death, so naturally he would develop a kind of indifference and distance from life.

And she didn't think her eyes were beautiful, on the contrary, it was because of those eyes that those people just now were unforgiving and even called her a monster.

"I... My name is Hyuga... Hinata."

Sure enough, it was this future Byakugan Princess!

After ascertaining her identity, Aoba eased her tone so as not to scare this immobile, shy, very inner little one, "Very nice name, I am Shikon Aoba, I once fought side by side with your Hyuga Clan members. So can you tell me why you've come here alone?"

She didn't know if it was because Aoba had just helped her, or because of the two compliments, Hinata spoke up a little nervously, "Sister Natsu.. There were too many people, so Sister Natsu and I got separated, and then I don't know how I ended up here..."

After listening to Hinata's somewhat incoherent explanation, Aoba finally figured out the story.

It should be that the 'Natsu' took Hinata out to see the fun, but because there were too many people coming to watch Komugakure arrival, and then negligently, the two were scattered by the crowd.

Because she didn't have the courage to ask someone for directions, Hinata ran all the way home with her own impressions.

As a result, when running to this neighborhood, accidentally bumped into someone, and then there were the things that happened later.

In repeatedly clear the whole thing of the cause and effect, Aoba couldn't help but sigh is really no coincidence.

The reason why no one from the Hyuga Clan was secretly protecting their Little Lady was probably because they believed that 'Sister Natsu' could protect Daisy.

As a result of this, Aoba estimated that the 'summer sister' who 'lost' Hinata should be out of luck.

Then brother send you home, okay?"

Aoba's contact with the Hyuga Clan was not deep, and the impression was not good or bad, but the ability of Byakugan in the war was outstanding. He had been comfortably partnered with them for several missions, so he would not really leave Hinata behind with such a show of hands.

But he did not expect that Hinata shook her head in a tangled way, and then looked at him blearily and asked, "Brother, can you help me find Sister Natsu? We are sneaking out, if I just go back, Sister Natsu will be punished."

All right, now the case is completely solved!

Aoba did not expect the child Hinata actually have the courage to be so bold, but think about it, how a person's character, in addition to a part of the reasons for the innate, more or less by the influence of the environment in which they grew up.

The actual fact was, the current Hinata was just over two years old, and there was nothing unusual about being curious about the outside world.

So Aoba nodded and agreed.

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