Published at 31st of May 2024 05:07:14 AM

Chapter 285: Sinful Student!

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Chapter 285: Sinful Student!

What Aoba had set up did not come true. Half a month later, Genin Exam held as promised.

Although they were in the same examination room, Aoba, Itachi, and Gekko Hayate were all seated in different positions.

Moreover, there was an assistant supervisor on the right side of each row. Standing at the front was the chief examiner of Genin 's selection examination. Well, it was a cameo he had never seen before, so he did not introduce it.

For this examination, Aoba was full of confidence.

What a joke, he was like a third-year college entrance examination student who had been working for the Hyuga Clan for nine years and had been a down-to-earth student!

Although he was only a second-rate university, he was very familiar with the exams during the three years in middle school and high school.

Besides, no matter how difficult the questions in this world were, they could not be more difficult than the pain he had experienced!

It did not exist!

So after the test paper was handed out, he immediately wrote his name and ninja number proficiently, and then began to look at the first question.

The first question:

Please answer what is the chakra path that is spread all over the body called?

Tsk tsk, isn't this a free point question!

Could it be that someone really couldn't answer it?

Aoba happily wrote down the correct answer, Chakra Pathway System.

The second question:

Please answer how many 'chakra points' there are on the path of chakra in the average person?

So simple!

Aoba wrote again, "A total of 361 acupoints, made up of 52 single acupoints and 309 double acupoints."

The third question:

Please answer the name of the ability that can combine the three types of chakra attributes in one go?

The two are Kekkei Genkai, and the three are Kekkei Tota.

Aoba was speechless as he wrote the answer. This question was too stupid. He really didn't understand why Obito didn't answer the question correctly. Could it be that IQ was the real problem?

Then he saw the next question that was even more stupid.

Please select the hand seal of 'Tiger' in this drawing.


Itachi nodded in agreement. "It's not difficult."

Aoba immediately heaved a sigh of relief. I was not the only one who thought it was simple.

Then he asked, "Have you found the real assessment point for this exam?"

"What do you mean? What is the real assessment point?" Itachi and Gekko Hayate looked puzzled.

"It's just that the test paper is just a disguise. No matter whether the answer is correct or wrong, it does not affect the final score. Then the real test may be the team cooperation, the mastery of Ninjutsu, and so on."

Looking at his tangled expression, Itachi and Gekko Hayate looked at each other and said in unison, "Are you sick? It's just a Genin selection test. Why are you making it so complicated?"

"So, this test is really just a simple test?" Aoba asked tentatively.

Itachi and Gekko Hayate looked at each other as if they were mentally retarded and nodded.

The silly Aoba suddenly felt a little tired and didn't love them. If not for those cheating bastards misleading me, why would I be so bored to sit in the exam and settle the score? I would have handed in my papers and left long ago!

But thinking about it carefully, it was true. Because of the war over the years, Konoha really wanted to promote all the Genin s who had just graduated from the ninja school to Gennin to make up for the number of ninjas he lacked.

How could it be possible for those fancy things to make things difficult for people?

From the difficulty of this exam, it could be seen that as long as one had a little IQ, they would not be able to pass the exam even if they had the most basic of the brain paralysis.

But as the peaceful years and months dragged on, Konoha gradually recovered from the war and began to play tricks.

The exam questions would become more difficult each year, and even the situation he described, repairing the road in the dark to harm the candidates!

Because you will never know what the chief examiner of this year wants to test.

Thinking of this, Aoba could not help but feel very fortunate.

He was enjoying the tail left behind by the 'war'.

Thinking like this, he was not depressed anymore.

If he could pass so easily, why would he find trouble for himself?

"Let's go. In order to congratulate us on smoothly passing the first round of examination, I will treat everyone to a meal. Three-color dango, then you treat me to a barbecue. It's a happy decision!"

Two middle fingers immediately pointed to Aoba.

This international friend gesture was taught by him to these two guys, but he didn't expect that after leaving the division, these two sinful students would actually deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors.

It was unbearable!

He decided that when his son ate barbecue later, he would eat it freely and eat these two evil students!

Then he also raised his middle finger, and the three people laughed at the same time.

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