Published at 31st of May 2024 05:06:39 AM

Chapter 310: Old Heart!

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Chapter 310: Old Heart!

Under the halo of Itachi, Sasuke was revived at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was not like he had never lost before, how big of a deal!

Just like someone said, resistance was just because he had not experienced it. Once he opened the door to the new world, he might fall in love.

After all, he was used to losing.

Moreover, this time, he was hit because he was not mentally prepared. The same trick was useless to him.

He wanted to let Naruto know that in the face of the real strength gap, any tricks would be a disgrace!

Well, this time was an exception, and there would not be a next time!

He did not know whether it was because he was in a good mood because he got the reward, or he was afraid of hurting Sasuke.

In short, Aoba, who had already regarded Sasuke as a long-term special "leek", actually said two words of comfort to Sasuke for the first time, "Do you know? In order to defeat you, Naruto worked hard for three whole months to do it!"

Three months. Tie, old heart!

Sasuke sniffed and suddenly wanted to cry.

I don't want this kind of comfort, soul! This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

However, Itachi looked at Naruto with great admiration and said, "To be able to train the Body Transformation Technique to this extent in just three months, he is indeed very powerful. To be honest, the moment I saw my father appear, I was shocked."

It was indeed retribution!

Just like how Sasuke felt that Aoba was mocking him no matter how he listened, Aoba also felt that Itachi seemed to have something to say.

Who doesn't know that the three basic techniques are the most powerful? It is said that it took you less than half a day to skillfully use them.

So when these words come out of your mouth, it is really not convincing at all!

Are you sure you are praising Naruto?

Unfortunately, Naruto, this silly child, was still bubbling with joy. Sigh, it was hopeless.

"What I said just now was true. For this last opportunity, Naruto and I went out early and came back late every day to observe Fugaku-sama. Only then did Sasuke, who was beginning to panic, lose his mind and turn the tide of the battle."

Hearing this, Naruto suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but Sasuke seemed to have solved the knot in his heart and was much more relaxed.

But Itachi's words made him entangled again.

"Did you see that Naruto made such ample preparations to defeat you, but you know nothing about Naruto and don't value your opponent at all. This is the biggest reason for your loss this time. You have to learn from it, understand?"

If not for the fact that he frequently went to the toilet, and Itachi was worried that he might have eaten something bad, so she followed him, perhaps everyone would still be kept in the dark!

To be able to come up with such a 'vicious' revenge method at such a young age, I still underestimated you in the end, Sasuke!

Aoba accepted Sasuke's apology with a 'pained' face(forced by Itachi). Then, he squeezed out a smile on his face.

"It's fine. Sasuke is really a little clever ghost. He actually came up with such a good way to make himself eat more."

"Eh? Is that so? I want to try it too!"

"Naruto! Stop right there!"

Aoba held down Naruto, who wanted to try this method of letting him eat more. His face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Damn it, I don't want to learn the good ones, I want to learn this!

Are you trying to make your big brother go bankrupt

Your pocket money will be gone in the future!

At this time, Naruto, who was pressed down on his head and could not move, thought, "It turns out that this is the secret that Aoba Nii-chan can eat so much. But I haven't seen Aoba Nii-chan spit out what he ate. Forget it, I'll try making noodles next time..."

Therefore, in such a harmonious scene, everyone walked out.

Aoba, whose heart was bleeding, immediately quickened his steps in the voice of the devil behind him.

It was said that Saint would not be knocked down twice by the same move, but why could he not control his mouth every time?

So it was really because of the special effect?

Yakiniku Q added special effects on the meat, so it looked extremely attractive. Every time he made up his mind to never come again, he would automatically sigh with a really fragrant sigh.

It was really too terrifying!

Aoba couldn't help but burp. The delicious smell of meat drilled into his nose.

Why not let someone treat him next time? En, Gekko Hayate was very good. He ate very little and was perfect!

After sending Naruto off and returning home, Aoba checked the wool he had gotten from Sasuke this time.

He directly added an intermediate skill card to [Undying Fortress]. Now, other than [Halo Thorns] who was still Level 4, there were no other skills below Level 6. It was very eye-catching.

Then he opened the special treasure chest he had obtained this time with anticipation.

The familiar question marks filled his eyes once again.

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