Published at 31st of May 2024 05:06:27 AM

Chapter 319: Killer Queen!

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Chapter 319: Killer Queen!

Aoba took out a small bottle and drank it all in one gulp. Then, he instantly turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared from where he stood.

"Thunder Breathing Technique·Fourth Form·Distant Thunder!"

After his body exploded with lightning, Aoba charged forward at lightning speed and appeared in front of Kurosuki Raiga as if he had teleported.

However, Aoba gave up on the follow-up attack and even threw away [Grey Snow] who was in his hands.

At this moment, the medicinal effect took effect, making Aoba, who was already somewhat emotional, immediately enter into the excited mood of boiling blood!

His black pupils instantly became fiery red like a bear's flame, beautiful to the point that it was somewhat soul-stirring, making people intoxicated!

And in this state, the chakra in Aoba's meridians immediately began to violently change like boiling lava.

In these two years or so, the result of never putting down the hard work of training, it was time to show it all!

Nature change, fusion, release...

Thousands of attempts allowed Aoba to smoothly complete Kekkei Genkai's breakthrough!

The red light that symbolized danger began to flicker continuously on his body.

"Explosion Release: Killer Queen!"


The fist shadows that filled the sky instantly enveloped Kurosuki Raiga. Every time they struck the lightning armor, there would be a flash of red light.

However, it was unknown whether it was because the attack power was not strong enough. Although Kurosuki Raiga was forced to retreat continuously and was unable to counterattack for a while, the lightning armor on his body had not been shattered.

Although Aoba abandoned his sword and used his fist making Kurosuki Raiga was very puzzled. However, it was an indisputable fact that he could not break his defense.

"Hahaha, it's useless. You want to break my lightning armor with such a 'weak' fist? Idiot!"

After the last punch was thrown, Kurosuki Raiga slid back six or seven meters, leaving two deep marks on the ground.

Obviously, Aoba's attack was not as 'weak' as Kurosuki Raiga said. It was not enough to break his lightning armor, let alone that he could continue to charge it at any time.

In other words, Aoba couldn't turn everything he touched into a bomb like Killer Queen on JoJo.

But even with so many flaws, Aoba's explosive speed was still hard to guard against!

Unless the enemy didn't give him a chance to get close, he would definitely let him fully experience the art of explosion!

Moreover, if the unlucky Kurosuki Raiga saw every punch that Aoba threw on him as a miniature bomb, then in just a minute, the dangerous red light flashed at least a hundred times!

Perhaps the power of a single 'bomb' was not enough to cause the lightning armor to collapse, but when more than a hundred 'bomb' exploded at the same time, Aoba believed that even if he did not explode this guy, this guy would not have a good time!

When the violent explosion gradually stopped, Aoba immediately saw Kurosuki Raiga's miserable appearance.

The lightning armor had long disappeared. Kurosuki Raiga's body was covered in blood, and there were black wounds everywhere. It was so ragged that it seemed that he would die in the next second.

He looked at Aoba and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he could not hold back and began to vomit blood!

Don't forget, the impact of the explosion was not something that ordinary people could bear.

At this time, Kurosuki Raiga only felt that his internal organs were everywhere, and he was already lucky that he was not directly killed on the spot.


Ranmaru struggled to crawl towards Kurosuki Raiga.

Because he had been weak since he was a child, and his parents had died early, plus the people here were very ignorant and had little communication with the outside world, so after accidentally discovering his 'abnormality', he was rejected by everyone in the village.

It was Kurosuki Raiga, who defected here, who discovered him and took him in.

From then on, the two of them began to rely on each other.

Perhaps it was because of his Kekkei Genkai that Kurosuki Raiga regarded him as a tool, but for Ranmaru, it was Kurosuki Raiga who gave him a new life.

As for whether Kurosuki Raiga was a good person or not, was it important?

Ranmaru, who was only three years old, did not care about this after experiencing all kinds of things.

He only knew that Raiga-sama needed him. If Raiga-sama died, then the meaning of his existence would be lost.

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