Published at 31st of May 2024 05:06:09 AM

Chapter 332: Painful Torture

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Chapter 332: Painful Torture

At this time, Aoba, who was standing not far from Deidara, was listening to Deidara's wailing.

He, who held [Insect], would not be affected by any disturbance here.

In this space, he was the only god!

However, even he did not expect that Deidara would use self-mutilation as an experiment. It was really painful to look at.

Then, he casually threw a Shuriken over.

If it was any other time, Deidara had a hundred ways to avoid or block this kind of 'slow and straight' attack without any change.

However, after losing all the senses other than touch, he immediately became a 'target'!


This Shuriken floated and silently shot at Deidara's other leg.


Deidara, who was not mentally prepared, immediately let out a scream of pain.

After all the senses were left with only touch, the sense of touch would be ten thousand times more sensitive than usual!

Just like a blind person, having good hearing was the same principle.

Losing one sense would depend more on other senses, and when all other senses were lost, the only thing they could rely on was touch.

Therefore, the pain would also be countless times more ordinary!

Then, two more Kunai stabbed into Deidara's shoulders without any sound.

Deidara let out a soundless scream again, but there was no response.

"Bastard! Come out!"

"What kind of ability is hiding?"

"Let me out!"

Deidara seemed to have gone berserk. He stuffed all the clay into the mouth of his hand, and then all kinds of clay bombs were made and thrown everywhere.

Then these mobile clay spiders, centipedes, and other things began to explore outside, trying to find a way out in this way.

It had to be said that the more Deidara was in danger, the more he could calmly respond.

However, these clay bombs could not give him enough information. He could only determine whether these clay bombs were destroyed or not through the last contact of chakra.

In the end, these artistic works he made still had no souls. Without him to control them, they were just some clay toys that were like headless flies.

However, in order to destroy Deidara's psychological defenses faster, Aoba was always patient enough to destroy the bombs that Deidara had made one by one!

Was the explosion really art?

But why didn't I feel that instant artistic aura this time?

Deidara was extremely confused at this moment.

Because he found that under the unknown attack of the enemy, his explosion art had no means of spreading.

He could not see the fire after the explosion, hear the sound of the explosion, and smell the explosion

But the explosion was still there, and he was still alive.

Suddenly, he could not help but think of the words that the guy had said before.

"The true art only exists between life and death."

"Is that really the case?"

"Am I still alive or dead? Has my art been killed by you?"

"Is this crack between life and death?"

"There is great horror, despair, and loss of all concepts."

Deidara was so confused that he was about to collapse.

At this moment, a sword tip directly pierced half an inch into his chest.

The incomparably sensitive pain instantly surprised Deidara. Then he subconsciously reached out and gripped the sword blade, wanting to stop it from going deeper.

Then he was surprised to find that his lost five senses had all recovered in an instant!

At the same time, a voice rang out in front of him.

"If thou seeks death, it is as easy as turning over your hand. The path of destruction is so short that it exceeds your imagination."

"Have you felt the real art? Your art of explosion is not worth mentioning in this space between life and death."

At this moment, Deidara did not immediately refute angrily. Instead, he was stunned.

"Do you still want to be alone for a while? You will be fine soon."

"Wait a minute!"

Although the sword in his hand did not continue to stab into his heart, it was being pulled out.

However, Deidara suddenly felt panic and fear. He was afraid that once the other party left, he would become deaf and blind again to personally experience the terror and despair here.

The other party's attitude also made him understand that it was not that he did not want to kill him, but...

"I saw the art you spoke of! So let me out!"

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