Published at 31st of May 2024 05:04:43 AM

Chapter 402: Don't Guard the Gate, Go Sweep the Street

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Chapter 402: Don't Guard the Gate, Go Sweep the Street

If a person who could casually take out a million ryo was a pauper, then what were these onlookers? Were they beggars?

After witnessing this scene, some of the merchants who were preparing to enter and leave this place did not dare to take another step forward. They were afraid that the other party would also use this as an excuse to extort them!

Don't joke around. A random person would extort a million ryo. If these people were targeted, wouldn't they not be able to escape with a hundred million ryo?

"Konoha is really too terrifying. Why don't we go somewhere else to sell?"

Many people began to retreat. They were truly intimidated by these two actors.

Then, Aoba used his eyes to signal to the other person. "Hurry up and call the next person to come and fight! What are you waiting for? Can you hurry up?"

After being glared at by Aoba, that Uchiha actor finally went to call for the next person.

However, he did not know how Itachi had instructed these people. The problem that could be solved in a few times had to be solved by one million each.

Was this a test of his acting and endurance?

"You, come here. Do you understand the rules?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I have prepared a million for you." This person was acting as a lackey

"En, you know what's good for you. Let's go."


"Do you understand the rules?"

"Do I understand you? I won't give you money. Let's see what you can do to me!" Well, this person was playing a tough guy who would rather die than give up.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

However, after being beaten up by Aoba, he couldn't get up.

"Don't say dirty words next time, understand?"

"Hmph! The green mountains do not change, the green waters continue to flow. Today, you won. This one million..."

"Hurry up and fuck off!"

Aoba kicked the drama queen away and then put away the money.

He was speechless in his heart. "Where did Itachi find all these weirdos?..."

Just as Uchiha took turns to go on stage, and after the fancy performance, the people around him were shocked to the point of numbness.

There was even a trace of recognition in his heart, as if a million was not a lot. Ha! Look at so many people obediently giving money. Is it not good if we don't give it to them?

At this time, in fact, all the money had been collected, but Aoba, who was still unable to 'play', mechanically clicked on one person.

"One million per person for the 'passage fee'. Why don't you go and rob it?"

"Tell me, what are you trying to do!"

Aoba thought to himself, "I'm just robbing, and I'm robbing myself. Is this not okay?"

But just at this time, Anbu's people who went to investigate the specific situation came back.

"Hokage-sama, we have investigated clearly. Those people who were extorted by Jonin Shinomiya are all from Uchiha Clan, and they are all voluntary. They also said that it was the order of the leader. The specific list is here."

Sarutobi was stunned for a moment. After picking it up and checking it, his face changed very strangely.

What is this?

"Hmph! Why don't you tell me what exactly is going on? Let's think about it clearly. Otherwise, next time, it won't be as simple as just looking at the gates. Let's just sweep the streets!"

The dignified Konoha, Jonin, was thrown to sweep the streets?

It really is you, damn old man!

Aoba pursed his lips, and then used the excuse that he had already communicated with Itachi to explain.

"You said that you lost 50 million to Uchiha Itachi yesterday. Because Itachi was embarrassed, he asked someone to return it to you in this way? Do you think that I have dementia and will believe this kind of nonsense?"

"Anyway, this is the truth. If you don't believe it, forget it."

"Hehe, that's good. Let me ask you, where did you get this 50 million? Even if all the rewards you completed were added together, it wouldn't be 50 million, right?" Sarutobi sneered and asked.

"Earn money quickly. If you have nothing to do, kill two wanted criminals or betray them. Then the money will come out."

Sarutobi immediately felt very tired. This kid obviously did not want to tell the truth, but in fact, he only wanted to damage Konoha's interests. Even if he was the Hokage, he could not care where the money came from.

For example, the simplest method was to find a rich businessman and kill him directly when he reached home. He would get all the property.

Many vagabonds and rebellions were very keen on this kind of thing.

The risk was small and the profit was great. He would leave after taking a ticket without anyone knowing.

Moreover, it was impossible for him to pick a pot and not let go of something without evidence.

However, since this rascal was completely fearless, then he should not have done such a lowly thing.

As for where exactly this money came from, and it was given to Uchiha Clan by him , Sarutobi did not want to investigate further.

Sarutobi only wanted to know what exactly they were doing?

Who were you making such a show for?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!