Published at 31st of May 2024 05:04:35 AM

Chapter 412: A Different Choice

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Chapter 412: A Different Choice

Just as Gato began to fantasize, Aoba immediately poured a bucket of cold water on him.

"Although your suggestion is very good, I don't think you can give me ten times the reward. Because your son promised me that as long as I kill you, he will give me half of the family property."

"So I'm sorry, you are obviously talking big."

Gato was immediately stunned!

"That is my property. It is all my money! That little bastard is lying to you!"

"Don't come over. I can also share half of your property. 60%, no, 90% of it is for you!"

Aoba shook his head coldly. "Forget it. I'll go and get it myself. The result will be the same anyway. Don't worry, my saber is very fast. It won't make you feel any pain."

"Go! Go and kill him!"

Gato kept punching and kicking the two wandering warriors behind him. Apparently, he already knew that the other party was not going to let him go, and even wanted to take all his property for himself.

In this case, what else could he do other than being angry?

"Shut up! You stupid pig!"

"I have tolerated you for a long time!"

Gato had never expected that the loyal and devoted subordinates would suddenly knock him to the ground.

Blood immediately burst out on Gato's face!

Then, just as Gato fell to the ground and groaned in pain, the two subordinates immediately smiled and said to Aoba, "We are just bodyguards hired by this stupid pig. It has nothing to do with us. Let us go."

Aoba immediately revealed a look of disdain. Not only did these two people not have any professional ethics, but they also betrayed their employer. It was really disgusting.

But at this moment, the bloody face of Gato suddenly laughed and said, "You actually begged for mercy from him? I spit! If my good-for-nothing son knew that you personally dealt with that bitch, do you think he would let you go? He is so stupid! "

"You are fucking talking nonsense!"

The expressions of the two brothers instantly changed, and they began to ruthlessly punch and kick Gato.

Moreover, in order to make Gato close his stinky mouth that dragged them into the water, they even directly used their scabbards to blow up all the teeth in Gato's mouth!

Gato was originally a rich ordinary person. How could he bear this kind of sin? He was directly beaten to the point that he couldn't even think properly. He could only grin foolishly.

So the little fatty nodded, "I understand."


With the death of Gato, the Land of Waves immediately welcomed a big earthquake!

Countless people wanted to divide up the wealth left behind by Gato, and the people were even more delighted!

But just when everyone thought that the company would be completely swallowed up by outsiders, a little fatty who called himself the son of Gato stood out and began to take over all the inheritance of Gato.

Those who hated him to the bone and were attracted by the huge benefits naturally did not want to admit defeat easily, and they did not put this harmless little fatty in their eyes.

In addition to the internal division, they all wanted to get a share, so the situation suddenly became chaotic.

However, as time went on, the little fatty had always been alive and well, and he controlled more and more wealth in his hands.

On the contrary, those competitors, as well as those who 'ate the traitor', all died, admitting defeat.

This also made everyone realize that the heir of Gato came prepared, and he controlled an extremely strong force.

Thus, the internal chaos was first suppressed, because the people who were unconvinced had been thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

After the great purge, the people left behind were all 'smart' people who recognized Ito Shiko's status, and they had to have a clean foundation.

Any kind of evil scum, even if they came close, they would still die!

After to Ito Shiko successfully secured his original position with the help of the mysterious power in the dark, the first thing the little fatty did was to order the illegal business to be removed from the company, and no one was allowed to do this again.

This was naturally Aoba's idea. Because there were so many ways to make money, there was no need to touch such harmful things.

Therefore, he only allowed the company to continue to establish armed forces and monopolize the business of the Land of Waves.

This alone was enough to make a lot of money.

There was no need to even take the illegal products because the entire shipping industry had already been monopolized. There was no business more profitable than monopolizing!

Then the second order issued by the little fatty was to increase the welfare of all the workers, and they were forbidden to use the previous method of punching and kicking, completely not treating the workers as people.

When these two orders came out, many people were dumbfounded.

Even the employees in the company looked incredible.

But no matter what the outside world responded, the reform of the company was unstoppable!

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