Published at 31st of May 2024 05:04:24 AM

Chapter 424: Not Much Talent, So I'll Dance for Everyone

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Chapter 424: Not Much Talent, So I'll Dance for Everyone

In the evening, under Orochimaru's invitation, Aoba attended the banquet prepared for him.

Although it was a banquet, there was no one else.

When Aoba arrived, even Orochimaru was nowhere to be seen.

Just when he suspected that Orochimaru was running away, several dancers suddenly appeared and began to perform.

Aoba did not know what kind of tricks Orochimaru was playing, or did he really believe the rumors about him and wanted to seduce him with his beauty, so he just watched coldly.

The girls danced very wildly, and they might be from poor families.

Aoba boasted that he was a gentleman and would never be tempted by beauty, so he insisted on judging them with a judging gaze, and before they admitted their mistake, he would never easily move his eyes away.

However, when the female lead of this performance appeared, his mentality instantly collapsed!

Because the one who walked out was none other than Orochimaru, who had secretly practiced the female character!

And unlike during the day, Orochimaru, who walked out at this time, was not only wearing a beautiful cherry blossom dress and a kimono, but also had makeup on.

And because of the soft body transformation, Orochimaru was so twisted that he looked like a beautiful snake.

Only the expression on his face was not in place, it had always been cold.

Aoba was immediately stunned. If he did not know who the other party was, it might have been better, but knowing that the other party was Orochimaru, and that the woman actually lived in a man's soul, he really felt very awkward!

Not only was he covered in goosebumps, but his eyes were also burning with pain.

He just could not understand why Orochimaru had this kind of hobby?

Could this be the legendary love line?

After becoming a woman, did he really think of himself as a woman?

Uh, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

If this scene was in Aoba's previous life, the screen would be filled with 'Oh god, I'm even more excited! '.

However, Aoba did not want to get involved in man to a man interaction, nor did he want to lock a man with a strong man, and it was even more impossible for him to really treat Orochimaru as a woman.

However, when he managed to calm down, Orochimaru did not seem to be ready to let him go. Instead, he was like a snake, lying on the ground and directly squirming over. His speed was faster than walking over.

Seeing that Orochimaru, who was twisting and turning, was about to climb up to him, Aoba was immediately frightened!

Zanpakuto, who had been untied, was slammed on the table with a bang!

Fuck the Legend of the White Snake!

I don't have such a heavy taste!

As the saying goes, the two evils should be taken lightly. Compared to the horrible punishment of the mission, teaching Orochimaru to jump into the Pure Lands was nothing.

Therefore, Aoba immediately took a deep breath and said, "The performance just now could be said to be tangible and without soul. It was too ordinary. It was better not to watch it."

I didn't expect that you actually have a deep understanding of this.

"I don't think so. I was just lucky enough to see a dance of my Holy Maiden, Blood Moon Sect. That is the most beautiful thing in the world, and naturally, I have high standards." Aoba began to set up a trap for Orochimaru.

"What a pity. If I had the chance, I really wanted to see what the most beautiful dance in the world is."

Orochimaru could swear to the heavens that she was just being polite, but at most, she was a little curious.

However, what happened next caused her to be stunned.

It was not that there was no chance. Although he had only seen it once, the beauty of the Holy Maiden was deeply engraved in my mind. "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Orochimaru was first stunned, and then he actually let out a laugh. His eyes were bright and beautiful as he nodded.

No, I'll vomited!

She was a man, a man!

At this moment, Aoba suddenly wanted to get some cold water, wash his face, and be in high spirits.

However, he had to think of a way to settle the task first.

To learn how to dance in bliss, he first had to settle the tune, or else it would definitely not taste like that!

Therefore, Aoba decisively found the person in charge of the accompaniment. Although he had not played any music, because he had listened to it too many times, it was not a problem for him to just hum it out.

As long as the tune wasn't too serious and they tried a few more times, these people would definitely be able to come up with a relatively primitive version. After all, these people were all professionals.

Thus, after a good while, these people finally restored the tune according to what he remembered.

Although there were still quite a few places that were different, it could no longer be too demanding, as long as there was no problem with the rhythm.

After the tune was done, Aoba couldn't help but take a deep breath, suppressing all the sense of shame in his heart. Then, he kept thinking back to the self-seclusion challenges that he had done

Compared to those ruthless people who could break apart with just a glance, it was just a jump of paradise, what was there to be afraid of!

Let's just do it and be done with it!

As the prelude sounded, Aoba instantly began to dance with great emotion.

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