Published at 31st of May 2024 05:04:17 AM

Chapter 431: Living Together

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Chapter 431: Living Together

Aoba Nee-chan, is this Konoha?"

Her hair had long been dyed black. After entering Konoha's gate, her eyes never stopped. Everything she saw was very novel.

Especially the prosperous scene of Konoha left a very deep impression on her.

After getting along for a period of time, Aoba also told Karin his real name. The red-haired middle-aged uncle no longer needed to come out.

Originally, Karin also wanted to call him 'Aoba-sama', but was rejected by Aoba for a reason. Directly let her and Naruto call him big brother, otherwise the title of adult or something did not fit his persona in Konoha

By the time he became the Hokage, it was more like it.

"Aoba Nee-chan, are we going to see Naruto now?" As someone who was also Uzumaki Clan, Karin had always been obsessed with Naruto. This kind of persistence was really terrible. If she did not see Naruto, it would be difficult to stop.

However, there was no hurry.

"Let's go buy a house first. I'll take you to see Naruto tomorrow."

Aoba had always lived in the house that Mikawa had prepared for him. Although it was small and the surrounding environment was very ordinary, he had some feelings for it. In addition, he was too lazy to change places, so he stayed there.

However, after choosing to bring incense with him, he really needed a bigger house. Otherwise, it was very inconvenient.

The other was to prevent Kakashi from blocking him.

The petty and narrow-minded Kakashi would definitely not let him off easily.

In any case, all of his assets were in his storage bag, so it would be the same if he did not go back.

Soon, Aoba found a residence that matched his heart. The environment was very good, but the geographical location was relatively remote. However, the house was very big, and there was a courtyard with it. It was the kind that belonged to a single house.

The reason why they couldn't be sold was very simple. The price was very expensive, and ordinary people couldn't afford it.

Moreover, only small families would buy houses like this for their base. The location was very poor, which was not conducive to development.

Therefore, those who didn't have money couldn't afford it.

But for Aoba, this was not a problem.

With tens of millions ryo of gold on him, it was not a big deal to buy a house.

She was really afraid of being sent away!

And after seeing the fear and uneasiness on Karin's face, Aoba could only change to a gentler tone and say again, "Hurry up and eat. I was just scaring you."

Only then did Karin let out a sigh of relief. Then, she no longer dared to make any small movements and obediently began to eat.

Moreover, after eating, she took the initiative to clean up the dishes. She was afraid that she would be abandoned again if she did not show her value.

Aoba did not say anything about this. Time would slowly change everything.

It was not until late at night that Karin was wearing a fresh pajamas and covered with a soft quilt. When she lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, she still had a feeling of unreal.

She did not sleep at this time not because she was not sleepy, but because she was afraid that when she closed her eyes and woke up again, all of this would disappear.

She would go back to the dirty little wooden house where the wind was leaking everywhere. Every day, she would carefully use two rice balls to last for a day, and then silently endure the harm and tricks of the people around her.

"If this is a dream, can you not wake up for the rest of your life?"

She was dizzy and sleepy, so she still fell asleep.

In her dream, she met her mother again. Then, she cried in her mother's warm embrace and said that she was living a good life now. She didn't need to worry about her anymore.

Just as Karin was gradually unable to distinguish between reality and dream, a ray of sunlight shone on her face.

Karin opened her eyes and wiped away the moisture in the corners of its eyes, revealing a very happy smile.

Everything was still there. This was not a dream.

So good!

Karin wrapped around the quilt and rolled around on the bed, then fell to the ground with a thud.


When Aoba came out with a yawn, he was suddenly stunned.

Because Karin was busy working in the kitchen on a small stool, and it was unknown what she was doing.

When she saw him appear, he immediately said nervously, "I... I am preparing breakfast. We will be able to eat soon... Ah!"

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