Published at 31st of May 2024 05:04:15 AM

Chapter 433: Straight Man's Response

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Chapter 433: Straight Man's Response

"It's so bitter. Do I have to eat these things every day in the future?"

Karin said with a wrinkled face.

"Isn't there chicken soup? If you think it is bitter, drink a little. Eat quickly. After eating, you will start to soak in the medicinal bath."

At this time, the food in front of Aoba could be said to be two completely different styles. On Aoba's side, there were chicken, duck, fish, and other high-level delicacies that looked and smelled good. However, what Karin ate was black dish. It was unknown what it was made from.

As for the taste, there was naturally no need to say more. Looking at the painful expression of Karin, one could tell.

But in fact, this bowl of paste that Karine ate was not cheap at all. It could buy the big fish meat that Aoba was eating at ten tables.

In order to replenish the vitality of Karin, he specially went to the pharmacy of Yoshida Clan and then got the medicinal recipe from the old man who once wanted to sell his spring medicine.

Of course, it was the first time that it was made, so it was inevitable that it was a little overturned.

However, the taste was not important, as long as it could nourish the body.

After that, he also prepared the medicinal bath that he had used to build the foundation. He believed that it would have a great effect on the current physical condition of the body.

After all, the purpose of this medicinal bath was to make up for the energy of the overdraft of the body, so that the cells would be refreshed again.

He still did not believe that with so much money, even if it was just a kitten, it had to honestly develop in the direction of a pig!

There must be some heartache, but it could be considered an investment.

After Karin grew, no matter if it was special healing ability, perception ability or sealing technique, it would be able to perfect her. More importantly, there was no need to worry about the problem of loyalty.

Such a useful subordinate, of course, had to look into the long term.

When she finished all the 'food' that Aoba had prepared for her like she was on the execution ground, she felt that her tongue was no longer hers. She couldn't even taste the three big bowls of chicken soup. Even breathing was a bad smell.

However, after she finished eating, she found that her body was very comfortable. It was as if a warm current was rapidly spreading from her stomach to every part of her body.

It was warm, and then she began to sweat non-stop.

Seeing this, Aoba chewed up the last chicken leg and even the bones, then went to wash her hands. She threw the medicine bag that she had prepared in advance into the wooden barrel specially used to wash the medicine bath.

The clear water instantly turned dark, very strange.

"Go in. Soak for thirty minutes. There might be some pain and heat during this period. Bear with it for a while and you will pass. If there is anything, just call me directly."

"The medicine has already dissipated. What are you still doing inside? Hurry up and come out and get dressed!" Aoba did not walk over. After saying this, he prepared to go out.

But at this moment, Karin finally said with a sobbing tone, "I... I don't have any strength left. I can't get out."

What the hell?

Aoba looked back in surprise and found that the expression of Karin was not fake. He scratched his head speechlessly.

If Karin was not too small, he would suspect that this was a premeditated action. The purpose was naturally to covet his body.

"How could this be?" Aoba looked at Karin with vigilance.

"I don't know either. First, it was very painful. Then, it was so hot that it felt like it was being roasted by fire. When the water returned to its original color, I was already out of strength." Karin only revealed her head as she whispered with a red face.

Aoba pondered for a moment. He thought that it might be because the overdraft of the body of Karin was very serious. Under the nourishment of the medicinal dish and medicinal bath, a long drought met with sweet rain. Then, he also consumed all his strength.

It was not impossible.

Of course, he couldn't rule out the possibility that someone at such a young age was trying to trick him.

No, he had to be careful.

Aoba turned around and walked out. Then, he brought back a thick blanket. In the shy and puzzled eyes of Karin, he directly wrapped the blanket around Karin and then lifted it up.


Looking at the little head that was only exposed in his hand, which was wrapped tightly, Aoba nodded with satisfaction and directly carried it away.

It was not until she was thrown back to the bed in her room that she finally came back to her senses.


Just this?

Why was it different from what she imagined?

She suddenly felt that her face was burning. She suspected that the medicine was still working, but she was probably the only one who knew the reason.

But it was also good. She did not want Aoba to see the 'scars' on her body.

However, what she did not know was that after making up for some of the life force that had been overdrawn, the 'scars' on her body had faded a little.

Not every Uzumaki Clan had a special constitution like hers.

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