Published at 31st of May 2024 05:28:36 AM

Chapter 6: Devil Bear Kids Series

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Chapter 6: Devil Bear Kids Series

A few days later, White Zetsu's figure once again emerged from the wall.

"How is the investigation going?"

"The basic information has been collected. That Kakashi and Rin are Obito's very important companions. Obito not only sacrificed himself to save Kakashi but also gave his other Sharingan to Kakashi. And that Nohara Rin is Obito's crush."

"Looks like that little brat Aoba really gave me directions. Cough cough."

Before Madara could finish speaking, he started coughing violently. His current body was becoming more and more difficult to endure.

And he firmly believed that Uchiha Obito was the last gift given to him by the heavens.

"What do you want to do? Capture him and threaten Obito to submit?" White Zetsu, who was standing at the side, asked after Madara finished coughing.

"No, I want Obito to work for me willingly. I want him to completely despair about this world, and at the same time, cut off the karma and fetters. Only when the goal is the same can he become the next me and continue on the path I have arranged!"

The moment he raised his head, the only remaining Sharingan emitted a terrifying and ominous aura.

After he handed over the plan to White Zetsu to complete it, and as White Zetsu disappeared, the base returned to its usual silence and calm.

When the time came, he wanted Obito to witness the most desperate scene in the world!


"Hey, how is your recovery?"

Aoba walked in with a bowl bigger than his face. Then, he sat down on the ground casually, buried his face in the bowl, and began to eat wildly!

There was no need to think about big rice. There were only meat and wild vegetables in the bowl. There was no seasoning, but he ate it very well!

Although it was difficult to be thrifty from extravagance, it was good to have something to eat in order to live. It was better than eating fruits every day!

Also, he did not know if people in this world were very good at eating. In any case, he estimated that the amount of food he ate now was almost the same as that of an adult on Earth. Moreover, the appetite for every meal was so good that he could not get tired of eating meat every day.

He was just a four-year-old child who could afford to eat so much!

He touched his smooth little stomach and wondered where all the food had gone to.

But just as he opened his mouth wide in happiness and moved to bite the barbecue, he bit nothing!


'Where's the barbecue?'

"Hey, hey, just smell it to satisfy your craving. If Madara-sama finds out that I feed you barbecue, you can probably roast my meat tomorrow."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Aoba quickly hang the barbecue on the iron hook, then sit on the bed and hold a small fishing rod above Obito's head.

Looking at the smile on his face, there was no purity or innocence at all. This guy was simply a devil!

Smelling the fragrance of the roasted meat, Obito, who had bitten the air, again and again, was like a carp king on the shore, utterly crippled!

After being tortured to the point of exhaustion, finally, no matter how much Aoba tried to tempt him or even boldly bring the roasted meat to his mouth, he was too lazy to speak again.

"Boring, giving up just like that. Are all ninjas so impatient?"

"Hehe, wait for me to recover from my injuries. I will be the first to hang you up and beat you up!"

Obito fiercely began to speak harsh words.

"Alright, I'll wait for you to hang me up and beat me up. But based on your current state of salted fish*, I reckon that when I grow up, that' idiot Kakashi 'and Rin will get married and have children, and you will be more or less done."

[*TL Note: Salted fish is a term used to refer to someone feeling tired and sluggish. But in this context, meaning that Obito is like a corpse, he couldn't do anything but to just lay down like a salted fish.]

"Impossible! Rin will not like that idiot Kakashi!"

Sure enough, Obito was immediately frightened and sat up.

"That's hard to say. Maybe when you go back, the children of the other two will be able to play happily."

Aoba's light sentence directly stimulated Obito's eyes to become bloodshot. He was really afraid that Obito would open three magatamas because of this kind of 'stimulation'. That would be too funny!

"No, I have to recover quickly and leave this damn place to find Rin!"

After suddenly having the motivation, Obito immediately began to grind his teeth and began to 'recovering'. That momentum really made people's scalp numb!

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