This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 113

Published at 19th of March 2024 05:16:54 AM

Chapter 113

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Chapter 113


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“Yussi claims to have found the blessing of Zero Requiem. It’s about the rumored eighth blessing.”

While the hero was in confusion, the multi-communication was quickly concluded.

The fact that he obtained ‘evolution’ was a fact he did not share with anyone, not even the emperor.

Naturally, Euphemia, who knew nothing, was delighted by Yussi’s unexpected discovery and praised her.

Yussi raised a glass and said, “I will Inherit the blessing well. When the hero returns to the front line, I will return with him.”

‘...How on earth did Yussi find out about the whereabouts of the eighth blessing?’

The hero tried to grasp the details while acting as expressionless as possible, but it was not easy.

In the end, there was only one conclusion.

They had to meet right away and hear the whole story.


Awakening from the illusion of communication magic, back to the laboratory.

He immediately activated the Asteria Vision to find Yussi.

“...Noubelmag’s workshop?”

At this late hour, she, who should be in her quarters, was in the shopping district.

The words Noubelmag had said before flashed through his mind, back then.

“Well, there’s an excuse to tear it apart thoroughly.”

“She’s doing something quite cute.”

Next, what came to mind was the ‘Weird machine that flies in the sky,’ which was useful in rescuing children from the Forest of Martial Arts.

The puzzle pieces had finally come together to form a shape.

‘..It was made at Yussi’s request.’

It was a belated realization that came unexpectedly.

During the confusion of fighting the collaborator, he had thought of it as just one of Noubelmag’s new attempts.

But looking back, its purpose was clear.

It looked shabby at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it was a very sophisticated item.

Not the kind you could make casually.

Surely, astronomical funds were involved in the design and production.

‘She’s certain it’s in the sky.’

Given Yussi’s calculating personality, she wouldn’t have made such an investment without being sure.

The problem was delving further into the labyrinth.

The eighth blessing, ‘Evolution.’

Wasn’t that something Zero Requiem had prepared for the salvation of humanity?

‘Could there be more artifacts like the Iris of Laplace?’

How did Yussi know about that clue, and even the precise location in the sky?


Regardless, he intended to stop Yussi from going to the sky.

In the process with no apparent benefits, spending astronomical funds and bearing risks would be inevitable.

‘The problem is how to persuade... though.’

If, in this situation, there were sudden discussions about the presence or absence of blessing, it would be very suspicious.

Lost in such thoughts, he found himself in front of the workshop.


With a loud mechanical sound, the machines positioned at the entrance all turned to look at the hero.

In the past month, thanks to Yussi’s extensive material support, the workshop had transformed into a fortress-like structure.

– Verified.

He had been on the authorized entry list for a long time, so there was no threat to him.

However, the hero walked towards the distant voices and listened intently.

“...When is that damn machine going to be completed?”

“This ignorant alchemist. Does she think I’m wielding some magical wand? It still needs more work! We have to experiment while the mana stone is still pouring in.”

“It flew well in the forest.”

“Back then, the altitude was low, and the flight time was short. Do you want it to crash into pieces in the sky hundreds of meters above?”

“Do you think so? I’m anxious because there’s no time.”

“Why don’t you design it better from the beginning?”

The squabbling ceased as the hero’s footsteps approached.

Yussi, who appeared in the doorway, looked at him with rabbit-like eyes.

Disheveled hair and swollen eyes.

She stood up abruptly.

“Hero? Why would you come to this humble and wretched place...?”


Meanwhile, Noubelmag, perhaps interpreting the hero’s visit as he pleased, groaned and got up.

“Did you come to see the unarmed prototypes? Well, even if you’re looking forward to it, what will happen if you grill an old man like me in the middle of the night?”

...The hero cut to the chase without hesitation.

“Yussi, how did you know about the existence and location of the blessing?”



.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Seeing the hero’s expression, Yussi answered directly, excluding any nonsense.

“Zero Requiem’s disciple. I found it in the journal he left behind.”

It was a confusing answer for the hero.

Zero’s disciple.

It was a story unfamiliar even to someone who had lived for many years.

The fact that Zero disappeared without passing on his vision to anyone was a well-known legend.

Everyone lamented the disappearance of Zero, which caused a significant setback in magical advancements.

If there had been someone to whom he passed something, they would have left traces in history long ago.

In response to my gaze filled with puzzlement, Yussi added further explanation.

Personnel and equipment costs for rescue and investigation team:

Approximately 10,000 gold.

Medical and treatment expenses...

Since Yussi assumed the position of principal, this was the largest amount of loss she had faced.

What was more unfortunate was that this document had fallen into the hands of academy professors hostile to her.

Of course, the attack by Enoch was like a natural disaster, not anyone’s fault.


‘As the highest authority figure of the academy and the majority shareholder of the school corporation, I can’t avoid responsibility.’

Opinions among the faculty would probably be split.

Those who were antagonistic toward her and the hero.

Friendly young professors.

And those who tried to remain neutral with ambiguous positions.

If she played her cards right, she might conclude the meeting without too much damage.

Yussi made that conclusion and entered the meeting room.

...And she faced a more intense confrontation than expected.

“Given that the principal visited the control center just before the incident and that Professor Felson surreptitiously entered Rosenstark, doesn’t it suggest that Professor Redymer and his associates were aware that such an incident would occur?”

[PR/N: It seems they’re calling Felson a prof bc he was a guest faculty maybe?]

We didn’t know about the incident in advance, but prepared for it, you conspiracy theorist!

As mentioned before, the recent activities of the demons were not normal.

“If you had given us a heads-up, our faculty could have handled this incident more smoothly.”

What nonsense is this person talking about in a situation where we don’t even know who the collaborators are?

“If Professor Redymer expected a disturbance, why did he choose Forest of Martial Arts, a location far from the central part of the academy, as the testing ground? He must have known it would be difficult to handle.”

Isn’t it fortunate that such trouble didn’t happen at the central part of the academy?

We made efforts to minimize the damage and achieve the best results, right?

As Yussi was responding, she realized something was going wrong because the aggressive questions didn’t stop.

Even neutral professors were censuring her with raised voices.

‘What is this...?’

Various hypotheses and countermeasures came to her mind, but Yussi couldn’t follow through.

“At this point, there’s one rational suspicion.”

“Rational suspicion?”

“Professor Redymer, who knew about the collaborators, used children as bait...”

That was enough.

Everyone has their limit.

Those were the words that she couldn’t keep calm about.

The irritation and fatigue that have accumulated over the past few days.

Old-fashioned people who don’t even know the situation and only know how to make a fuss.

And the joyous expressions on their faces as if they had found a way to damage the hero.

The anger quickly rose to a critical point.


Yussi’s fist slammed the table.

It was an action that shouldn’t have been taken in a meeting, but there was no other option.

The meeting room fell silent instantly.

The emotional toneless voice continued as if emotions were excluded.

“Who is the ultimate decision-maker for this academy?”

‘Well, they obviously want...’

“It’s you, the principal.”

“So, if there are any demands, don’t pass the responsibility to some distant place; tell me.”

The professors’ eyes sparkled at those words.

The topic was quickly redirected to the calculation of recovery costs.

‘...It won’t be an easy amount.’

Surprisingly, Yussi was in a financially tight situation.

This was due to the collapse of the “Craftsmen Expo” and the substantial purchase of magical stones for the expedition for Zero’s blessing.

Unusually for Yussi, her wallet was sort of empty....

Just as Yussi finished her calculations and was about to speak, the meeting room door forcefully opened.

“I’m a bit late, aren’t I?”

A self-assured voice.

Following that, sharp and clear footsteps.

Everyone’s gaze turned towards the unexpected visitor who stood in front of the table.

‘...What’s going on?’

As Yussi quickly adjusted her expression, the unwelcome guest took their place.

A woman, similar to her but with a few more wrinkles and much more venomous eyes, smirked.

“Hello, Yussi.”


With her arms crossed, Merian raised her chin and looked down at Yussi.

Her small and sharp jawline was something Yussi had always looked up to since childhood.

“You’re weak, as always. Right now, it’s not just about the recovery costs.”

Merian Glendor.

A competitor and an intimidating sister.

She was the co-chairman of the Glendor Educational Foundation.

The appearance of an adversary carried significant implications.

Merian leaned in, tilting her upper body deeply towards Yussi’s ear.

“What’s this about? Seems like your recent actions aren’t sitting well with Father?”

Her whisper resonated like thunder.


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