This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 221

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:39 AM

Chapter 221

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Chapter 221

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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Training took place in the virtual space provided by Iris of Laplace.

Of course, it would be best to wield the sword directly in reality to master the skill

But in the densely populated South, it was impossible to practice Salvation Rituals recklessly.

Accessing the stored battlefield, Great Forest.


The room filled with stacked documents, inkwells and pens, and simple furniture faded away.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Instead, lush trees, bushes, and various unidentified vegetation filled the view.

The Hero took a deep breath.

The battlefield where he would fight Ivar would undoubtedly be the Great Forest.

Thanks to that, all his recent training had taken place in the dense forest.

Would you like to access the sparring avatar list?

The Hero hesitated for a moment.

He recalled the comment that appeared when he treated Yussi.

Salvation Obtained clues about Horizon, the 5th Ritual.

A clue, huh.

This time, the reward was a bit different.

Unlike before, where he immediately acquired the completed version, the 5th form was given in the form of a clue.

Its similar to when I forcibly implemented an incomplete Nova in Lonkers.

In other words, perfecting Horizon was impossible at the moment.

It could be unfolded, but it was merely a shell.

They probably want me to realize it through actual combat.

The Hero felt he knew why there was this change in the comment.

Salvation Rituals from the 5th are fundamentally different.

As you know, Salvation Rituals consist of a total of 7.

1st Halo

2nd Nova

3rd Flare

4th Stellar Lift

5th Horizon

6th Star Pole

And finally, up to the 7th, the last one Ted didnt share the name of with the Hero, making it a total of seven.

Up to the 4th, Stellar Lift, they can be seen as auxiliary tools.

Halo, which freely changes the shape and attributes of the sword.

Nova, which accelerates the body and mind.

Flare, which amplifies destructive power through condensation.

Stellar Lift, which creates a favorable battlefield to draw in enemies.

These are all comprehensive techniques that positively adjust combat.

However, from the 5th, Salvation Rituals are composed of actual offensive moves utilizing the preceding rituals, in other words, finishing moves.

The first step, Horizon, is none other than

Drawing Sword Technique

[TL/N: Iaijutsu () is a combative quick-draw sword technique. This art of drawing the Japanese sword, katana, is one of the Japanese kory martial art.]

When Ted first devised the 5th, people wondered how one could unfold a Drawing Sword technique with a sword without a sheath.

Ted answered by creating a magical sheath in the air.

A sheath of magic in the air.

It seemed like a very simple technique at first glance, but in reality, it was different.

Its the most difficult of all Salvation Rituals so far.

Originally, Drawing Sword techniques were treated as trash among swordsmen.

Because the blades efficacy decreases as it rubs against the sheath, it is weaker and slower than swinging with full force without a sheath.

Also, because attacks typically start from the waist where the sheath is located, it was significantly weaker than full swings in the upper and middle sections.

Because of this, Drawing Sword techniques were only used as assassin swords taking advantage of the opponents carelessness.

For a swordsman like Ted who reached a certain level, ignoring it was normal.

But Teds magic sheath nullified all these drawbacks.

He used the sheath as a sort of launcher.

The essence of Horizon was a technique to create a magical explosion inside the sheath just before drawing the sword.

The sheath made of pure mana would explode from the inside, ejecting the blade at the utmost speed.

Its a technique only Ted could accomplish.

Because he had acquired Flare, it was possible to unnaturally condense mana inside a narrow sheath.

As a result, he succeeded in achieving a speed worthy of a finishing move.

It was possible because the main weapon was the Black Hope.

If it were an ordinary sword, it wouldnt withstand the shock and heat of the condensed mana exploding.

Anyway, due to various factors, Horizon received praise as being faster than any other swordsmanship in history.

An elusive technique that even skilled swordsmen couldnt follow with their eyes.

The sword that defeated the legendary swordmaster Zion Hiyashin was none other than Horizon.

Its a very suitable technique for dealing with agile adversaries like Ivar.

Deal a meaningful blow with the first engagement.

That was the only condition for the Hero to win against Ivar.

Even if fully realizing it is difficult, I must be proficient enough to hit the first strike accurately.

Having organized his thoughts, the Hero manipulated Iris of Laplace.

Setting Roaring Wind, Ivar as the sparring avatar.


A massive barbarian briefly appeared at the edge of sight, then disappeared into the bushes abruptly.

Not even a protective coloration. Cant see a thing.

The reason the Hero chose the forest as the battlefield was this.

He was extremely familiar with combat in the forest.

It was possible to bury ones presence in nature without leaving a trace.

He had to approach it as if he were facing wild beasts born and raised in the forest.

Where is he?


The Hero meticulously guided his mana and intertwined it into the form of a sheath in the air.


The Black Hope entered into the blue sheath.

The Hero immediately manipulated the Iris of Laplace.




How many times had he fought with Ivar in the forest?

By the time the Horizon hit rate increased slightly.

The Hero was awakened by the sharp alert sound ringing in his ears.


Communication bead alert.

It sounded like a real sound in the midst of a dream.

Avatar sparring terminated.

Was Mother Ghost asking for new information?

Returning to reality, the Hero looked at the communication bead on the table.


An unexpected sender was displayed.

* * *

[Long time no see, Leader. How have you been?]

A deep voice echoed in the safe house.

Fairly well. And you

The Hero was about to reply absentmindedly, but then closed his mouth.

Felson couldnt be said to have been well, even if it was just empty words.

Bandages were tightly wrapped around every uncovered part of him.

A pallid complexion.

Is it a hospital carriage?

Seeing the screen flickering up and down seemed to confirm it.

As the Heros expression stiffened, Felson smiled faintly.

[I wanted to thank you first, so I contacted you.]

What for?

The Hero replied awkwardly.

Eastern expedition.

It must have been a series of perilous battles.

Two comrades had died, and Felson himself suffered terrible injuries.

Although there might have been resentment for not being together, Hero couldnt find any such sign on Felsons face.

Instead, Felson faced him with a bright face.

[Dont make that face. Its not the expression of a Hero who protected the North and the children. Your comrades were very proud to hear the news. Indeed, no matter where the Leader is, he always gets things done.]

It was then that voices were heard from the side.

[What, is it the Leader? Leader! Long time no see! How have you been?]

[Eak! Leader! Its me, Iira! Felson! Did you know the Leaders communication number? Its disgraceful!]

In the past, the Hero had erased the communication numbers connected to the members when he came to Rosenstark.

Contacting the members from the beginning of the fake role was too risky.

The situation was uncertain, with no clear idea of who the traitor was.

The members, suspecting such circumstances, refrained from contacting the Hero.

Now that the identity of the betrayer was revealed to be Ivar, the members were exploding with suppressed longing.

[Ah, Felson! Give me the bead!]

[Do you think you can get away with being injured? Come here!]


The screen shook as if it was about to collapse.

Felson, breathing heavily, reappeared after about a minute.

[You must have received an audience with Her Majesty, Leader. Were on our way to Rosenstark.]

The Heros head tilted slightly.


Werent you the only one coming?

[Some injured members insisted on going to Rosenstark instead of being stuck in the infirmary, and Her Majesty allowed it.]


The Heros mind momentarily became complicated.

The members of the Dawn Knights were coming to Rosenstark.

In terms of being able to offer various kinds of classes to the children, it was a very good thing.

Perhaps it could also help with his own training.

But there were also worries.

There will be a lot to worry about in many ways.

Coincidentally, by the time they arrived, there would be a parent-invited event.

The thought of the parents and the Dawn Knights bustling around the academy made his head ache.

Whether Felson knew his thoughts or not, he seemed very pleased.

[Seeing my son after a long time, meeting the Leader. It truly feels like going on vacation.]

Unlike his usual dignified self, he looked very excited, and the Hero couldnt help but smile slightly.

[Anyway, lets talk more when we get there. Im sorry to take your time, as Im sure youre busy.]

More detailed discussion?

[Theres something to discuss regarding the Eastern expedition.]

The Hero didnt miss Felsons momentary stiffening of expression.

All right, Ill be waiting.

Okay, then

Chattering voices pierced through.

[Leader, see you soon!]

[Please introduce us to your disciples!]

[Arent they our juniors, if you think about it!?]

[Wow, its been so long!]

For a moment, as various emotions swept over him, the Hero opened his mouth and then closed it.

Take care, everyone.


The communication was cut off like that.

The Heros suppressed sigh dispersed over the crystal bead.

Im going to be busy.

It seemed like he would need to resolve the Ivar issue sooner rather than later.

Would you like to access the sparring avatar list?

The Hero focused on his training once again.

It was around dawn when Mother Ghost came with unexpected information.

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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