This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 225

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:37 AM

Chapter 225

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Chapter 225

[Translator Night]

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Mother Ghost was confused for several reasons.

Firstly, even disregarding the bizarre existence known as Doppelgangers, she was puzzled as to why he would willingly reveal such massive secrets to her.

I thought you were trying to eliminate me.

The Hero replied casually, as if reading her thoughts.

I know more about you than you think.


Before heading south, there was communication with Barun.

She was the one who directly handed over Mother Ghost, who was once an orphan in Harlem, to the spy agency.

[TL/N: Author has used spy agency, ministry of shadows/spies and shadows for the clandestine department, Ive been trying to keep it consistent with shadows but sometimes other words fit the context more, as I have to change the sentence structure to fit in shadows.]

Barun decided that it was better for a child to survive under the heel of the government agencies rather than in a jungle-like Harlem, but

I didnt realize how harsh the agency was.

Barun didnt just call Mother Ghost an eternal guilt for no reason and paid attention to Nyhill for nothing.

[I was arrogant and ignorant. I thought it was the best choice.]

Of course, Barun knew some of Mother Ghosts past as well.

The traces that Mother Ghost herself erased completely after becoming the head of the agency.

During refuge, she lost her family to demons and drifted into Harlem.

Mother Ghosts eyes trembled slightly under her gaze.

They say the mouth grows silent with age.

Mother Ghosts target of resentment wasnt just Barun or the agency.

Because there was an obvious culprit.

Moreover, unlike in the past, there are many things you want to protect now.

Becoming the head of a government department from a mere agent.

Political position.

Dedication to Euphemia, who had been supportive.

The affection for the agency she had worked hard to raise and protect over the years.

Exposing my existence puts the things you want to protect at risk. And theres no benefit to it.


What benefit do you gain from widely publicizing that a monster is playing the role of a hero?

Mother Ghost realized that the fake hero in front of her had been preparing for this moment longer than she had thought.

For decades, a carefully constructed new nest will be laid under the heel of the demons you hate so much. Even the benefactor and support, Euphemia, will be in jeopardy.

Reasons why the Hero could easily reveal secrets to Mother Ghost.

Mother Ghost couldnt refute a single word.

The Hero smiled satisfactorily, seeming pleased with her attitude.

Now it was time to firmly tie up any other thoughts.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

And most of all, I dont think an intelligent agent like you would turn an existence like me into an enemy.

An existence like me?

If I want to hide, Im an existence that no one can find.


The appearance of the Hero changed again.

Mother Ghost watched the polymorph process with a mixture of fear and awe.

In an instant, the Hero approached her, changing his appearance step by step to faces she knew or didnt know.

There was no context to the order or form, like a dream.

I can move more discreetly than any assassin youve encountered in your life.

Several voices overlapped.

The voice sounded like an old mans, or a young mans, or even a childs.

If you dont want to spend your whole life being wary and suspicious of everything around you, you wont reveal my information. I can destroy every part of human comfort. As someone who has spent a lifetime in the agency, you understand what I mean.

It was literal.

Mother Ghost realized how threatening an existence that could change its age, gender, height, and weight at will would be if it harbored malice toward someone.

Moreover, judging by the Heros ability to replicate some of her skills, ability replication seemed possible.

She couldnt be sure whether she should form an eternal alliance with such a terrifying being, but it was a fact that if she let down her guard and rejected it now, she would face unprecedented misfortune.


Mother Ghosts confused expression gradually settled.

As if her thoughts were finally organized, she muttered quietly, staring straight at the Hero.

He was back to Teds appearance again.

Our second Hero is much more meticulous than the first and also more politically inclined.


I think I might get along with you better. Welcome.

It was an indirect submission.

Only then did the Hero relax his expression and step back a few paces.

The Heros final words were conveyed to Mother Ghost as she breathed a sigh of relief.

So stop harassing poor Nyhill. That kid knows nothing.

Mother Ghost nodded.

* * *

It didnt take Mother Ghost long to regain complete composure.

After asking the Hero about Ivars hideout, she immediately rose from her seat.

Ill be on my way then.

The Hero asked with a puzzled expression.


Of course, only the core components, not the entire thing.

Larze had come to collect it.

Anyway, enough gossip.

Now, wear the enclosed item.

The Hero looked down at the small black ring lying on his palm.

Apart from its unusually dark color, there was nothing remarkable about it.

I asked for armor, but why a ring.

Could it be an artifact enchanted with defensive magic?

He was puzzled but still put the ring on his right ring finger.

A strange warmth enveloped his entire right hand.

The operating method is simple.

When you infuse mana, iron thorns will protrude from inside the ring.


The Hero let out a muffled groan.

A trickle of blood ran down his ring finger.

Except for the abnormal blackened color, it seemed like the ring had changed.

Originally, it was intended to be plain armor, but Larze had opposed it.

Well, even the legendary armor was of this form, they say.

As for its function.

The Hero couldnt finish reading the letter.



This was because the dark iron mass that had spread out from the ring began to climb up his body.

The thorns invaded his hands and feet, then his torso, and even his face, forming an armor similar to the full plate armor.

The Hero looked around in confusion at his body.

There was not a single part showing bare flesh.

Gloves designed to slope in angles where attacks could easily be deflected enveloped his entire body.

Its light.

But strangely, it was exceptionally lightweight.

Even lighter than typical full plate armor.

The metal making up the gloves seemed to be some kind of alloy, and the actual weight wasnt heavy at all.

Furthermore, the minimal weight was evenly distributed throughout his body, making him feel agile and unencumbered.

To exaggerate a bit, it felt like he wasnt wearing anything at all.

Huh, is this all the functionality?'

The Hero read the letter through the dense visor.

Theres limited space, so Ill explain briefly.

This armor is crafted from a primal elemental spirit with the iron attribute, refined through magic, alchemy, and metallurgy.

It boasts overwhelming defense compared to conventional gear, along with its lightweight nature.

Moreover, it can automatically restore damaged areas.

Weve also added the function of an enhanced exoskeleton that enhances the users physical abilities.

Of course, there are a few other minor functions as well, so its advisable to test it before engaging in combat.

The Hero gazed with admiration at the crimson armor that enveloped his body flawlessly.

He could already feel how remarkable this collaboration was.

Second only to alchemy, Yussi and Pia.

Noubelmag, the legendary blacksmith.

And the touch of Larze.

It couldnt help but be extraordinary.

This collaborative work was named Boeun.

Wishing even a little assistance to the one who fights tirelessly day and night for the sake of all.

It was such an honor to be able to wield the hammer for the leader.

Wishing to see you again unharmed.

Below were signatures in each of their handwriting styles.

Your long-time comrade, Noubelmag.

Your eternal companion, Yussi.

Your secret friend, Larze.

Your faithful aide, Pia.

[PR/N: breaka mi heart ima eata pasta ]

After staring at those names for about ten seconds, the Hero stepped outside.

There was no time to waste.

And so, as he began the functionality test of Boeun and marveled at the dedication of its creators,

Im back.

Mother Ghost returned, looking weary, and stood before the Hero.

The curse?

You should have no trouble fighting now.

Thats all he was waiting to hear.


The Hero set off on his journey.

The ring clasped in his hand sparkled in the dawn twilight.

[Translator Night]

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