This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 227

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:35 AM

Chapter 227

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Chapter 227

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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Ivar couldnt understand at all.

It was a blow that he gave it his all in.

Just a graze was enough to explode even a large-scale demon, a blow of deadly power that would kill instantly.

No human could withstand it bare-handed.

Even if youre the leader.

Even before the strike, the Hero had allocated most of his power to the attack.

Because of this, Ivar was confident in victory.


The Hero stood before him, spilling dead blood from his mouth.

Ivars narrowed eyes scanned the Hero up and down.

Is it because of that armor?

It looked like an extraordinary item at first glance.

Especially the chest piece, despite being torn apart, was making clanging sounds as it clung together.

Armor that restores itself automatically. Could it be from the First Era.

As Ivar examined the armor closely, his expression hardened.

It was clearly unfamiliar armor.

But it felt oddly familiar.

More precisely, the craftsmanship of the armor, and the inscriptions of spells and enchantments engraved on it, were familiar.

The alchemy of Noubelmag.

The metallurgy of Yussi.

The enchantments of Larze.

They were comrades who had fought together on the battlefield for over a decade.

There was no mistaking their skills.

Ivar gritted his teeth without realizing it.

Youve gone through a lot.

His comrades had joined forces to face him.

He had anticipated this day would come, but seeing the result before his eyes swept Ivar with complex emotions.

Gloom, anger, injustice, and sorrow.

The Hero, observing Ivars contorted face, spat out.

Do you even deserve that?

The voice that came through the visor was cold.

Ivar let out a short sigh.

Fine, lets continue fighting.

As he finished speaking, Ivar checked his own condition.

Considering I took Horizon head-on, Im doing okay.

The wound across his left shoulder and chest was deep.

It wasnt life-threatening, but the tendons were injured.

For Ivar, who was left-handed, it could be considered a fatal injury.

It was the same with his specialty move, Strong Strike, being sealed.

He couldnt unleash a devastating attack like earlier.


The leaders condition is no better.

Even though he seemed to be standing fine, his momentum was noticeably weaker than before.

There are many ways to fight even if its not with fists.

In fact, grappling could be the answer.

Even with an injured arm, grappling was somewhat feasible for him.

Lets see if I can twist his waist and pull out his neck even with an injured arm.

People often judged Ivar as a simple and ignorant fighter based on his appearance.

But he was more like a cautious hunter.

Ivars eyes, preparing for the charge, gradually calmed.

I need to be careful.

A strange sense of unease.

He abandoned the thought of fighting like he did with the old leader.

The strange ice arrow from earlier, the superhuman recovery and endurance, the leader had changed in some way.

Has he been modified by Yussi or Larze?

First, get as close as possible.


Ivars calf swelled, and his toes dug into the ground.




Meanwhile, the Hero was activating one of the functions of the armor.

A few hours ago.

While waiting for Mother Ghost to return from the mission, he had tested many functions of the armor.

Among them, one added by Yussi and Pia caught the Heros attention.

The so-called potion cartridge.

A small space in the armors cervical part where drugs could be stored, and when operated, injected immediately into the body with a needle.

It was much more powerful and faster than orally consuming it.

So the Hero thoroughly searched Valbers void.

There were three cartridges in total.

Two contained high-grade mana recovery accelerators, and the remaining one contained an Awakening Agent.

It was used when fighting necromancers in the past, providing much more powerful awakening effects than allowed by law.

It synergized very well with Raviass combat technique, so using them together could squeeze the bodys functions beyond its limits for a moment.


The needle pierced his neck, and the drug was injected.

Vitality returned to the body that was groaning.

Mana began to accumulate in the mana hole that had collapsed from Halo, Annihilation, and Horizon.


It seemed like Ivar was ready to fight too.

Ivar, who lowered his posture as if he would charge at any moment.

His hands were wide open as if he were about to grab something, not clenched into fists.

It was obvious what he was aiming for.


Since direct attacks are impossible, hell go for grappling.

Ivars grappling is dangerous.

Its because its the martial art that can utilize Tempest the best.

Tempest fundamentally sweeps through Ivars body.

Simultaneously, a terrifying suction force emanated from the object.

The surrounding air began to be sucked in completely.

The suction force was so strong that it could even sweep away the weeds on the ground and the ice fragments on the ceiling.

The Heros intentions were impossible to discern.

But instinctively sensing the threat, Ivar rushed forward.



The wind didnt blow.

The Tempest that should have shattered the unknown object into pieces at his command was silent.

Not only that.

My breath

Breath blocked.

Ivar gripped his throat with his hand, looking at the Hero.

At that moment, the Hero was also facing Ivar and seemed to be saying something.

But strangely, the sound didnt reach Ivars ears.

He could only understand it by the shape of his mouth.

[This is the power of Cuculli, child of Dorempa.]


It felt like his prayers were being extinguished.

Ivar quickly turned around to break the wall.

But as he pulled his shoulder back to throw a punch.


Horrible pain emanated from his shoulder injury.

Throwing a punch was impossible.

With no Tempest now, could he really pierce through the ice of unknown thickness that showed no end in sight?

To make matters worse, his breath was getting faster and faster.

Left arm-targeting sword strike, close combat guidanceand that unidentified machine.

The Hero approached, opening his mouth.

[Ivar, your wind ends here]

When the Hero finished speaking, Ivar felt a strange emotion.

Contrary to expectations, fear, anger despair quickly left him.

It was nothing but a somewhat empty feeling writhing in his chest.

Its all in vain.

Yes, vain was an appropriate word.


Ivar took a fighting stance and glared at the Hero.

[Lets end this.]


And so, in the vacuum where there was neither wind nor sound, the traitor and the Hero clashed.

* * *


As the Heros mana depleted, the ice wall melted away like water.


There was only one thing standing.

But even he staggered and leaned against a nearby tree as if collapsing.

The other one lay motionless on the ground like a corpse.

Due to the depleted mana suppressing the injuries, ice crystals were spreading from inside the wounds.

Hot blood diluted as it touched the ice.


The Hero, looking at that sight, took a deep breath.

It felt like his body was being shattered into pieces.

No, it actually almost shattered into pieces before regenerating.

Colliding with Ivar in that cramped ice prison was something even Ted wouldnt have anticipated.

Even though all weapons were taken away, Ivar was formidable.

He twisted, throttled, and ruthlessly abused the Hero like a doll.

Despite the addition of Raviass martial techniques and the effects of Awakening, the Hero could never stand against Ivar on equal footing.


There was no Tempest.

Before the Hero could recover, there was no means to completely kill him.

No matter how much Ivar throttled, struck, or twisted, the Hero recovered.

He endured until Ivar collapsed from suffocation.

Some might call it unjust and lethal, but he achieved victory that seemed impossible.

A vacuum.

Without air, there can be no wind.

The solution to the perplexing problem was closer than expected.

If wind is the problem, then we just need to create an environment where wind cannot blow.

The unidentified object the Hero pulled out from the void was a vacuum pump.

Designed using the knowledge stored in the Iris of Laplace from the First Age and manufactured by Yussi and Pia.

By the tremendous output of the vacuum pump, the limited air in the ice prison was expelled into the void in a matter of seconds.

The Hero reminisced about the fierce battle.

Numerous conditions aligned for victory.

Preventing Ivar from breaking the ice prison by inflicting wounds.

Guiding him into close combat to confine him to the ice prison.

And surviving the hand-to-hand combat.

and so on.

If even one thing had gone awry, it would have been him lying there, not Ivar.

As the Hero slowly rose from his position.

Please come here.

Ivar called out to him.

The Hero stood before Ivar.

Ivars life was swiftly slipping away.

The only reason he still had breath was due to his robust body and lingering regrets.

Ivars black eyes gazed at the Hero.

After a brief silence.

Finally, his mouth opened.

[TL/N: I wonder what his story is and why he never had a choice]

[PR/N: Doesnt matter, he deserves death regardless.]

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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