This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 230

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:17 AM

Chapter 230

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Chapter 230

[Translator Night]

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Hello, are you a first year student?

Leciel turned her head in the direction of the voice.

It was a gentle and polite voice.

Who are you?

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a scholar and a sociable smile on his lips stood there.

With his slender figure, neatly groomed white shirt, and well-fitted beige trousers, he looked quite harmonious against the backdrop of the garden.

Are you a parent of a student?

As Leciel made a puzzled expression, the man chuckled softly.

Haha, Im also a parent of a new student. I arrived earlier than the event due to some circumstances. I was just exploring the academy.


Leciels guard softened as she replied.

The man looked around and asked again.

By the way, do you happen to know where the dormitory for new students is?

Since the dormitory is quite large and there are several buildings, if anyone.

Oh, my son.

But their conversation didnt last until the end.

It was because of the loud voice that came from behind.


A voice that echoed, it was Evergreen.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

She was also helping to prepare for the event.


Evergreen, who belatedly noticed the middle-aged man in front of her, was startled and instinctively bowed her head.

Then she whispered softly to Leciel.

W-who is that?

I was just about to hear that.

Ah, sorry.

The middle-aged man gazed at the two girls with a warm expression, then opened his mouth again to introduce himself.

I am

But he couldnt finish his second introduction.

Someone who popped out from the side grabbed Evergreen and pulled her back abruptly.

Evergreen blinked in surprise.

A broad back was visible.

It was a familiar figure.


Lukes deep voice resonated in everyones ears.


Ravias smiled brightly and waved his hand.

Well, son. Its been a few months. How have you been?


Are these your friends behind you? They kindly showed me the way.

Raviass gaze passed Leciel and alternately looked at Luke and Evergreen behind him.


Luke, startled, shook off Evergreens hand abruptly.

Evergreen looked up at him momentarily in confusion.

But Lukes gaze was fixed on Ravias.

Hmm Is he embarrassed because its in front of his father?

Luke tended to be shy, so it made sense.

Evergreen glanced past Lukes shoulder at Ravias.

Their eyes met, and Ravias smiled kindly.

Wow, hes really impressive.

It was quite different from what she had imagined.

Usually, when you think of a mercenary king, you imagine a rough image.

But the Ravias in front of her seemed refined and gentle like any nobleman.

Suddenly, a story she had heard in the lounge came to mind.

He rescued Luke, who was almost about to become a war orphan.

Such a grateful person.

With a broad smile, Evergreen stepped forward to greet him formally.

If Luke hadnt firmly grasped her wrist, she would have done so.

Evergreen also stopped, her face showing confusion.

Ravias took a step forward.

Well, ladies. Im sorry, but could I have a brief chat with my son whom Ive met after a long time?

Luke walked slowly forward.

His gaze still fixed on Ravias.

Leciel and Evergreen stood side by side, watching the two move away.

Leciels gaze turned to the clock tower in the garden.

Lets go quickly, times up.


But Evergreen didnt move.

With a strange expression, she looked at her wrist.

And after a short silence, she spoke.

Lets follow them.

Its been a year thats enough. If you waste three more years here, all the sweet fruits will be taken away by others, and youll end up chasing after scraps.

Raviass intentions became clear.

Lukes head spun.

So, is he telling me to drop out of school and join the mercenary corps?

For the first time, rebellion surged in Lukes face.

It wasnt the kind of willpower he could control.

Ravias, who didnt miss that, would have reprimanded him if this werent a public place.

As the boy stiffened.

Ravias smiled again, almost showing his gums.

Who pulled you out of the blood under your dead mother? Who brought you up from being submerged in blood?


From that moment on, your destiny as a mercenary was set. Your place is on the battlefield. By my side, as my son.

Raviass finger pointed to the buildings of the academy behind them.

Not in a toy-like place like this.


Leaving the stiffened Luke behind, Ravias walked forward.

His speech was mixed with hearty laughter.

If you really want to get out of my shadow so badly, there is one way.


You know very well what it is.

With trembling eyes, Luke watched his retreating figure.

It was clear what Ravias was talking about.


Dellum was a sacred duel among mercenaries, completely different from ordinary duels.

Once one side dies, its over.

And once a challenge is made and accepted, there is no backing out.

Those who withdraw from the duel face terrible dishonor among mercenaries and can never return to that world.

In other words, it was a duel that demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice even ones life to uphold ones will.

It was also a long-standing tradition, akin to the first rule among mercenaries.

Ravias glanced briefly at the shocked Luke.


Of course, Ravias never thought that Luke would actually apply for Dellum.

He just wanted to convey how determined he was.

Just as a fierce dog can never confront the owner who holds the leash from the time its a puppy, Luke could never rebel against him.


The confident Ravias, moments ago, remembered Lukes defiant look and furrowed his brow.

But if, by some chance, Luke were to forget all his lessons

In that case, its up to the person who committed such ingratitude to decide.

Ravias stopped and spoke.

Ill head back to the dormitory now. Lets meet again before the event.


Until then, enjoy yourself.

And so, Ravias headed towards the parent accommodation provided by the academy, while Luke watched his retreating figure and hung his head low.

And by chance, a fly on the wall that had been listening to their conversation happened to fly towards the library, its original destination.

* * *

Confirming that there was no one around, the Hero returned to human form once again.

They were near the library of memories.


The Hero had stumbled upon their conversation purely by accident, while on their way to the library without stopping by the faculty building.

He had heard every word from beginning to end.

I suspected that he wasnt exactly a wonderful stepfather, but hes even more despicable than I thought.

The Hero recalled Lukes delusions during the beginning of the semester.

Luke, who had become the protagonist of the memorials and pictures installed at the gate.

The memories of wanting to become a symbol of belief, goodness, and honor.

Hes far from being a mercenary.

A boy who didnt want to become a mercenary, even though he had been under such a stepfather.

Now, the Hero felt like they understood the real story.

How many unpleasant sights had Luke seen under such a stepfather, who had once been a mercenary himself?

Additional Comment from Luke Selsood:


Recalling the additional comment made at the time, the Heros heart sank even further.

What do I do about this.

Several ideas on how to deal with Ravias raced through the Heros mind.

However, considering the external situation and Lukes future, there was ultimately only one option.

The most difficult one but the one that could yield the most satisfying results.

Yeah, Ill have to do it his way.

After finishing the consultation with Rosalyn, it seemed like it would be necessary to find Luke.


The Hero entered the library.

[Translator Night]

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