This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 232

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:16 AM

Chapter 232

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Chapter 232

[Translator Night]

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In conclusion, Evergreen was unharmed.

Of course.

No matter how much he was Ravias, he couldnt harm her, a student within the Rosenstark.

It was just that the learned fear made her forget this obvious fact.

Cough, cough.

Where Luke arrived, a peaceful tea time was unfolding.

Evergreen might misunderstand something like that. Im Lukes father, but at the same time, Im the leader of the mercenary group he belongs to. Sometimes, even if it hurts, you have to be strict.

Ravias was trying to reassure Evergreen with such vague words and continue the conversation.

But Luke couldnt feel reassured at all, seeing that.

It was because he noticed some kind of warning from Ravias.

His father was always like this.

If you dont obey and do as he wishes, he threatens you.

Until now, Luke had often been swayed by Raviass ways.


Oh, perfect timing. I was asking Evergreen about your school life. She seemed like your closest friend, so I thought Id ask.

Luke? How did you find out about this place?

How did he find out?

Lukes back was sweaty as if he had been searching around the parents lodging area.

The boy stood still for a moment, alternating between Raviass smiling face and Evergreens worried face.

It wont work.

With a sigh-

Luke silently turned his back and left the place.




The Heros counseling office hadnt been opened in a long time.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)


Pia, who had a kind smile, put down the bottle on the table and left the room.

The sound of whiskey pouring into the glass filled with ice.

It was a gift from the Emperor herself.

Care for a drink?

Dont you usually offer tea?

I think this might be more necessary than tea today.

Luke chuckled quietly.

Youre generous.

The glass was soon emptied.

Almost simultaneously, the tip of Lukes nose turned slightly red.

The Hero quietly looked at him.

Honestly, he hadnt expected Luke to come first like this.

He doesnt like to ask for help.

Luke hesitated.

If he had to describe him over the past year in one word, he would be a self-sufficient student.

Growing up on his own.

Managing relationships with peers well.

Solving problems on his own.

Thanks to that, he had less stress and less trouble than other kids.

But today, it seemed like that exceptional maturity had left Luke.



Please help me.


Lukes eyebrows trembled slightly.

Dont you want to ask what it is?

Youre not the type to make unreasonable requests like Cuculli.

Ha ha. My request might be unreasonable in its own way.


The Hero filled the glass.

Lukes hand reached for it boldly.

Do you know about Dellum?

I do.

Im planning to confront my father with it.

The Hero remained silent for a moment.

He just stared at Luke with those dark eyes, as if gauging his determination.

Dellum is a matter of life and death.

Yes, I know.

Even if hes not your biological father, hes the one who raised you. Is it necessary to be so harsh?

It wasnt a criticism of Lukes moral character.

It was a concern about Luke having to fight with his stepfather.

But Luke clenched the glass tightly with both hands, lowered his head.

Theres no other way. If not this, my father wont let go of me.

The Hero stared at Luke intently.

It sounds like you want to quit being a mercenary.

Professor, I

A transferred assignment from the Mercenary corps youre still maintaining the first place.


Only then did Lukes pupils tremble as he realized the true identity of the dagger.

A Medium of Severance?

He hurriedly responded.

I believe theres still time until the score is finalized.

Yeah, since Im giving it in advance, youll have to work even harder to maintain first place.

The Hero shrugged as he drank from his glass.

There was a slight hint of amusement lingering around his lips.

If not, my dignity would be ridiculously crumpled.

Luke looked at the dagger on the table with a dazed expression.

How did he interpret that gaze?

The hero spoke calmly.

You should be able to familiarize yourself with the protection in three weeks. You probably saw how the previous owner used this ability up in the North.

Luke thought.

Even if he maintained the top rank in the assignments, giving the Severance in advance like this would lead to unfair treatment.

Its unreasonable.

If favoritism were shown, the Heros image would be greatly tarnished.

Even with a perfect reputation, there would undoubtedly be blemishes.

But the Hero seemed unfazed.

His demeanor stood in stark contrast to Ravias, who didnt even consider minor losses for Lukes sake.

Professor, I

Luke bowed deeply, unable to articulate his emotions.




The business was over, but the drinking session continued a little longer.

Trivial stories, various anecdotes about the past and academy life were the topics of conversation.

Lukes body swayed as if drunk.


He had a weak tolerance to begin with, and he was already on his second bottle of whiskey.

Im going to return to the countryside and marry Evergreen.

Sure, sure.

The Hero supported Luke, who was rambling.

It was at that moment that the boys murmurs reached his ears.

I suddenly had a strange thought.

His pronunciation was all over the place.

The boy slapped his cheek as if trying to regain his senses.

The Hero chuckled and asked.

What thought?

Luke seemed hesitant for a moment.

I was thinking how nice it would have been if you had picked me up

That statement stopped the Hero in his tracks.

Luke chuckled awkwardly.

I could have grown into a better person than I am now.

The Hero recalled an old memory.

He had said similar words to Ted before.

If only I had met someone like you from the beginning.

It was a bitter remark born of the cruel years he had lived as a monster unwelcome anywhere.

To which Ted had responded:

Even in the brightest light, there are people who close their eyes and turn their backs.

Eitrobin, Ivar, had been like that.

But even in the darkest darkness, there are those who chase after faint glimmers of light.

Thats how he used to be.

Thats what the present Luke was trying to do.

The Hero reached out and gently tapped Lukes shoulder.

Youll become a fine person.

Understanding of Luke Selsood deepens.

Understanding: 30/100

Comments will be added.

The One Who Emerged from the Abyss

* * *

With the arrival of all the extreme parents at Rosenstark, led by Lady Solintail, the Sword Master Zion Hiyashin.

So it was on a Monday morning.




The Hero stood at the podium, facing the classroom as usual.

He looked at the children, who seemed much more tense than usual, and the parents at the back of the classroom, their expressions a mix of interest and concern.

A large hand gripped the voice amplification device.

Now, lets begin the Extreme Observation Class.

[Translator Night]

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