This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 233

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:15 AM

Chapter 233

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Chapter 233

[Translator Night]

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The purpose of the invitation to the event for parents was simply to show parents what kind of learning and training their children had undergone over the past year.

This event was as important as the pre-explanation meeting in the first semester, as it could have a significant impact on future sponsorship and the reputation of the academy.

Therefore, the Hero had thoroughly prepared for it from the beginning of the semester.

In the case of Extreme, it was clear that parents expectations would exceed imagination.

Pia, during all future lectures and practical training, please hold the video recording bead and take pictures of the children.

With a nod, Pia understood immediately.

And when they are working hard we should also interview them when everything is finished, right?

The volume of the extreme lectures was tremendous, thanks to the variety of practical training and assignments, which were many times more than other lectures.

Since it was impossible to show all of this within the event period, the Hero planned to divide the observation classes into two ways.

First, they would introduce the contents of the lectures so far through video materials.

Then, they would directly demonstrate how practical training was conducted at the end.

Under the supervision of the Hero, the editing was entrusted to Professor Iveta Jambello of the Department of Mysticism.

Why do I have to do such a cumbersome task?

Iron Arrow.

Ivetas words, recalling the faces of two boys who thoroughly broke the magic of apprentices, were interrupted.

The Hero smiled slightly.

You made a bet on the outcome of the Battle Arena, didnt you?

So Iveta conducted overnight work for a week and produced work that satisfied the Hero.

The video being played in the classroom right now was it.

The classroom with the lights off.


With the majestic sound of brass instruments, the video begins.

On the spacious stage, the Hero stands tall, revealing his upper body covered with scars and tattoos.

Our opponents are monsters.

Monsters who threaten our peace and take away what is most precious to us.

I want someone who wants to see their end as my disciple. Someone who can sacrifice anything for that.

It was during the pre-explanation meeting.

The children unconsciously exclaimed.

It was a speech that left a deep resonance in their hearts.

How many times did they recall that moment when training was difficult?


The screen faded out.

The expressions of the parents watching the screen became quite intriguing.

Even Ravias couldnt help but smile secretly.

Quite grand for a lecture introduction. But after all, its just a class at the academy, how impressive could it be?

The orientation video continued.

Children consuming magic-nullifying potions and repeating sparring and stamina training.

The faces of the parents began to stiffen slowly.

Isnt orientation supposed to be an easy first day?

They pushed the kids that hard?

If they drank magic-nullifying potions, did they do such intense training completely unarmed?

When they complained about the difficulty in letters or communication, they just laughed it off, thinking that all academies were the same.

They never imagined they would see scenes of children trembling with muscle spasms and vomiting after drinking magic-nullifying potions from the beginning.

The Hero begins to push the children mercilessly.

The guarantee of survival on the battlefield depends on whether youve experienced extreme situations or not.

Gerald is brutally beaten by the Hero during sparring, and one by one, the children collapse to the ground.

Pia hands a sound amplification device to one of the dusty children.

What motivated you to support in extreme situations, Ban Dietrich?

Sweat pours down Bans face.

The boy, who was struggling to breathe painfully, managed to answer.

I-I want to change.

How do you want to change?

I, Im very timid and mentally weak. I want to become strong enough not to disgrace the name of the Dietrich family my parents name.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

You probably didnt know it would be this difficult. Do you really not want to give up?

I if I give up, I think Ill regret it. I will definitely succeed.

Yes, Ill support you!

With a smile on his face, Ban shows a gentle smile, covered in dust.


Laughter naturally burst among the children at the sight of the timid Ban, whom they were accustomed to seeing as mature and strong.

They had forgotten that he had such a greenhorn time.

Oh, no, why such a video

Blushing, Ban bowed deeply, then glanced at Felson standing behind him.


He thought Felson would laugh at him.

But surprisingly, Felson was staring at the screen with pursed lips.

I worked so hard today, so Ill be a better me tomorrow.

Even the mediocre student, Irene, said during training without despair.

Phew, I used to think I was the best But nowadays, Im amazed by my friends talents? But still, Im working hard. Aim to be a hero like the professor!

Gerald, lifting the spear engraved with the Heros signature, smiled proudly.

The parents were moved.

Theyve grown up so much. So much.

When did they grow up like this?

Im proud of them.

In fact, when they first entered the classroom.

There was a strange atmosphere among the parents.

They all had something in common, being parents of extreme students, but apart from that, there were clear differences in status and wealth.

But as the video approached its end.

They felt strong camaraderie and pride.

They laughed and cried, remembering the time when their children were by their side.

Your son helped our daughter a lot. Thank you.

Thats my pleasure. Youve raised your child really well.

When will you invite us to our mansion?

At the same time, the childrens shoulders rose slowly.

Whats this feeling of pride?

Wow, Professor really nailed it for us.

Wow, Moms face, look at it. Ive never seen that expression before.

Gerald sighed deeply.

Uhh, my parents should have seen this!

The end of the video was adorned with the Heros rugged handwriting.

For humanity.

We hope you continue to send unwavering support and encouragement to the children who will venture into darker and deeper places.

Thats how the video prepared by the Hero ended.

Applause, as if the classroom was about to leave, continued for a while.

The Hero returned to the lectern immediately after.

After a short break, there will be a tour of the training facilities.

Observation classes are given for two days.

Today, a video was shown, followed by a tour of the facilities.

Tomorrow, the plan was to show actual training.

After finishing his speech, the Hero glanced briefly at Luke.

As if the boy had made up his mind, he nodded with determination.

The parents invitation event was approaching its end.

In other words, it was time to apply for Dellum soon.

The time set by the Hero and Luke was right after the observation class ended.

It was tomorrow.


Meanwhile, Ravias was also staring at Lukes back, seemingly perplexed.

Hes aiming to become a hero, isnt he? Luke.

It was truly a pitiful thought.

Ravias talked amicably with nearby parents and made a promise.

Ravias resolved to leave with him from Rosenstark as soon as possible.

It seemed like he had let the reins loose for too long.

* * *

So, the first day of the parents invitation event ended smoothly.

After finishing the cleanup,

The Hero, who returned to the research lab to prepare for the second day, was momentarily surprised.

Pia also whispered to him with a puzzled expression.

Um There seem to be a lot of people looking for you today?

First was a note from Felson.

Theres a lot to discuss. If you have time, please come to the dorm.

Next was from Ravias.

Id like to discuss something as a parent. Please contact me.

There was also a message from Larze.

Need to communicate!

The last one was.

Its been a while.

She came in person.

As Pia whispered, she quickly stepped back.

The Hero, silently observing the visitor, nodded slightly.

What brings you here?

The former Swordmaster, Zion Hiyashin, with eyes resembling Leciels, turned towards him.

[Translator Night]

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