This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 234

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:15 AM

Chapter 234

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Chapter 234

[Translator Night]

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Silently sipping her tea, Zion.

The Hero sitting in front of her looked at her intently.

Despite his calm expression, he was somewhat bewildered by this unexpected encounter.

He quickly reviewed what he knew about Zion.

Fortunately, there is a lot of information

Even before Ted made his debut, Zion was very famous.

Before Ted appeared, she was practically the strongest fighter.

Her popularity among the public was so great that even a biography was published about her.

The Hero had read it before.

Exceptional looks and an excellent background.

Zion had many factors that brought admiration from the public.

But above all, what drove her popularity was the keyword effort.

The Hero recalled the early part of the biography.

When Zion was about the same age as Leciel, she didnt receive much attention.

It was because her Hiyashin brothers, born from the same bloodline, had much greater talents.

She even heard that her skills were overshadowed by other young warriors.

They even called it Hiyashins disgrace.

Graduating from Rosenstark in indifference, Zion immediately threw herself into the battlefield, continuing her relentless efforts and dedication.

And so, a decade or so later, she stood tall as the Hiyashins Strongest Sword in the Family Decisive Battle, breaking everyones expectations.

From being ignored as a troublemaker to reaching the pinnacle of a new sword master.

It was a story that people couldnt help but be enthusiastic about.

Even after being praised as the greatest warrior of her time, Zions efforts continued.

Though their relationship was strategically formed, her gentle husband passed away.

Leaving behind only a son and granddaughter, disappearing mysteriously.

Until her granddaughter became the only descendant of the Hiyashin and held a wooden sword instead of a toy, Zion lived only for the sword.

Until a young warrior with unparalleled talent brought an unexpected defeat.

It wouldnt be wrong to call it a cursed fate with Ted.

After the shocking defeat, Zion Hiyashin laid down her sword.

And she placed all her hopes on Leciel.

Though she suddenly abandoned everything at one point.

During a consultation, the memory of Leciels passing remark came to mind.

From that moment on, the Hero didnt see Zion in such a favorable light.

He didnt know much about parenting.

But he knew it wouldnt be good to pour out expectations and interest on a child in their early years, only to withdraw them in a moment.

The image of Leciel choking on her own approval and expectations, and her obsession with training, came to mind.

Zion, who had been silently sipping her tea, suddenly spoke.

Looks like youve heard my story from Leciel. Judging by the way youre looking at me.

The Hero nodded slowly.

Ive heard the gist of it.

Then this conversation should be quick.

Zion let out a brief sigh.

Then she got straight to the point.

Ive come here to ask you for a favor without any reservations.

The Heros head tilted at the unexpected words.

What request do you have?

Zion seemed to be about to say something, then closed her mouth again.

The Hero calmly waited for her request.

When Zion finally spoke, the atmosphere in the room was tense.

Fight me one more time. In front of my granddaughter.




A moment of sudden silence filled the room.

The content of the request was completely unexpected.

The Hero, wanting to ascertain its sincerity, looked at Zion intently.

She began her story slowly.

Im an immature person. Especially as a grandmother.

I wont deny that.

Expecting unreasonable things from a girl, only to turn away when they seem unlikely to be fulfilled, that was the image Zion had of herself in the Heros eyes.

Sensing the reproach in his words, Zion smiled bitterly.

In the time I havent seen you, your tongue has become as sharp as a sword.

But there was no sign of resentment.

She was rather positive, nodding her head several times.

Even if I think it over a hundred times, its my fault.


Still, if I were to make a feeble excuse, I didnt know what to do back then.

She had lived her whole life obsessed with the sword.

As a child, it was to fill the void left by neglect in her family.

And as an adult, it was to protect the hard-won glory and honor.

Even though I knew I was missing precious things, I couldnt let go of the sword. And before I knew it, that was all that was left.

Zion continued her story calmly.

Meanwhile, in the temporary accommodation for parents, a modest party was underway.

Extreme parents spent a pleasant time exchanging stories about their children.

Ravias, after choosing some influential figures and engaging in conversation several times, quietly returned to his room.


The moment the door closed.

The friendly smile on his lips froze coldly.

He irritably threw off his coat onto the floor.

Constructive conversations arent going on anywhere.

To Raviass great regret, the theme of the party was about the children.

Laughing and chatting, sucking up to each others children, was something Ravias found rather ridiculous.

I deeply regret sending him to the academy.

Naturally, Luke meant nothing as a son to Ravias.

The numerous step-sons in the mercenary corps were no different.

They were mere tools for building Raviass kingdom.

Tools to maintain, expand, and defend it.

Luke was simply the most useful and promising among them.

The problem is that if I leave it like this, it loses its utility.

Ravias recalled the footage he had seen in the classroom earlier.

In the footage, Luke was gradually changing from the person he knew.

How much I did make him into the most suitable version.

Ravias remembered the many things he had done for Lukes optimization over time.

He got rid of the mistress who was trying to act as a mother figure.

He personally taught him swordsmanship and martial arts, and entrusted him with missions to instill the proper mindset of a mercenary.

He even supervised the executions of subordinates who violated discipline.

And gradually, Luke was honed into a sharp tool of Raviass own making.

He had even gone so far as to consider passing on the mantle of succession, which was exceptionally satisfying for Ravias.


Ravias sat down on the couch with a displeased expression.

Tch, I need to come up with a plan to restore things to how they were.

His hand reached for a bottle of alcohol on the nearby table.

His gaze flickered towards the view of Rosenstark shining beyond the curtains.

Or more precisely, towards the professors quarters in the distance.

Raviass brow furrowed even more.

The Hero hasnt contacted me.

He had clearly mentioned having something to discuss as a parent, but this was an obvious disregard.

Ravias spat on the floor in annoyance.

In truth, he despised the Hero.

The same mercenary background, yet he acts so high and mighty.

Beliefs, righteousness, honor, justice.

Ravias felt that he was a thorough hypocrite, sacrificing his life for such illusions.

It seemed that Luke was beginning to be influenced by him as well, which he found even more displeasing.

Ravias shook his head bitterly and retrieved a stack of documents from a bag beside the couch.


They were new contracts that had come in.

Surprisingly, some of them were written in code.

As Ravias skimmed through the contents, his eyes trembled slightly.

Huh, how coincidental.

Ravias had been conducting a few projects quietly for years.

One of them involved artificially manipulating the direction of the monster waves near the Great Mountain Range.

A very lucrative contract indeed.

Since the client could redirect monster waves to another location relatively inexpensively, it was profitable.

Ravias could earn more gold than usual, and if the construction was done properly, there would be no traces, so there was no risk of exposure.


Of course, the territories the monster hordes headed towards would suffer, but

I dont care about that.

They were weak and deserved to suffer.

From the beginning, Ravias had avoided meddling with territories where the three families were strong, fearing retaliation.

Anyway, now, coincidentally, a contract had come in from an area he knew.

Themerin near Solintail. If I conduct business here, Solintail will become a mess.

The face of the girl who had been talking back to him just a few days ago came to mind.

And the sight of Luke hiding her protectively behind him.

If he accepted this contract, that confident face would surely turn pale with fear.

Ravias chuckled as he took a swig of whiskey.

Its risky to mess with the Heros disciple, but.

When a step-son doesnt listen, theres no shortage of negotiation cards to play.

Well, its unlikely to happen.

He would submit Lukes withdrawal application tomorrow and take him away.

Then he would bid farewell to this pitiful and hypocritical place forever.

Ravias closed his eyes as he finished the remaining whiskey.

He had no idea what would happen to him tomorrow.

It was beyond his expectations.

[Translator Night]

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