This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 235

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:14 AM

Chapter 235

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Chapter 235

[Translator Night]

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The second day of the invitation event started in a much better atmosphere than the first day.

The children, filled with pride thanks to the video of the Hero, made efforts to show their achievements, and the parents watched them with willing hearts.

And so, various demonstrations continued.

Intensive physical training as usual and practical training using various facilities of the academy.

Practical training using various ritual equipment made by Noubelmag also took place.

The finale was each party teaming up to subdue the monsters provided by the Monster Research Institute.

The Hero watched all of these processes with satisfied eyes.

Excellent as expected.

It was a repeated phrase countless times.

The children showed their skills without any mistakes, and the parents watched with admiration the polished appearance of the children.

They are like active warriors on the battlefield.

They seem much stronger than ordinary knights.

Oh my, what happened to our children over the past year?

With pouring compliments, the childrens expressions brightened more and more.

The only stiff face was Lukes.


The boy swung his sword.

It had been a long time since he held a sword, as he had completely changed his main weapon to a greatsword.

Feeling the unfamiliar texture of the handle in his palm, Luke remembered the advice of the Hero.

Your task in this observation lesson is to distract Ravias.

Hmm Should I conceal my full strength during the demonstration?


Luke recalled the Heros next words.

You should rampage like you used to.

He completely activated the martial techniques that he hadnt consciously used before.

Lukes body was engulfed in a red aura, and his veins bulged so much that they showed outside his clothes.

With congested eyes and a sudden madness, his pale face turned even whiter.


The head of the greatsword began to crush the monsters in front of him with the sound of a swarm of bees.

The audience in the stands marveled at the intensity of the performance.

The parents near Ravias even spoke to him.

Thats the famous Aureum Mercenary Corps martial technique.

Its really powerful. Id like to teach it to our family knights if I have the chance.

I heard that he created the martial technique himself Youre truly remarkable!

Ravias also had a not-so-unhappy expression.

It was because Luke had performed according to his way.

Satisfied narrowed eyes.

Luke glanced at Ravias and replayed the conversation with the Hero in his mind.

The you that Ravias remembers and the current you are completely different. You learned Felsons martial technique and studied my swordsmanship. And based on that, youve had countless real battles and duels with geniuses every day.

It meant to deceive Ravias as if there was no difference in skill compared to before.

Such a misconception in life and death situations would be fatal.

Moreover, he now had a secret weapon.

I can do it.

Luke tightly gripped the greatswords handle.

Life and death

In fact, even after deciding to do Dellum, Luke had wondered if there was another way.

Should he try to convince Ravias to stay in the West and handle the remaining missions instead of going to the East?

Wouldnt it be better to take a leave of absence rather than dropping out?

He would return after the Second Eastern War was over.

Even now, with so many parents gathered, he had imagined a way to expose Raviass long-standing abuse and ask for help.

But after considering everything, Luke could only give up.

These are all hopeless methods.


It wouldnt work at all.

A leave of absence was almost the same as dropping out.

Why did he follow him, knowing when the Second Eastern War would end?

The last option was to stay at the academy for the time being but Raviass retaliation would surely follow.

The remaining comrades in the mercenary corps or friends.

The relentless and cruel Ravias would somehow seek revenge.

In the end, the answer is Dellum.

The sacred duel, Dellum.

This was the regulation followed by mercenaries like national law, listed as the first regulation, and the rules and details were as follows.

Both parties must agree to start.

Once agreed, one cannot refuse the duel.

You cannot use a proxy.

If you refuse after agreeing, you will be forced to retire in disgrace.

The fight ends only when one of them dies.

As a winners grace, you may set conditions to spare the loser.

(But since it is usually treated as dishonorable, death is chosen mostly)

A guild witness must be present.

Before the start of the battle, any harm to the opponents life is considered a disqualification.

Once again going over the rules, a chill passed through Lukes spine.

Father will definitely try to kill me.

But what replaced the fear and tension was an unexpected emotion.


The presence of the beating heart was felt more intensely than ever.

There were memories of the past ten years flashing through his mind.

People screaming in agony at the gallows due to the necks of colleagues and the results of missions,

People watched in silence, not even daring to breathe.

Lukes mouth opened only after he regained his blank expression.

The son of the nameless, mercenary Luke requests Dellum from the mercenary Ravias Selsood.

The sound of inhaling and short cries echoed like an echo.

Even those who were not mercenaries knew what Dellum was.

It was a life-and-death duel, and once requested, it couldnt be avoided, a sacred duel.

The moment the boy uttered those words.

One of their lives was as good as gone.

It was then, in the back of the classroom, that the trembling guild employee stepped forward as if pushed by the Heros gaze.

He opened his mouth in dismay.

Hey, mercenary Luke! Why do you request Dellum!

Luke replied promptly.

To no longer entrust my life, my future, and precious things to those filthy hands.

The employee blinked his eyes tightly at the shocking answer.

Even though he has a long history as a guild employee, he has only managed Dellum a few times.

And even the Dellum between the Mercenary King and his successor.

Trembling, he turned to Ravias.

Hey, mercenary Ravias! Will you accept!

Ravias laughed slowly.

A fierce and cruel laughter slowly descended upon his face like a spider on a web.

Ha, hahaha, hahaha.

He, who had thought of him as a long-term pawn, was kicked by his sons foot and rolled over.

In front of numerous influential figures and the Hero.

This was the worst humiliation for Ravias, who had finally reached a not-so-funny position.

It was also a moment when the deeply hidden sense of inferiority exploded.


A powerful mana was contained in the laughter and echoed.

Everyone except the Hero and Zion grimaced and covered their ears.

It was the moment when Raviass sociable mask was completely removed.

All the calculations that had been swirling in his mind disappeared.

In their place was a terrifying determination.

Ravias nodded vigorously.

I accept.


As soon as he finished speaking, red mana swirled in his hands and quickly condensed into the shape of a huge greatsword.

Since its an initiation, lets start right away.

After Lukes dark eyes lingered on Evergreen, whose mouth was firmly shut, he turned to Ravias.

Alright, you bastard.

A fierce energy emanated from Luke and Ravias.


Approaching with their greatswords, the two resembled each other as if reflected in a mirror.

It was a critical situation.

It was then that Felson and the former Swordmaster sprang out between them.

Before Ravias could say anything, Zion spoke up.

We have no right to disturb your Dellum, but Now its in front of the kids. now there are children present. Do you plan to fight a bloodbath in front of children?

Felson intervened.

It would be best to schedule a separate time and place.

Raviass hesitation was short-lived.

In fact, fighting a slaughter in front of so many people was more disadvantageous than advantageous.

Although he had just tried to fight without reason, it would be better to do as they said now.

His ferocious face slowly relaxed.

Ravias nodded.

As you say.

Then, his dense eyes turned to Luke.

Are you okay, son?

Luke also silently extended his hand.

After exchanging a glance, Ravias and Luke left the practice room.

Only then did the suffocating tension ease.

Their bewildered gazes finally reached the Hero.

They were curious about what expression he, who could be called the responsible one, would have.

But the Hero just watched the back of the father and son walking away with an inscrutable face.




One day ago.

Its a big deal that youre asking me for a favor.

The Hero nodded slowly at Zions puzzled expression.

I didnt originally plan on it, but I need your help, Zion.

Its quite a demanding request for a rematch. Ill listen to anything reasonable.

After hesitating for a moment, the Hero answered.

Do you know one of Zeros blessings, Severance?

Are you joking? Of course I do. Ive used it as a reference a lot because its similar to the Heart Sword and its principles.

Then you probably also know how to use Severance most effectively.

Theyre both similar, so I suppose so. Even if Im like this, Heart Sword is something that I have been honing for decades.

The Heros eyes twinkled.

I need you to teach a child.

[Translator Night]

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