This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 241

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:34:04 AM

Chapter 241

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Chapter 241

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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The first three seconds were eerily quiet.

Then, suddenly, the sound of inhaling breaths filled the air.

After that, it was so noisy that I couldnt make out much.

If I werent in the position of a Hero, I wouldve surely blocked my ears.

What suddenly?


N-No, youre joking, right!?


Numerous questions and shouts.

Some even rose to surround the Hero.

The shifting gazes were fixed on him, hardly moving at all.

It seemed as if they were just waiting to confirm it was a lie.

It was several minutes before the Hero could continue speaking.

Is it all over?


Even Dante, with a lost smile, looked at the Hero with a pale face.

Ted probably didnt even see Dante stripped of his usual laughter.

That joke just now? Your joking skills are still dreadful.

I wish I could say the same.


Confirmation of the statement.

Expectant eyes, hoping against hope, turned back to the ground as the gunfire continued.

The Hero continued calmly.

Let me explain. During the process of defeating the Demon King, I sustained irreversible injuries.

W-What kind of injury is it?

In response to Yussis question, the Hero replied promptly.

Ive nearly depleted all my life force.


I hope you understand. It was difficult to achieve victory against him without any consequences.

There was no reply to any of the questions.

Some seemed to be holding back tears, while others stared blankly at the Hero, as if unable to believe.

One thing was certain: no one believed that his bombshell statement was a lie.


Taylor raised her head and looked straight at the Hero.

Tears welled up in her remaining eye.

You said soon. Exactly how much time do you have left?

The Hero stated the deadline he had in mind.

I might last for a year if its fast, maybe 2 or 3 years if its long.

In an instant, conflicting emotions swept through the members.

A sense of relief that the remaining time wasnt too short.

Yet, a sense of despair knowing the end was foreseeable.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, there was no one who could maintain composure.


White sword, Iira, couldnt hold back her tears.

It was heartbreaking to see her struggle desperately to hold back the tears.

Is there no way to extend the time?

Ive looked into it, but its best not to get your hopes up.

She collapsed, wailing uncontrollably.

Her behavior seemed overly informal in front of the Hero, but no one stopped her.

White sword Iira.

When she first set foot in the Empire, she was nearly sold off to vile slave traders, but Ted saved her.

Since then, she followed Ted like a father, or so the story goes.

The Hero felt a pang of guilt.

If I didnt expect these reactions, it would be a lie.

But even so, he had to make that bombshell statement.

Because it was necessary.

Recent crises almost exposed his true identity.

The demons were far more aggressive and cunning than anticipated, and in response, the Hero had to reveal quite a few weaknesses.

The fact that Mother Ghost sensed inconsistencies in his actions and harbored suspicions was evidence enough.

Surely, even the demon side, watching the Hero closely, must have plenty of doubts.

The worst part is.

The Demon King and the Great Demons Already Know About the Doppelganger

The Hero continued.

I plan to inform our frontline comrades gradually. But not immediately. We shouldnt shatter their morale.

Taylor took over the conversation.

She had suddenly pulled out a flask from her bosom.

Pumpkin-colored rum gurgled down her throat.

So, you came to Rosenstark a year ago.

Yeah, I intended to train successors.

To prepare alone without telling anyone

Taylor couldnt continue speaking and closed her mouth with a weary expression.

The Hero also fell silent for a moment, looking at the members.

Subtle and complex emotions overwhelmed them.

Initially, it was just regret for deceiving them.

But as he continued to witness their sorrow, an indescribable feeling crept in.

In fact, the emotions the comrades displayed were entirely justified.

Ted Redymer had died long ago.

The Hero made an effort to maintain composure and spoke again.

Anyway, while youre staying in Rosenstark, theres something I need to ask of you.

The members straightened up despite their sadness.

When youre feeling better, could you take care of the training for the disciples?

The members nodded silently.

The Hero smiled faintly.

As I said, theyre practically your juniors, so please take care of them. Teach them things I cant, let them learn a lot.

Most Dawn Knights had outstanding abilities of their own.

Their teachings could further the growth of the youngsters.

Apart from identifying traitors, it was also a great opportunity to prepare for when he left his position.

Anyway, dont worry too much. Im perfectly fine for now.

After the members suppress their emotions, they could discuss further.

The Hero bid farewell to the somber-faced members and left the lobby of the lodging.

They seemed to have many questions, but they appeared too drained to voice them.


He went out of the room as if about to leave immediately, but the Hero stepped into the lobby and leaned against the door for a moment instead.

The cold touch cooled his heated head.

In truth, this lie wasnt an easy one for him.

Given their expressions

Feeling uneasy was inevitable.

The words of Euphemia, when she first heard the plan, echoed in his mind.

Beyond the communication bead, after a long contemplation, she had suddenly said.



Are you going to be okay?

If things went wrong, he had to leave everything behind.

All the relationships and bonds he had built as Ted.

Faces flashed through his mind, and the Hero lowered his head.

Of course, Ill be fine.


The sound of footsteps in the corridor faded away.

* * *

Dormitory lounge.

The Extreme Kids sprawled on sofas and the floor, exhausted.

Ugh, this is tough.

We really need a break.

For the past few weeks, they had trained much harder than usual for the parents invitation event.

They managed to put on a great show, but exhaustion was inevitable.

But thanks to the invitation event, we have a break until the end of this week.

Im more scared of the break.

Me too.

I wonder what terrifying lectures the professor will prepare during the break


The kids, who were complaining, stopped at the notification sound of the connector.

[Unir Lecture, Extremes Notice has been updated]

The expressions of the kids, who nervously grabbed the connector, changed subtly in the next moment.

Professor for a day?

[Translator Night]

[Proofreader Gun]

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