This World Needs a Hero - Chapter 245

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:33:55 AM

Chapter 245

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Chapter 245

[Translator Night]

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The place where the rematch between Zion and the Hero took place was the Heros exclusive training ground.

Naturally, entry was prohibited for undergraduates, but instead of security guards, Kasim stood there with a smile.

Hello, Leciel, good afternoon.

He not only didnt stop Leciel, but kindly guided her.

Grandmother is waiting on the first floor of that building. Theres still over 30 minutes until it starts, so youll have plenty of time to talk.

Thank you.

Leciel bowed her head slightly and continued running.

As she approached the waiting room, her confusion grew.

A rematch.

What wind blew for them to make such a choice?

Leciel naturally recalled Zion over the past few years.

When Zion realized that her granddaughter was not as talented as she had hoped, she seemed to lose all motivation.

She even stopped her own sword training, not just guiding others.

It was a complete retirement.

Since then, it seemed like she had been compensated for the harsh years of effort and restraint.

She devoted herself to social activities like an ordinary noblewoman.

She seemed so comfortable, letting go of attachments and regrets.

Therefore, Leciel thought Zion had completely let go of any lingering feelings about the sword.

But why now suddenly?

Unless she could win.

The outcome of the rematch was as clear as day.

She lost ten years ago, and now she thinks she can win?

Leciel remembered vividly ten years ago.

It was so shocking she couldnt help but remember.

At that time, Zion was like the sky itself to her.

No one she knew doubted Zions strength.

But one day, a young man appeared, asking for a sword fight, and everything changed.

Dim moonlight.

A pitch-black greatsword.

The moment her grandmother knelt down and the Shape Shifter rolled on the ground.

The image was engraved in Leciels mind as vividly as if it were yesterday.

The desire to break the Hero took root deep in her heart then.

This is an unreasonable rematch.

Leciel gritted her teeth.

Ten years had passed since then.

Her grandmother had put down her sword, and the Hero had tirelessly traveled the battlefield, sharpening his sword.

In any case, her grandmother couldnt win.

The person who knew that better than anyone would be Zion, who had faced the Hero and his sword directly.

So why?

Inviting me to witness it too.

The clearest memory of that day was her grandmothers expression.

After the defeat. Zion didnt look at the opponent who defeated her.

Her endless gaze was directed towards Leciel, who had secretly come out to watch from one of the barracks.

It was a moment when many things broke inside her grandmother.

Why would she want to repeat that?

In the connectors message, there was an insistence from the Hero to attend the rematch.

He wouldnt have made such a demand without Zions consent.

Her mind was complicated and noisy.

The only person who could answer these tangled questions was one.


Leciel pushed open the door to the waiting room.

A calm voice greeted her.

You came?


Zion sat on the floor of the waiting room, looking up at Leciel.

Next to her lay an ordinary-looking sword.

Leciel realized there was something she needed to do before dispelling her accumulated doubts.

Use the Shape Shifter.

Zion smiled faintly at her granddaughter, who held out her scabbard.

No, there is no need.


Expecting her grandmother to accept the sword, Leciels eyes widened in surprise.

Zion, who was proficient in almost all types of swords, considered the Shape Shifter an effective artifact, almost a punctuation mark in swordsmanship.

She never expected her to refuse it.



The conversation paused for a moment.

Neither the granddaughter nor the grandmother knew what to say.

The relationship between them had reached such a level.

With a frustrated expression, Leciel clenched her teeth for a moment, then couldnt hold back the words she had kept inside.

Why are you doing this? Theres no way you can win.

She knew it was a remark that would hurt her grandmothers pride.

But Leciel couldnt help but say it.

I know. Achieving this level of accomplishment at your age is rare. But its still not enough. Its too lacking.

Anyway I feel terribly embarrassed for realizing these things so late.

Zion picked up the iron sword from the floor.

Leciel finally realized that it was almost time for the confrontation to begin.

She urgently called out to Zion.

Its the rematch. If its because of me, its okay now. You dont have to do it. I already know how you feel!

Leciel was very worried about this confrontation.

Losing to someone as a swordsman was not an easy thing.

Would experiencing that pain once make it less painful?

Now that she had reconciled with her grandmother, she could leave the task of defeating the Hero to her.

But Zion just smiled faintly.

This confrontation. Come to think of it, it wasnt for you.


It was for me.

Zions grip on the sword tightened.

I cant leave behind the image of a cowardly grandmother to my only granddaughter. I want to be remembered by you as someone admirable. So just watch.

Leciel opened her mouth in surprise for a moment, then closed it again.

It seemed like a hearty laughter was about to burst out.

She approached Zion and tightly wrapped her hands around her grandmothers.

Win. Please.

Without hesitation, Zion nodded her head.

Return the title of Sword Saint to Hiyashin, Grandmother.

Yes, that burden had always been hers from the start.

Pride filled Leciels eyes.

It was the first time in a long while that Zion faced her.

But still.


Ill defeat the professor too. Its my goal as well.

The same determination reflected in Zions eyes.

I believe you can do it, without a doubt.

After glancing at Leciel one last time, the former Sword Saint turned and left the waiting room.

* * *

Yussi made several personal arenas for me.

Among them, one was solely for duels, resembling a circular arena with a covered ceiling.

There are spectator seats for watching.

Since it wasnt an official match, there were no procedures for who entered first or anything like that.

I entered the arena first and waited for the former Sword Saint on one side.

The Hero and the former Sword Saint.

Compared to their fame as duelists, the number of spectators was modest.

Of course, if the rematch were announced, there would be a flood of spectators, even if they had to pay a fortune, but naturally, this combat was kept secret.

Kasim and Labin, as well as Pia, who was kept on standby in case of any injuries.


Here she comes.

There was a passage in the waiting room corridor that connected to the spectator seats.

Leciel arrived at the spectator seats, cautiously looking around before taking her seat.

It seemed like her conversation with Zion had ended well.


The former Sword Saint walked towards me from the opposite side.

Judging by Zions expression, I could tell her conversation with Leciel had ended well.

A relaxed face.

A face prepared for battle.


Words arent necessary, are they?

I grasped the Black Hope.

Zions posture gradually lowered as she saw it.

For a moment, a subtle emotion flickered across my face.

It could be described as tension, facing the person who was once called the strongest with a sword before Ted.

But now, it was irreversible.

And I didnt want to turn back.

Following Labins advice, while swinging the sword countless times, something kept touching my nerves, as if hinting at something.

Although I had realized Infinity Second form, I had a feeling I could go further.

To confirm that, this confrontation was necessary.

I took a deep breath and strengthened my grip.

Our gazes met.

The crimson eyes flickered intensely.

Even though they were distant, they burned vividly before me.



Simultaneously, Zions footsteps on the floor widened-

Ted Redymer!

When I blinked, she was already in front of me.

A glint of her smile brushed against the blade.

Ill show you the Sword of Hiyashin again!

Thats what I longed for.

[Translator Night]

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